I'm a fat, stupid, lazy American.

  • Thread starter Sage


Staff Emeritus
United States
United States
I sure am.

I eat all friekin' day, I can only run 10 miles at once, and I weigh a whoppin' 120 pounds. I'm off the scale for the Body Max Index average for a healthy person (below it, in fact), and I can't fit into my pants anymore (I'm getting taller). I'm an utter fatass.

I'm stupidly stupid. I only have a 4.3 GPA, which would shame anybody outside of the U.S. (right?). I've only read a couple hundred books in the past few years, my favorite word is "tergiversation" (pitiful, ain't it?), and I didn't learn the difference between "its" and "it's" until 2nd grade. As a sophomore, I'm so behind that I'm only in Honors Pre-Calculus, and got a mediocre 101% for my final grade. I can tell you off the top of my head what sin√2/2 is, but so can any idiot from outside of America. I have no clue what common sense is, high humor befuddles me, and I don't understand Shakespeare's writing the first time through when reading it. I'm an utter dumbass.

And oh, the laziness! I watch a whole hour of TV per week, I'm slower than the Varsity guys on my Cross Country team, and I load most of the things in the car for my mom (I should be loading everything!). Instead of doing something productive, I spend my free time reading W3C standards for XHTML and CSS, or I try to learn new things about Fireworks/Dreamweaver MX. I sleep-in until 5AM each day, and I go to bed early (usually 12PM), or if I'm lucky and don't have much homework, then 11PM. I'm such a lazy-ass.

I'm a fat, stupid, lazy American, and I should be ashamed.
Originally posted by Sage

I'm a fat, stupid, lazy American, and I should be ashamed.

Did you know that European people can actually change the weather, while we Americans are stuck just predicting it? That's what TurboSmoke tells me, and he's a very reliable, unbiased source for this type of thing.
For cryin out loud Sage. :mad: You are such a disgrace. How can you call yourself an American after the things, or should I say the lack of things, you have done?
You are barely worthy of being pond scum.
You disgrace not only yourself, but the rest of us Americans, in front of the whole world.

Your parents should be hog tied and shot repeatedly for letting you be such a drain on our society.
May you wallow in your short commings for the rest of your days.

Did you know that European people can actually change the weather, while we Americans are stuck just predicting it?

Doug, I too, hope that one day we may be able to acheive the level of greatness that are Europeans.
Heh heh, humor aside ;), I would like to hear what the anti-Americans have to say about this (BTW, if you didn't read the Mars thread, this is a bit of a spinoff from Duke's soapbox, and I figured it was worth its own topic).

And Doug, you know they can't control the weather, no matter what the Queen Mum says. I can though. For example, I'm going to make it rain in California during the weekend, just you watch!
Originally posted by Sage
And Doug, you know they can't control the weather, no matter what the Queen Mum says.

She's been dead 3 years... Can't you people leave her alone? :lol:

Actually, we "Europeans" (*spits word out in disgust*) CAN control the weather. As long as it's rain, or overcast that you want.
Originally posted by boombexus
Doug, I too, hope that one day we may be able to acheive the level of greatness that are Europeans.
It's only the titanic struggle in pursuit of that vain but seductive hope that keeps Americans moving at all. As a nation we just hope that some day, some way, people from other countries will actually smile at us as they take our money.
Um, no one here is suggesting double standards and lack of context is ever used when judging America or its government, are they? I hope not. That would be being defensive. Shame.
Originally posted by Famine
She's been dead 3 years... Can't you people leave her alone? :lol:

Actually, we "Europeans" (*spits word out in disgust*) CAN control the weather. As long as it's rain, or overcast that you want.
Lol you're not a european, you dont even use Euros, ****ing British Pound-Sterlintg thinks its so good. I shouldnt badmouth the mother-country like this though... Alan Shearer is a champion.
Originally posted by neon_duke
It's only the titanic struggle in pursuit of that vain but seductive hope that keeps Americans moving at all. As a nation we just hope that some day, some way, people from other countries will actually smile at us as they take our money.
Oh we smile at you as we take your money, tourism is the life-blood of the industry. (Lol i just realised its the tourism industry)
I have nothing against americans as people, I have something against your governments foreign policies. Who the **** gave George W. the devine right to **** up any country he sees fit to take oil from? I am in no-way defending terrorism or terrorist countries, but I do wanna noe if anyone else has noticed an increase in terrorist attacks and in the number of American soldiers that have been killed or wounded since the incursion into Iraq last march.
What Im saying is this: No one is going to win the war on terrorism, but if I was placing bets on it, I know who my money would be with. I just cant wait until Im old enough to get a Visa to the EU so I can escape the ludocracy of my government (Australia) in associating with the Americans like this.

