If you're british have a look at this

Ever heard of April Fool's day?

whoops! :dunce:

slipped up there! didn't even notice the date.

Mind you doesn't seem an unlikely thing for Europe to impose on us, yahoo better be careful might giving brussels ideas
Oh yeah of course they're gonna go ahead and rename the Isle of Mann?

on the re-read of the article I can see it is fairly obvious that it's an april fools but where they mentioned places like blackburn, i just didn't click, but i seem to remember something about , not from the EU, blackboards/chalkboards.
Let's pick the article, shall we? :D

Black day as EU fools with place names

The German commissioner, Arlo Pilof

Under European rules going back to 1986, a quorum of four member state commissioners have the right to table what is known as a "L.I.L Proof A"

The four commissioners tabled the L.I.L Proof A in December and today the legislation will go before a committee of ten commissioners. It is expected to be law by 1 April, 2006.

"It's as if these people sat there all day and made up this stuff."

Go and sit in the corner.
lol yeah i know there are many funny clues slipped in. The title was a def give away, that's when i glanced at the date posted :indiff: :sly:

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