I'm a fat, stupid, lazy American.

  • Thread starter Sage
Originally posted by ExigeExcel
Some people have the impression the French all wear berets and have strings of garlic around their neck. This is wrong.

Yes. It's onions. They all ride old, black bicycles, with blue and white stripey shirts on, saying "Zut alors!". Then they burn sheep and surrender.
therefore polls concerning the war on Iraq are irrelevant to whether "American popular support is with the president."

Oh but you were so close M5!

You only needed to lift your eyes one more line up to see that I said this...

Like there's no American support for the war.

Which would put my statement in context. It amazes me that you wanted to argue about this when it should have been obvious that I was talking about the war in Iraq from this line above and I never pretended that the statistics were anything other than what they were.

However even though I am right about the context of my statement and the polls I posted backing up my claim. Here are some surveys contradicting your different claim.

Saddam was accused, I'm not sure how valid it is, of supporting terrorism in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict by giving $25,000 to the families of suicide/homicide bombers. But I think he's said to have given money to the family of those that died in Israeli attacks who may not have been such bombers.
i dont recall anyone using the phrase 'fat, stupid, lazy American' in this forum....well except from other Americans...

perhaps you should look among yourselves for the culprit and stop blaming others for your low self esteem...

man, i have the utmost respect for a guy who i believe is one of the hardest, fittest and strongest sportsmen on the planet....a true american to the core....Tyler Hamilton...and he is only one amongst many...

dont say i disrespect the American public....i dont.
and can i also point out that i personally have never accused any one of being stupid, except perhaps when they've acted foolishly on one post....but certainly not to the extent that Americans have accused the British, Aussies and Canadians as illiterate and stupid....

the difference is, WE are the ones that are always getting told how stupid we are by the Americans (posts by at least two senior membera prolifirate this board on how stupid non-americans are), and the Americans are always saying "we're not stupid" when its brought about by themselves and thier own paranoia..

i dont think anyone can brand a nation as 'stupid' despite the attempts here and i wish some people would stop playing the martyr.....
Well, being honest, aside from French bashing, vindictives against states in Europe is mostly new to me. I'm sorry if this has been your experience for a while. The impression I have is that much of Europe looks down on America. Perhaps we both feel snobbery from the other.

I kind of prefer to be called stupid. I'm not well educated, so when I'm complimented on my intelligence, which has happened a few times, I feel as if I'm under pressure to make others feel justified in that opinion. I have physical and mental problems which negatively effect my ability to become better versed in issues. I should be so lucky to be as Sage is.
There is a lot of snobbery on both sides, i agree...

there are a lot of scots and europeans that i dislike and an lot of americans that i like....i do not favour one over the other when it comes down to indivudual people...but why does it always have to come down to an arguement of who is the most intellegent??..

who in here holds a doctorate degree?
who in here has led a distiguished academic career?
who has been described my others as genuis or protege?

as far as i can see we are equal and simply hold different view points on certain subjects...and the argurements are resolved by name-calling and bullying...
who in here holds a doctorate degree?
who in here has led a distiguished academic career?
who has been described my others as genuis or protege?

as far as i can see we are equal and simply hold different view points on certain subjects...and the argurements are resolved by name-calling and bullying...

I do not consider myself intellectually equal with everyone on this board. There are some that I am smarter than, and some I am not.
The only anger I have ever felt towards an American is when, whether in joke, or being serious, they say,'we saved your ass in WW2.'
I won't say we could have done it ourselves, because no doubt over time we would have been defeated. But remember you (as in Americans) only joined the war, because you were provocked. You didn't do it as a fight against evil, or as a good favour, but because you had been attacked.

I understand that you gave us some support prior to your decleration of war. But it was mainly naval reconaissance planes.
I was under the impression that we provided more? Exige, I'm not an expert on WW2, so I don't know the politics and sentiments then. I do believe that humbleness is a noble trait, so I dislike it when people say they are owed, as if a debt entitles them to any form of repayment.
they say,'we saved your ass in WW2.'

We were all covering our own asses, and we came close to not pulling it off. If it hadn't been for Hitler being stupid...

But remember you (as in Americans) only joined the war, because you were provocked

Those were different times and different politics. The reason we stayed out so long was because we weren't certain that we had a right to interfere. Who were we to interfere with what Hitler was doing in Europe, those were his affairs and the affairs of England. They became our affairs quickly though. Now American joins at the drop of a Hat and entirely too often.
I understand the poilitics were different back then. But surely you must have realised that Europe was only the launch pad for an attck on America. Spmeone must have noticed that with Japan spreading through Asia and Germany Europe and Africa, America was going to be even more distant from its allies.

so I dislike it when people say they are owed, as if a debt entitles them to any form of repayment.

In what way do you mean this?
Do you mean it is wrong of Britain to have expected some favour from America during the War pre-pearl harbour?
I must remind you it was no little squabble, it was war.

Or do you mean that it is wrong in how America reminds us of what they have done to help us in the past, as if saying we owe them?
The latter. Some Americans seem to have a belief that any country we aided owes full benefit of the doubt and support. I don't like saving people in part, regardless of other factors, and then telling them they have to help me, especially when my situation is dubious.

We saved your asses, now do as we say!?

I understand the poilitics were different back then. But surely you must have realised that Europe was only the launch pad for an attck on America. Spmeone must have noticed that with Japan spreading through Asia and Germany Europe and Africa, America was going to be even more distant from its allies.

Lots of people did. The majority of Americans did not. They didn't completely understand the severity of the situation or think of Europe as a launching point.

It wasn't a high point in American history, but the hesitation was to make sure that we had a right to interfere and the Japanese attack settled that question. Anyway we got invovled and things worked out.

If America hadn't gotten invovled things would have gone badly. As it was, even with our help, the whole thing would have been lost but for hitler getting too agressive.
Originally posted by danoff
If America hadn't gotten invovled things would have gone badly. As it was, even with our help, the whole thing would have been lost but for hitler getting too agressive.

We all know that Mel Gibson, Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise won WW2 single (triple?) handedly... :D

I hear Tom Cruise is doing a film where he wins the Battle Of Britain... :rolleyes: It's U571 all over again...
In some parts of Wales you can end up sliced real small for calling them "Brits"... :D

We just get our Scottish actors to play English secret agents, Russian submarine captains and Egyptian noblemen (oh, while a Frenchman plays the Scotsman opposite him... :odd: ).

Band of Brothers was reasonably close to fact. Not my cup of tea though - plus it had the jug-eared plank of wood (sorry, David Schwimmer) in it.

We give you Liz Hurley, we get Madonna. Now is that fair, really? :D
Makes up for the Cindy Crawford - Judy Dench trade. :)


Were we talking places of current residence or birthplace? Oh well, I still think it's funny to compare Judy to Cindy.
I'm not fat. Im not overly stupid, and if I am, Im trying to be unstupid (continuing education, double majoring in Government and English), but I am very lazy.