If you woke up as the President of Polyphony Digital..?

In an attempt to break from all the complaining and arguing, I pose this question:

If you went to bed tonight and woke up the president of Polyphony Digital what would be on top of your "to do" list?

Me, I would spear head our new GT spin off project, "Codename: Cops and Robbers". It would be a player vs player open world driving MMO based off of GT driving physics.

It would have big sprawling cities, with highways and express way. Huge parking lots/garage(or car parks, lol) begging for congregation and impromptu event planning.

It would be totally PvP. Players would choose to be a racer or a cop(new and exciting, I know!:dopey: ). Racers would start off as street racers, racing in events made up by players, betting money to build a complete and customized race car(yes livery editor!) which they can import into GT5(or 6). Alternatively, player could chose to be a wheel-man.

Wheel-man would be mission based, expect everyone involved would be an actual player. The wheel-man player would be assigned to take package A to locations C(and things of the like), meanwhile the cop player would be assigned a mission to stop the wheel man.

The Cop, on the other hand, would also be mission based as stated above. The player would start off as a street cop, pulling people over and busting up street races and eventually work their way up to detective, where they can go undercover, infiltrate street races to organize raids.

It would end up being a ridiculously massive and ambitious game that would take some time to complete. If Sony was to come to me talking about needing have this done by this time, I would threaten to sell it all to M$!

It would probably be Shenmue all over again, but I would still give it a shot.

EDIT: THIS IS NOT A "WHATS WRONG WITH GT5" TOPIC. You're the president of the entire company, you can do whatever you want, including a reboot of the serious. Imagination people, lets us it.
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I would tell them next time they had better finish the damn game BEFORE it's released or they're all fired!
I would prioritize my ENTIRE development team to add in 200+ new A-Spec events (not Seasonals) to add PERMANENTLY to the game. See my sig. It is the ONLY thing driving most of the whining on this forum.

I would not rest, I would not sleep, I would not go driving real race cars around until I could hold my head up and look people in the eye that played GT4, and expected something as good when they gave me their hard earned cash for GT5.

And if I felt no need to do that at LEAST, I would eye that katana on the wall, and think that seppuku might be the right thing to do..!
- Add more UK tracks (Rockingham, Silverstone, Brands Hatch etc.)
- add something like 50 hot hatches to be premium cars
- Beat up EA for the Porsche licence
- Hi-Res textures for standards (and possibly cockpit view)
- Bodykits, wheels, exhausts for standards
- Allow standards to be taken to photo travel locations
- speaking of photo travel, add more locations!

That's just the top of the to-do list. :)
First thing I would do is fire Kaz and all his team.

Second - Move PD to Europe where they appreciate real cars and history of racing.

Third - Hire an American team to help with game development. Also I am from the US and would like to see more America cars.

1000 cars = 600 European, 280 American, 120 Asian
Arrange to have Kaz and the Pres. of Sony meet me in w/e meeting room at PD

Then proceed to beat some sense into them...

6+ years and this is what we get ?, I don't think so :grumpy:

No more side-track bull racing adventures for Kaz, no more sales-boosting from Sony, Either they hunker down and make GT6 blow our minds, or they get replaced. :sly:

(harsh ?, so what)
Buy copies of FM3 for everyone including the secretaries and janitors. Send them home for 2 weeks to get to level 30. Fire those who don't make it. Then tell them to copy EVERYTHING and try to make it better.
I would hire Forza's livery editor team and IRacing's physics department. Then i'll get NFS's PR team on side as well. ForzaGT 'the ultimate driving simulator'.
I would tell them next time they had better finish the damn game BEFORE it's released or they're all fired!

It's funny. For six months we couldn't post a story on our blog without someone commenting "Release the damn game" all over it.
I would include all new A Spec races and increase A and B Spec levels to a maximum of 100, instead of 40. I would also add more cars and race series, as well as a few new tracks and special events, as well as release some new PSN Avatars with a GT theme.
Good thread.

1First and foremost, implement MLAA for the anti aliasing. The PS3 games that use it are insanely good looking. This will allow more resources for environmental details.

2. Add 10 more tracks and variations.

3. Make the standards premium as this won't be ovewhelmingly hard with the repeats and similar models.

4. Add more ASpec events as this shouldn't be too difficult.

I have this feeling that most of this willl make it to GT6. They already have the foundation.
O man what wouldnt I do
I would take parts list from Nitto 1320
Take livery from forza and Porsche
Make 600 premium cars instead of 1000 cause there's really only that many cars in gt5
Add almost all the famous courses from Europe, Japan, and America
Make me and BOB race together as a team like grid
Add damage system from grid
Add a dyno
Have event maker
Add some sandbox game play
And then make all the employees from PD play through gt5 as it is now all the way to lv 40 ( a spec and b spec) as there punishment
It's funny. For six months we couldn't post a story on our blog without someone commenting "Release the damn game" all over it.