I understand that "rogue Nations" like north Korea should be dissarmed or prevented from arming themselves, but I also think its about high-time the US started getting rid of some of its weapons too. Otherwise this seemingly obvious double-standard will prevent the world from finding peace.

I'd also like to point out that most old ladies in my suburb a racist redknecks but that one I can save for later. I Understand how it must suck for you guys in the US but I honestly think its about time you guys realised that the only way its gonna stop is if you get Bush out of his presidential role. This may seem a little drastic (well not really) but I cant see any other way in the forsee-able future.

Thanks for your co-opertaion.
Who the **** gave George W. the devine right to **** up any country he sees fit to take oil from?

Where the hell do you people come from? I'm totally shocked at how many people have this opinion of GW. Like there's no American support for the war.

Let me set you straight Crayola, and I'll answer your question. American popular support is with the president. Americans supported the war in Iraq in majority. So if you have a problem with it, you don't just have a problem with our president, you have a problem with American popular opinion on the matter. So refocus your efforts.

Now, who gave him the right? Saddam Hussein, by breaking the cease fire terms on the first gulf war. Who gave the original Bush the right to take on Saddam in the first gulf war? Saddam Hussein, by invading one of our allies.

As for the oil thing, prove it or quit making the claim.
I can control the weather.
I burn a few hundred oil refineries, tankers and slicks and all of a sudden the temperature goes up a few degrees and we get acid rain.
Easy ain't it?
Originally posted by danoff
American popular support is with the president.

Currently? Absurd.

Americans supported the war in Iraq in majority.

Good call on past tense - Americans may have originally supported the war in majority but I think most non-Bush-lovers take issue with the constant troop deaths.
Currently? Absurd.

The most current one I've found is Nov 20 in which 75% of Americans support the military action taken in Iraq. I'll look for something more recent.


Different wording get's different results but here:


It says that as of two weeks ago 60% said that America did the right thing by taking miliary action in Iraq. Maybe you're thinking that absurd was the exact opposite word you should have used m5?
Originally posted by M5Power
Good call on past tense - Americans may have originally supported the war in majority but I think most non-Bush-lovers take issue with the constant troop deaths.
I'm not a Bush lover by any stretch of the imagination, but I supported and still support the war. I don't take issue with the constant troop deaths, other than to feel moments of sorrow for those men and women who will not return home alive.

News flash: people get killed when there's a war on.

I think the technology of reporting, as well as the technology of war itself, has radically changed what we perceive as "constant troop deaths". Imagine the loss of life, both military and civilian, if this operation had occurred in, say 1950.

If anything, I think the casualties we've sustained - the volunteer soldiers who have donated their lives to the cause - are a direct result from our commitment to not just come in with guns blazing at anything that moves.
Originally posted by Crayola
Insert a few dozen random lines of useless babbling and bull**** here.

Has anyone ever noticed that it's always people who don't live in America who spit out biased garbage about the country they don't live in?

Also, I hate Australia. It's a useless country that should be titled "Hiroshima Part II: Nuclear Weapons Revisited" and used to test whether or not radiation (Or 50 mile radius explosions...) actually hurt people.

I say it doesn't, and that we should go ahead with this plan.

Good day.
Originally posted by Ghost C
Has anyone ever noticed that it's always people who don't live in America who spit out biased garbage about the country they don't live in?

Also, I hate Australia. It's a useless country [...]
I appreciate that you understand America isn't full of fat, lazy, stupid people, but do you realize the irony in what you just said? It doesn't exactly help my case either.
I haven't made up my mind yet. Should I be fat and lazy or a model of physical fitness? Do I hate other nationalities or love them? Or do I hate my own just because?
Originally posted by LoudMusic
I haven't made up my mind yet. Should I be fat and lazy or a model of physical fitness? Do I hate other nationalities or love them? Or do I hate my own just because?
You will choose not to decide :D as for me, definate fatass lazy American only working a 40 hour corporate job then a 25 hour side business of my own, wieghing in at 173 lbs with less then 8.5% body fat. . . Definately the fat-ass of all americans. :(
Originally posted by Sage
I appreciate that you understand America isn't full of fat, lazy, stupid people, but do you realize the irony in what you just said? It doesn't exactly help my case either.

