I'm a fat, stupid, lazy American.

  • Thread starter Sage
In some parts of Wales you can end up sliced real small for calling them "Brits"...

Yes you can :D
Also for the following offenses: -
  • Sheep jokes
  • any other racist joke, reconigsed by the authorities or not
  • Confusing your Jacks, Blacks and Blues
  • Thinking we all live on farms

theres more, 911_Carrera might add
The thing i love most about Wales is Dirty Sanchez...:) ...too much male nudity tho'

but the wee guy that staples shoes to his forehead is rather funny, especially when he requires a pair of pliers to remove the staples from the bone...
The thing I like about Wales is that there are endless sheep jokes that can be made at the citzens' expense.

It brings on hours of enjoyment.

I sense a location change of "Bent over a sheep somewhere in the Rhondda valleys" :lol: I care not for sheep jokes as I tend not to go to farms that often. Now where are those compromising pictures of ExigeExcel in Folly Farm.....?
You know what he probably has. I'll have to keep an eye on him tomorrow as it's an INSET day ( no school yay ) so he might nip up the hil...............

No wonder he has so many woollen cardigans.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
The thing I like about Wales is that there are endless sheep jokes that can be made at the citzens' expense.

It brings on hours of enjoyment.


You know it also applies to people from that Newer Zeeland place.

I tend to make fun of any place in Britain that isn't London. Or even not the area of London that I live in.

I mean Welsh, what the hell kind of language is that? It sounds like somebpdy coughing up fleghm, or flem, or whatever the **** that **** is that you cough up.

As for America being stupid and fat, that's just a stereotype. As for Sage, well he's just a wierd ass guy.
Phlegm... Lovely.

The Welsh claim their language is the oldest in Europe, when in fact it was invented in the mid-1880s by a professor of languages - extrapolating from a language which was almost dead.
There's an area in the Patagonian Plains is southern Argentina where all the people speak Welsh as thier first language....

they also have a strange fascination with Llamas..oddly.
If they look anything like that one girl, I mean, damn...
I don't care if he knew her or not. In fact I doubted he did even then... but he still had that picture to post!
Originally posted by Ghost C
Has anyone ever noticed that it's always people who don't live in America who spit out biased garbage about the country they don't live in?

Also, I hate Australia. It's a useless country that should be titled "Hiroshima Part II: Nuclear Weapons Revisited" and used to test whether or not radiation (Or 50 mile radius explosions...) actually hurt people.

I say it doesn't, and that we should go ahead with this plan.

Good day.

GW mate but theres plenty of room smack bang in the middle of australia thats a no-go zone from the british testing weapons.
Originally posted by danoff
And yes we did find WMDs.
LMAO, look I understand that your biased media have blanketed you from the truth and all but no one ever found any weapons of mass destructions which is why one of the guys incharge of finding them resigned as he didnt want to be invloved witha fraudulant occupation force. Oh and dont say your media is unbiased, I hav CNN, Fox and CNBC and there all biased as hell. Also Im not defending my countries polliticians and I wasnt attacking the American people. I understand you guys get stereotyped and **** but when you have such a great upstanding member of the community as your representitive to the world, its hard not to be.
How would you know it's biased? That's what I want to know - Why do swarms of people say "Oh this or that is/isn't biased at all"...How the hell would you know? Were you there when it happened? No? So you know absolutely nothing about what happened except what people tell you.

What if everyone is telling a lie, then who do you believe? The ones who you think are unbiased? The ones who have the stories that are most alike? You either believe what you read or you don't.

Someone explain this whole biased/unbiased news channel crap to me.
Originally posted by Ghost C
How would you know it's biased? That's what I want to know - Why do swarms of people say "Oh this or that is/isn't biased at all"...How the hell would you know? Were you there when it happened? No? So you know absolutely nothing about what happened except what people tell you.

What if everyone is telling a lie, then who do you believe? The ones who you think are unbiased? The ones who have the stories that are most alike? You either believe what you read or you don't.