I had never even noticed the GT series before I bought this game for my son. I will admit to being addicted to it, but if I had known what a flawed mess it was before I bought it, I would have passed. Even with all the screaming to get it released, PD still should have said 'Sorry, not ready...' instead of rushing it out for Christmas. The only reason I can think of for them doing it is they would have had to close their doors without the Christmas money.

Will I buy GT6? Certainly not until I check the boards and see if they pull the same nonsense as they did with GT5.
For god sake...

If i woke up as the President of PD i'd tell all of my "loyal" fans to keep there mouth shut because they have no idea how difficult or how much time goes into making this game. And if your life revolved(s) Waiting for GT5 or playing GT5 than that's quite sad.

Go to graphic design school, learn how to do this, come get yourself a job at PD and make it they way you want it. 👍
For god sake...

If i woke up as the President of PD i'd tell all of my "loyal" fans to keep there mouth shut because they have no idea how difficult or how much time goes into making this game. And if your life revolved(s) Waiting for GT5 or playing GT5 than that's quite sad.

Go to graphic design school, learn how to do this, come get yourself a job at PD and make it they way you want it. 👍

Actually, I DO know what goes into it. I know it doesn't take six years to do something as Jaw Dropping as the Modern Warfare series and don't give me that 'it's different' garbage.
I would spinoff multiple games targeted at different audiences.

I would spinoff multiple games based on GT5. Some would target the casual player and some the hardcore player.

GT5 Nascar. GT5 Rally. GT5 Hot Pursuit. GT5 Open World.

I would demand a livery editor and more crash realism.
If I woke up as the top tog at PD, the first thing I'd probably do pop a bottle of champagne and go chase some pretty Japanese girls.

After I sobered up and found my pants, I'd start to delegate responsibilities. Seems like PD can really use a dose of 'high speed, low drag' management. Whether this means shopping out responsibilities such as car imaging, or track imaging, coding, whatever...it should be handled by whoever can do the best job, for the lowest price, in the shortest amount of time. Handling everything in-house may be trying to fit 10lbs of stuff in a 5lb bag.

There's problems, no doubt...just need to have an outsider identify them and weigh the costs & risks to have a more lean & mean company.
For god sake...

If i woke up as the President of PD i'd tell all of my "loyal" fans to keep there mouth shut because they have no idea how difficult or how much time goes into making this game. And if your life revolved(s) Waiting for GT5 or playing GT5 than that's quite sad.

Go to graphic design school, learn how to do this, come get yourself a job at PD and make it they way you want it. 👍

Woah! This is just meant to be an ideas thread about something thats almost never going to happen. No reason to get annoyed by it. It's like if i asked you what would you spend money on if you won the lottery? You wouldn't get annoyed about that would you?
For god sake...

If i woke up as the President of PD i'd tell all of my "loyal" fans to keep there mouth shut because they have no idea how difficult or how much time goes into making this game. And if your life revolved(s) Waiting for GT5 or playing GT5 than that's quite sad.

Go to graphic design school, learn how to do this, then go get yourself a job at PD and make it they way you want it. 👍

I hear you man which is why I listed things I felt would be realistic. It's impossible to add every feature from every other racer. I think the people who need those features should go and play THOSE games.
I'd check my bank account then hit the garage and say to hell with all these internet A-holes for today. VVVRRRRRRROOOOOOOOMM!
Woah! This is just meant to be an ideas thread about something thats almost never going to happen. No reason to get annoyed by it. It's like if i asked you what would you spend money on if you won the lottery? You wouldn't get annoyed about that would you?

Let it go. You know how Fanboys are...
For god sake...

If i woke up as the President of PD i'd tell all of my "loyal" fans to keep there mouth shut because they have no idea how difficult or how much time goes into making this game. And if your life revolved(s) Waiting for GT5 or playing GT5 than that's quite sad.

Go to graphic design school, learn how to do this, come get yourself a job at PD and make it they way you want it. 👍

Pretending there's such a thing as a 'loyal fan' is what has got PD into this mess. If they thought for one minute that this mess of a game MIGHT be played by people with any critical faculties at all, they might have tried harder to make it better (at least equal to GT4, for starters).

And yes, I can pull 100+ new events out of my 🤬 in an afternoon. If PD haven't employed someone with even MY limited imagination and ability, then yes, they SHOULD all be fired.
Woah! This is just meant to be an ideas thread about something thats almost never going to happen. No reason to get annoyed by it. It's like if i asked you what would you spend money on if you won the lottery? You wouldn't get annoyed about that would you?

If i'm not mistaken there has been threads similar to this, or discussions about this in general. This whole forum is an "idea" thread. And that's what im getting at. If you have such good idea's take them to Japan, then to PD and make them happen.

Sitting here typing away saying what you would if you were president isn't helping anything. It's a GT wet dream with your eye's open. I can only imagine how Kaz sit's back and laughs at some of the things we discuss about his game.

He's already got all of our money. He could really care less what we think. If he did. Him and tanslator-san would be on this site and many others looking for input as to what should come to GT5 or what should be in GT6.

Let's face it guy's. The man is gonna make the game how he wants it. And that's never gonna change.