"Three Legendary Cars" Trophy

  • Thread starter Grimm6Jack
Has anyone gotten the trophy yet? I read that the 3 cars for this trophy are ferrari 330p4, ford mark iv (ftw arrived today in the legendary car dealer) and jaguar xj13. Does anyone here own all of this 3 to confirm or deny if they get you the trophy?
Has anyone gotten the trophy yet? I read that the 3 cars for this trophy are ferrari 330p4, ford mark iv (ftw arrived today in the legendary car dealer) and jaguar xj13. Does anyone here own all of this 3 to confirm or deny if they get you the trophy?
Scroll back a couple of pages; yes these are the three cars that trigger that trophy.
Same for me too.

Got the trophy.

I confirm that the 3 cars are ferrari 330p4, ford mark iv and jaguar xj13
I'm probably a bit late to the party but I got my trophy this morning when I bought the Jag' 😁
As much as it kills me to drop 12,000,000 on a car that in all likelihood I am never going to drive and is probably not amazing when you do drive it... done. Just had to get the set :)
That should be a no brainer, you just have to put a lot of work in, to complete races,missions and sell cars to earn lots of credits. And driving clean races gives you extra bonuses which can come in handy.
Has anyone gotten the trophy yet? I read that the 3 cars for this trophy are ferrari 330p4, ford mark iv (ftw arrived today in the legendary car dealer) and jaguar xj13. Does anyone here own all of this 3 to confirm or deny if they get you the trophy?
got it today after buying the jag
For me the hardest was golding all the licences. The rest was just repetition.
Yes I see...but I found online so frustrating....with these penalties...there are drivers which know exactly how to push you out of the track without getting a penalty....but happily i've platinum now :)
Gonna be grinding Tokyo the next couple days. Need 7 million to get that Jag (and the prettiest car ever IMO), and the trophy
And then, there were tree.

And the Platinum Trophy!!! 😎
Big grats.
3 trophies left to platinum for me. The 50 online races one, the oval circuit one and the 100 photos one.
Probably will try the 50 online races one after I get all the cars I want. The other 2, cant be arsed.
Got my platinum this morning.
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Big grats.
3 trophies left to platinum for me. The 50 online races one, the oval circuit one and the 100 photos one.
Probably will try the 50 online races one after I get all the cars I want. The other 2, cant be arsed.

Didn't think I'd ever be bothered with 100 photos, seemed like such a chore. So I started taking a pic or 2 nearly every race I did, was done with it much earlier than I thought I would be and I actually quite enjoy taking photos now
Yep, finally got my GT7 plat as well. Not the most difficult of plats (personal opinion for me is a 6/10, and if not for the time-gate of 2 months between cars being sold in the LCD to get this damn trophy, it would be a 5/10), but still a worthy one.

finally, the hardest for me were the 50 online races.....not my favorite, definetly....
This isn't the hardest... Because you simply have to finish those races. Do 2 of them per day and in less than a month you get this. It was much worse in GT Sport where you had to get 322 race finishes, over 6x more races.

The beef with that trophy is that, for people who don't like to play online, it's a "bothersome" trophy more than anything. But it's still a "fair" grind. 50 races instead of 300 is a looong way.
I personally just did the races and the races only, didn't even bother with qualifying. Unlike Sport where I had to get quite a few poles and wins.

The other negative, is that it's a "play online" trophy, so you need to pay for a subscription to get it.

Over 14 years or so of Trophies being introduced in the Playstation community... It's about damn time that developers or Sony themselves make a RULE that ONLINE trophies should not be required to get the Platinum. Server closure and having to literally pay for it are two BIG reasons for that.

Got my GT5 plat in 2011 or 2012, lost my account that had it... Started a new one years later, and now I will have a 98% non-platinum GT5 on my list of games because I can't get 2 trophies that would only require 2 minutes to get them online because... server shutdown...
Yep, finally got my GT7 plat as well. Not the most difficult of plats (personal opinion for me is a 6/10, and if not for the time-gate of 2 months between cars being sold in the LCD to get this damn trophy, it would be a 5/10), but still a worthy one.

This isn't the hardest... Because you simply have to finish those races. Do 2 of them per day and in less than a month you get this. It was much worse in GT Sport where you had to get 322 race finishes, over 6x more races.

The beef with that trophy is that, for people who don't like to play online, it's a "bothersome" trophy more than anything. But it's still a "fair" grind. 50 races instead of 300 is a looong way.
I personally just did the races and the races only, didn't even bother with qualifying. Unlike Sport where I had to get quite a few poles and wins.

The other negative, is that it's a "play online" trophy, so you need to pay for a subscription to get it.

Over 14 years or so of Trophies being introduced in the Playstation community... It's about damn time that developers or Sony themselves make a RULE that ONLINE trophies should not be required to get the Platinum. Server closure and having to literally pay for it are two BIG reasons for that.