It was supposed to be ironic. I thought it was hypocrisy at it's finest, actually. I had expected someone to come in and say "BUT GHOST, THAT MAKES YOU AS BAD AS THE PEOPLE YOU'RE INSULTING, AMERICA IS FULL OF FAT LAZY PEOPLE AND THEY HAVE A BAD PRESIDENT WHO JUST WANTS OTHER COUNTRY'S OIL" so I could respond with something great and comical that's sure to entertain.

But you ruined it. You ruined it all. Thanks alot.
Originally posted by Ghost C
It was supposed to be ironic. I thought it was hypocrisy at it's finest, actually. I had expected someone to come in and say "BUT GHOST, THAT MAKES YOU AS BAD AS THE PEOPLE YOU'RE INSULTING, AMERICA IS FULL OF FAT LAZY PEOPLE AND THEY HAVE A BAD PRESIDENT WHO JUST WANTS OTHER COUNTRY'S OIL" so I could respond with something great and comical that's sure to entertain.

But you ruined it. You ruined it all. Thanks alot.


now about that entertaining coment...:lol:
Originally posted by danoff
Where the hell do you people come from? I'm totally shocked at how many people have this opinion of GW. Like there's no American support for the war.

Let me set you straight Crayola, and I'll answer your question. American popular support is with the president. Americans supported the war in Iraq in majority. So if you have a problem with it, you don't just have a problem with our president, you have a problem with American popular opinion on the matter. So refocus your efforts.

Now, who gave him the right? Saddam Hussein, by breaking the cease fire terms on the first gulf war. Who gave the original Bush the right to take on Saddam in the first gulf war? Saddam Hussein, by invading one of our allies.

As for the oil thing, prove it or quit making the claim.

Ummm not quite matey, Saddam didnt break any cease fire, he even allowed UN weapons inspectors into the country and then you guys still invaded him, Im not suppoting Saddam either, hes an arsehole (who makes for a hell-funny episode of South Park)
But that doesnt change the fact that he was trying to co-operate with the UN. Oh, also did you guys ever find any Weapons of Mass Destruction. Oh really? Yeh I sdidnt think so. Saddam Hussein didnt do anything to provoke America and her had no links with Terrorism. All the invasion has done is turn the Secular state of Iraq back to fundementalism, which is obviously not a good thing.
Originally posted by neon_duke

News flash: people get killed when there's a war on.

Yeah - they aren't supposed to when the war's been over for seven months. More troops aren't supposed to die during occupation than during fighting. And people SHOULDN'T die for an unnecessary war. (I'm not saying the war wasn't necessary, but there are quite a few people holding that opinion, and for them the constant troop deaths are entirely unjustified)

Maybe you're thinking that absurd was the exact opposite word you should have used m5?

:lol: Maybe "stupid" is the word I should've used.

You said: American popular support is with the president.
I said: Currently? Absurd.

For some reason that completely mystifies me, you then quoted several polls regarding the president's handling of the situation in Iraq to prove your point. Those polls have absolutely no relevance to whether the people support the president, which is the statement you made and I replied to. If you can't find a poll of relevance asking the proper question, then absurd is the proper word, or perhaps "wrong" would be even better-suited.

the volunteer soldiers who have donated their lives to the cause

It's too bad people seem to think the troops are willingly and gladly dying for the "cause."
Originally posted by M5Power
Yeah - they aren't supposed to when the war's been over for seven months.

Seven months ago, Bush announced a end to "major combat operations." That statement in no way ended the war.

More troops aren't supposed to die during occupation than during fighting. And people SHOULDN'T die for an unnecessary war. (I'm not saying the war wasn't necessary, but there are quite a few people holding that opinion, and for them the constant troop deaths are entirely unjustified)

You, along with the others you speak of, still are forgetting that the war is not over yet. There has been no decleration made to end the war. So we can 'occupy' and still be at war.
It seems that you still think of war as it was back in the 1940's were things were really cut and dry, nation versus nation. This does not hold true to this day and age when the world is fighting a enemy that has no real 'home' nation. Terrorism is borderless.
And for those people that hold such an opinion that the war is not necessary, are of course qualified to speak on behalf of all those directly involved in the war?

