IFTC: Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter baxnimis
i was told to join and post a thread here saying im intrested in joining, what happens next lol?

Just drop me form the race! Sorry for the trouble GRIM! GTP_FLASH48

@ Markyboy, If your want to join the GT Planet Team, you need to speak to me. The best way would be to post it in the following GT Planet Team thread.


@ Flash,

Whats up? Why drop you from the team?

Cheers Jamie (Grim Reaper) 👍
hi, why doesn't appear the botton of "New entry"? more of drivers can't register their times on database :S
hi all
Sorry, but nobody of us can post our time.

Peu d'entre nous comprennent l'anglais, aucun l'allemand.
même parmis ceux qui comprennent l'anglais aucun n'a compris comment se connecter et ajouter un temps.
Donc si personne ne nous indique un moyen simple de faire, ce sera sans nous dommage, car nous trouvions l'idée très bonne, mais si c'est pour se prendre la tête, non merci, nous sommes avant tout là pour nous amuser et nous gfaire plaisir.
hi, why doesn't appear the botton of "New entry"? more of drivers can't register their times on database :S

hi all
Sorry, but nobody of us can post our time.

Peu d'entre nous comprennent l'anglais, aucun l'allemand.
même parmis ceux qui comprennent l'anglais aucun n'a compris comment se connecter et ajouter un temps.
Donc si personne ne nous indique un moyen simple de faire, ce sera sans nous dommage, car nous trouvions l'idée très bonne, mais si c'est pour se prendre la tête, non merci, nous sommes avant tout là pour nous amuser et nous gfaire plaisir.

I actually sent your problems to dreherkoenig! He isn´t online right now, but will immediately get a message when he goes on ;)
(sorry for double post)

@ rootbe and gagbergag

I just have seen that you teamcaptain hadn´t registered you in our db.
After he had done this you must be able to post times ;)


OldOct 29 2008, 7:34 PM #1
Under Construction

We will be using the GTRP database to handle results posting, scoring, and replay upload and verification.

In order to get started, every participant will need to get an account with the GTRP database:

Instructions are available in both German and English on the site. When you sign up, please use your GTPlanet forum name as your registered name in the GTRP events database. If you do not have a GTPlanet forum name, use your home forum name.

Teams will be set up shortly, and team captains will need to add their racers with their teams.

Once you have an account, you can log in and view the database home page at:

The IFTC event listing can be found here:


have a look.


  • race db 1.jpg
    race db 1.jpg
    47 KB · Views: 33
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Rudi, could you please change my GTRP registered name, from hyperuk to GTP_hyperuk. Thanks.
The last team has been added : "IFTC | OTHK".
The teamcaptian of this team has been changed from BALROGSUB to GVilleneuve83 as requested by baxnimis.

@all: Like PsychoGT and Rudi Raser already stated: If you're not listed in any team as member, you will be not able to post a time!
Please contact your teamcaptain in such a case.
Sorry if it already been said but.. when can we expect race #2?
Previously 03/11 was the the D day, anything changed ?
No offense, I understand that it is a lot of work but I just can't stand Fuji Speedway, that's why I asked, and that's why my time will not be competitive (set not late than 24h after topic start AFAIR)
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I registered at GTRP for what ever the needed reason
I can't log in though.:odd: It's mostly in Deutsch so I can't read it.
Hi all
Why dont we see how has PAD or WHEEL ?

You can't see WHEEL or PAD

when you ENTRY your time you choose between LENKRAD (Wheel) or PAD (PAD)

so... you can't see it but that item is in database 👍
You can't see WHEEL or PAD

when you ENTRY your time you choose between LENKRAD (Wheel) or PAD (PAD)

so... you can't see it but that item is in database 👍

I will modify the list to show the steering type.

I registered at GTRP for what ever the needed reason
I can't log in though.:odd: It's mostly in Deutsch so I can't read it.

I've send you an email. Please reply and include a kind of detailed error report. At the moment, i don't have a clue where and what the problem is... :bowdown:
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I've send you an email. Please reply and include a kind of detailed error report. At the moment, i don't have a clue where and what the problem is... :bowdown:

He might be trying to log in to the GTRP forums which are separate from the DB. I did the same thing a few times myself before I figured out that I was trying to log into the wrong site.
...that might could be !

please check the answer e-mail you got.

if the Sender was from gtrp.de you have registered in the board!
If he/it was from gtdb@gtrp.de you have entered the race db.

Dreherkoenig was faster :D
Vaxen thanks for the Replay copy info :)
One question only - if I use Japanese version of the game filename should contain "jp" or "ntsc" or "ntscjp" ? This had been said probably but can't find it...