Got my GT5 plat in 2011 or 2012, lost my account that had it... Started a new one years later, and now I will have a 98% non-platinum GT5 on my list of games because I can't get 2 trophies that would only require 2 minutes to get them online because... server shutdown...
The counter argument is that in some games without them, it’s just too easy to get platinum. Doesn’t feel like much of an achievement. Just put in a few hours and some repetition. Nothing particularly difficult. GT7 is unfortunately by far the easiest GT plat which I felt was a shame. But maybe it’s as someone pointed out in an earlier discussion a couple of months ago, that big Sony games now kind of have to be quite easy for whatever reason.
The counter argument is that in some games without them, it’s just too easy to get platinum. Doesn’t feel like much of an achievement. Just put in a few hours and some repetition. Nothing particularly difficult. GT7 is unfortunately by far the easiest GT plat which I felt was a shame. But maybe it’s as someone pointed out in an earlier discussion a couple of months ago, that big Sony games now kind of have to be quite easy for whatever reason.

That's not counter argument at all, people who make the games can simply expand the difficulty or grind time of offline content.

Gran Turismo 5 for example has its ridiculous difficulty rating based on the offline trophies, and many people argue it's even harder than GT Sport. So difficulty can never be an argument.

Plus, even if it is difficult and you WANT to get the challenge, what can you do when the servers are closed or you simply can't afford the sub to play online? It's simply not fair... You can have Online trophies, just don't link them to the Platinum. It just makes no sense and literally KILLs the ability to get those Platinums.

And writing this I just discovered another 3rd big reason for the BS that is multiplayer trophies being a requirement for a plat:
- The lack of online players in the long run.
Some games don't last 1 or 2 years where the servers still exist and you have no one to play with because the game was either not good enough to keep it's playerbase around, which happens quite often really...
Most of the multiplayer trophies in existence require you to have other players to do those achievements, so yet again, another big reason.

Regarding GT7... GT6 for me was still easier than GT7. But both are far from GT5 and GT Sport... These two games in general are actually 2 of the hardest platinums ever. Both in terms of grind and overall difficulty.
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That's not counter argument at all, people who make the games can simply expand the difficulty or grind time of offline content.

Gran Turismo 5 for example has its ridiculous difficulty rating based on the offline trophies, and many people argue it's even harder than GT Sport. So difficulty can never be an argument.

Plus, even if it is difficult and you WANT to get the challenge, what can you do when the servers are closed or you simply can't afford the sub to play online? It's simply not fair... You can have Online trophies, just don't link them to the Platinum. It just makes no sense and literally KILLs the ability to get those Platinums.

And writing this I just discovered another 3rd big reason for the BS that is multiplayer trophies being a requirement for a plat:
- The lack of online players in the long run.
Some games don't last 1 or 2 years where the servers still exist and you have no one to play with because the game was either not good enough to keep it's playerbase around, which happens quite often really...
Most of the multiplayer trophies in existence require you to have other players to do those achievements, so yet again, another big reason.

Regarding GT7... GT6 for me was still easier than GT7. But both are far from GT5 and GT Sport... These two games in general are actually 2 of the hardest platinums ever. Both in terms of grind and overall difficulty.
Sure it is.

That said, I would without a doubt argue that GT5 is the most difficult Gran Turismo platinum trophy and it’s true that its difficulty comes from an offline challenge, Gold Standard and golding in particular of course the Sebastian Vettel X Challenge. Note, I don’t consider the glitchers as having completed it. Because, well, they didn’t.

While many struggled with GT Sport and the Sport Mode trophies there it’s not on the same level as GT5 despite requiring all those pole positions and wins online. For whoever doesn’t have the speed to naturally get them there was the possibility to tank your ratings and get it that way.

It’s just the nature of the PSN trophies and how games work that some after a while become impossible to achieve. Perhaps we differ a lot in this part of the discussion but I would have to be seriously naïve to believe that I could for example start and platinum let’s say FIFA 17 now (assuming it has online trophies). Who’s playing that? No one. And that’s okay IMO.

But sure, a compromise could be the way that Rockstar went with GTA V and its online part where Heists and Doomsday Heist were added afterwards as DLC trophies (even if base game has some online trophies, fairly easy though). In other words not required for platinum but required for 100 %. I’m sure there are better examples around.
Got the trophy even though I bought 1 of them first on the PS4 then the other 2 on the PS5. Now I wish all my other trophies would sync so I don't have to do lots again.
Sure it is.
It's not, I explained literally why my friend.
said, I would without a doubt argue that GT5 is the most difficult Gran Turismo platinum trophy and it’s true that its difficulty comes from an offline challenge, Gold Standard and golding in particular of course the Sebastian Vettel X Challenge. Note, I don’t consider the glitchers as having completed it. Because, well, they didn’t.
I think those glitches were also patched... Regardless, yes, IMO it's also harder than GT Sport, because as you said, someone who is above average can just tank his ability to play with lower ranks and just farm wins and poles that way... I myself started doing that after I reached A rank, where wins and poles started to really be hard to get, and if I kept up playing seriously I would only get those 91 wins in probably 1.000 races... No way would I ever do 1.000 races, just no... After I got those 91 wins, I still had to play to get the 322 races, and surprisingly without taking I won about 20-30 more races on A rank... In like 150 races. Which isn't bad, but had I not tanked my ability from the start

Thye trophies are still very difficult because it still does require you to be lucky as to who you get to play against (other players who also tank themselves) and the dirty drivers, and also the sheer amount of poles and wins needed... And not many people are above B rate which is the bare minimum for you to actually be "good enough" to tank and get those poles and wins within a reasonable amount of time.