Someone explain this whole biased/unbiased news channel crap to me.
Well when one news service such as the BBC gives you an in depth view of both sides of the story and CNN says: "War on Terrorism major sucess" you know somethings wrong.
Also I have lived for 2 years in Israel and I can tell youi practicall anything you hear about the Palestinians is false, unless of course you've also met them.
Originally posted by Crayola
Well when one news service such as the BBC gives you an in depth view of both sides of the story and CNN says: "War on Terrorism major sucess" you know somethings wrong.
Also I have lived for 2 years in Israel and I can tell youi practicall anything you hear about the Palestinians is false, unless of course you've also met them.

What he really means Ghost C and Boombexus, is that everything Americans believe to be true is actually false. Every media outlet in the US reports nothing but fabrications scripted by the Bush administration. This is why the Hollywood movie effects industry is so good, because everything you see on network TV, is in fact, pure CGI.

In addition, because you're an American, you're automatically incapable of independant thought. You are compelled to believe whatever the TV tells you --even if you don't watch it. This is because the American government has been practicing mind control over its citizens for over 50 years. Its true. Citizen of the rest of the world, of course, are immune to this.

But wait, there's more. The more important part of his message is that everything he believes is actually true. You see, he's not American. That means the news he receives is objective and true.

So, to recap. Americans = always wrong. Rest of the world = always right. I can tell you this now, because I'm technically not on US soil... so you know I'm right ;) :lol:

no one ever found any weapons of mass destructions

They found strains of biological weapons and chemical weapons agents. That counts in my book. I know they didn't find any stockpiles ready to be deployed, but the building blocks for those stock piles were there. I understand from the Kay report that it would only have taken a matter of weeks (that's right weeks) for Iraq to take what Kay found and turn it into stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons.

It's moot! We know he had chemical weapons because it has been documented that he gassed his own people with them. He never documented or proved that he disposed of those (other than the little bit that he used for mass murder of innocent men women and children).

That being said, Bush should have said, upfront, that we were justified in going in regardless of the presence of such weapons.

Oh, and yes America's press is biased. But they're biased towards criticism of our president, not the other way around. There's no news like bad news.
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
What he really means Ghost C and Boombexus, is that everything Americans believe to be true is actually false. Every media outlet in the US reports nothing but fabrications scripted by the Bush administration. This is why the Hollywood movie effects industry is so good, because everything you see on network TV, is in fact, pure CGI.

In addition, because you're an American, you're automatically incapable of independant thought. You are compelled to believe whatever the TV tells you --even if you don't watch it. This is because the American government has been practicing mind control over its citizens for over 50 years. Its true. Citizen of the rest of the world, of course, are immune to this.

But wait, there's more. The more important part of his message is that everything he believes is actually true. You see, he's not American. That means the news he receives is objective and true.

So, to recap. Americans = always wrong. Rest of the world = always right. I can tell you this now, because I'm technically not on US soil... so you know I'm right ;) :lol:

Originally posted by Crayola
Well when one news service such as the BBC gives you an in depth view of both sides of the story and CNN says: "War on Terrorism major sucess" you know somethings wrong.
Also I have lived for 2 years in Israel and I can tell youi practicall anything you hear about the Palestinians is false, unless of course you've also met them.

That'll be the BBC, who were just condemned as "liars" by the Hutton Report into the death (suicide) of our chief weapons expert, Dr. David Kelly? Whose chairman of governors has stepped down this very evening as a result of the report?

Just checking.
Originally posted by ExigeExcel
Let me see if I can put an end to this. Most people have a stereotypical view of a country.
I live in Wales, right next to England. Many English like to take the mick out of the Welsh saying we are sheep s********. As you can guess, this is wrong.
Some people have the impression that all English people wear top hats and sip tea all day. I'm part English and visit regulary, this is...wrong.
Some people have the impression the French all wear beareys (sp) and have strings of garlic around their neck. This is wrong.
The list goes on, nearly every country is stereotyped.

Put up with it! You know what you are and do, so why do other peoples opinions matter?

Well said! 👍