It's too bad people seem to think the troops are willingly and gladly dying for the "cause."

It's also too bad that people don't seem to realize that these people 'willingly' signed up for their military service. All those that signed up knew that there was a possibility for them to go to war one day. There willingness for the cause is a moot point. They are to do as they are told.
But again, those that say they are willing or unwilling, of course know first hand right?
Ummm not quite matey, Saddam didnt break any cease fire, he even allowed UN weapons inspectors into the country and then you guys still invaded him, Im not suppoting Saddam either, hes an arsehole (who makes for a hell-funny episode of South Park)
But that doesnt change the fact that he was trying to co-operate with the UN. Oh, also did you guys ever find any Weapons of Mass Destruction. Oh really? Yeh I sdidnt think so. Saddam Hussein didnt do anything to provoke America and her had no links with Terrorism. All the invasion has done is turn the Secular state of Iraq back to fundementalism, which is obviously not a good thing.

Cease fire terms were to fully cooperate with the UN. He then refused to fully cooperate with the UN for the next 8 years while Clinton was in office. Saddam never tried to cooperate with the UN. He tried to get away with what was less than they asked for, but throw them a little bone that would do him no harm. After 9/11 we couldn’t afford to play games with someone and ignore the terms of our cease fire, so we went to war. And yes we did find WMDs. And we’ve found out that he did have dealings with terrorist organizations including the one that murdered several thousand innocent Americans.

For some reason that completely mystifies me, you then quoted several polls regarding the president's handling of the situation in Iraq to prove your point. Those polls have absolutely no relevance to whether the people support the president, which is the statement you made and I replied to. If you can't find a poll of relevance asking the proper question, then absurd is the proper word, or perhaps "wrong" would be even better-suited.

The poll I was talking about was the one asking if the people approve of the decision to go to war with Iraq, which was an obvious majority “yes”.

If you put the statement into context I was talking about whether people support the president with regards to the situation in Iraq.

Not only do they support his decision to go to war, they support his handling of the war. I don’t know what else you’re looking for. My original statement (if you don’t take it out of context) was not intended to indicate that the majority of American people support Bush on every issue. I’m getting the impression that you didn’t really think about what I was saying, or the statistics that I put up.
Originally posted by danoff

The poll I was talking about was the one asking if the people approve of the decision to go to war with Iraq, which was an obvious majority “yes”.

Cool. Still irrelevant.

Your statement: Let me set you straight Crayola, and I'll answer your question. American popular support is with the president.

It wasn't until your next sentence that you said anything about the war in Iraq, therefore polls concerning the war on Iraq are irrelevant to whether "American popular support is with the president."

Seven months ago, Bush announced a end to "major combat operations." That statement in no way ended the war.

Well, it wasn't a war in the first place, so an end to "major combat operations" is as good as it gets. Either way, I'm not about to buy that "minor combat operations" began when "major combat operations" ended.

There has been no decleration made to end the war.

I hope you understand that there was no declaration made to begin the war.

Terrorism is borderless.

Do you actually think we're fighting terrorism? The purpose of this war was to get rid of an evil dictator harboring weapons of mass destruction and in violation of the United Nations. I don't even think the pretense of terrorism was used for this war very heavily.

It's also too bad that people don't seem to realize that these people 'willingly' signed up for their military service.

And their families and friends? President Bush seems too important to go to any troop funerals, so he doesn't seem to care - guess that attitude's gripping the nation.
Let me see if I can put an end to this. Most people have a stereotypical view of a country.
I live in Wales, right next to England. Many English like to take the mick out of the Welsh saying we are sheep s********. As you can guess, this is wrong.
Some people have the impression that all English people wear top hats and sip tea all day. I'm part English and visit regulary, this is...wrong.
Some people have the impression the French all wear beareys (sp) and have strings of garlic around their neck. This is wrong.
The list goes on, nearly every country is stereotyped.

Put up with it! You know what you are and do, so why do other peoples opinions matter?