On Gran Turismo 5, aside from the glitches that were? available, you really had to be insanely good to gold the Vettel challenges. It was a trophy that literally only the <0.1% could get... But still achievable through hard work and dedication regardless, as it should be.

Jesus, I remember sinking WEEKS doing the Suzuka over and over and over and over ... and over until I was able to put 2 laps together. And this was before the controller sensivity patch, which we got in a later update and on my second GT5 run years later it made it much easier, but still painfully hard. Probably the biggest effort I've ever put into completing something ever, I probably wasted more time trying to gold that event than completing some AAA games to 100%.

I may also mention that those were the only events in all of Gran Turismo that I failed to ever score even a bronze trophy on the first few tries (yes, tries, PLURAL). I really don't remember anything else where I didn't get at least bronze on the first or second try. This, also was patched later to be like 20 seconds off the gold time instead of like 4 or 5 so pretty much everyone who can keep the car on track can get bronze.

And this wasn't the only thing hard on GT5... The Grind to level 40 A-Spec was also quite ridiculous... And so was B-Spec but at least you could leave the console on and it would get the exp by itself.
And going through like what? Over 600 go carts just to get the 1.000 car trophy (I had about 400 at the end of the events of the game)... And when you buy a car you have to go through those painful load times and car animation... 1 minute per car... It took me another few hours across days of just pressing X and the D-Pad to get that trophy.

It's just the nature of the PSN trophies and how games work that some after a while become impossible to achieve. Perhaps we differ a lot in this part of the discussion but I would have to be seriously naïve to believe that I could for example start and platinum let’s say FIFA 17 now (assuming it has online trophies). Who’s playing that? No one. And that’s okay IMO.
Trophies should be unobtainable by being ridiculously difficult or, just taking a crap load of time (which is the difficulty itself). But still achievable by even a small minority of players who dedicated themselves to the challenge and grind.
Locking away Plats behind a "server shutdown" is just cheap, and is a no win for absolutely nobody... You literally only have to gain by making the online trophies extras instead of requirements for the Platinum.

sure, a compromise could be the way that Rockstar went with GTA V and its online part where Heists and Doomsday Heist were added afterwards as DLC trophies (even if base game has some online trophies, fairly easy though). In other words not required for platinum but required for 100 %. I’m sure there are better examples around.
Yes, I don't mind them being required for the OVERALL 100%, but the Platinum shouldn't be linked with them.
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Trophies should be unobtainable by being ridiculously difficult or, just taking a crap load of time (which is the difficulty itself). But still achievable by even a small minority of players who dedicated themselves to the challenge and grind.
Locking away Plats behind a "server shutdown" is just cheap, and is a no win for absolutely nobody... You literally only have to gain by making the online trophies extras instead of requirements for the Platinum.
Is it reasonable though, to keep servers online for very old games with online functionality that barely anyone uses any longer? Not really. But okay, you’ll argue that such trophies just shouldn’t be made. I get it. But respectfully I disagree.
Yes, I don't mind them being required for the OVERALL 100%, but the Platinum shouldn't be linked with them.
That would mean though, that 100 % completion is the desireable achievement and not platinum. Plat then starts to become a bit generic, which defeats the purpose, wouldn’t you say?
Hi, From whenever playstation started this "Trophies" thing, can't remember when it was, but I have never gone out to gain any, only way I ever get any is by accident, I don't intend to change after all these years since 1st playstation.
Is it reasonable though, to keep servers online for very old games with online functionality that barely anyone uses any longer? Not really. But okay, you’ll argue that such trophies just shouldn’t be made. I get it. But respectfully I disagree.

That would mean though, that 100 % completion is the desireable achievement and not platinum. Plat then starts to become a bit generic, which defeats the purpose, wouldn’t you say?
Bro, you are going in circles with me here. When did I state that the solution was to eliminate online trophies or to keep the online servers forever?
I simply stated that the online trophies should not be linked with the Platinum trophy. I wrote it in plain english.

100% trophy completion is not as sought after as Platinums, not even close in fact. Only a very small minority of gamers go to such lenghts to do this, many however do try to go for the Platinum since it's the most unique trophy and the TRUE game completion trophy of the BASE game. All other trophies are extras which you either pay for or are added on later in the game, which could be in a time where you had already left the game collecting dust.