If you could go to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

  • Thread starter MiuraSV777
I wanna go to Alpe d'huez because.....
So many place I'd like to go:

-Australia (I don't care about stuff trying to kill me)
-Iceland (2017 with some luck)

And I could keep them coming.

To live: Well I'm happy here. I just wish we had better economy.
Drive, with my wife, across 'Murica in our Corvette. Coast to coast to coast avoiding interstates.

(We drove together from Melbourne to Uluru in our Porsche 993, but that was last century's drive in another country.)

Photos below, sorry about the thumb!

My uncle and I are making plans about going to Russia in 2018, haven't decided where - I can officially add Russia to my list of places that I would love to travel too.
[main reason - to watch an actual world cup game at an actual stadium].
Teotihuacán :D

A nice alien planet with highly envolved intelligent and very friendly life.
I'd actually been wanting to see the Easter Island lately. Seems like an interesting place. 👍
if i had to pack right now, and leave this very instant and it was up to me solely

Bora Bora.

Just me, myself and the wife.

if she had the option to choose as well, it may also be Bora Bora but i really do not know her choice.

I want out of this stupid winter already! I hate snow!
Where I've been: (*cracks knuckles*)
  • Singapore (lived there for 5 years)
  • New Zealand (most recently-went twice last year)
  • Vietnam
  • Thailand (twice)
  • Vietnam (twice)
  • Hong Kong
  • France (twice)
  • Andorra
  • UK
Where I'd like to go:
  1. France (I would like to go to Villers-Bretonneux in 2018 and pay tribute to the soldiers who fought there-including my great-granduncle)
  2. Croatia (place of my ancestry-preferably to Dubrovnik first being the set to King's Landing in Game of Thrones ;))
  3. Japan (especially Tokyo and Kyoto-would like to try skiing as well)
  4. Italy (another place of my ancestry-preferably North)
  5. Andorra and Spain (especially Barcelona-some friends of my families who live in Singapore are Catalan and have encouraged us to go)
  6. South America (either Argentina or Brazil, don't know yet)
Ultimately I would like to travel to every continent, which is something my dad has done (except Antarctica)