ImaRobots Photothread | Aventador

  • Thread starter ImaRobot
How'd you wreck your Civic? And I was wondering if there was a first gen Tiburon in the game. Someone was asking me about them and I forgot how I kinda liked those back in the day but you never see them any more. And I thought it could be a fun little car in the game. As Mitsubishi and Hyundai do a bunch of parts borrowing, I am guessing the Tiburon and FTO are the same or very similar cars...?
How'd you wreck your Civic? And I was wondering if there was a first gen Tiburon in the game. Someone was asking me about them and I forgot how I kinda liked those back in the day but you never see them any more. And I thought it could be a fun little car in the game. As Mitsubishi and Hyundai do a bunch of parts borrowing, I am guessing the Tiburon and FTO are the same or very similar cars...?

Tiburon? i didnt shoot any Tiburon.. I'm confused haha.

Long story short about my civic, I was waiting at a left turn lane for a clear turn. I finally get one, the light is about to go from yellow to red, so as i turn i get hit by someone trying to speed past the light. Never saw him because he was going pretty damn fast, plus there is a pretty decent sized bush in the middle divider that was directly in front of me. Pretty much lost that battle because i had the yielding turn, even though he tried to run the light.
That sucks. And about the Tiburon... You shot the FTO which seems to be very familiar to the first gen Tiburon. Which I was hoping was in the game but I doubt it is but the FTO is close enough I guess.
Really nice shots, diggin the yellow Jag shots, the Bernese Alps shots are winners too.
Thank you sir.

That sucks. And about the Tiburon... You shot the FTO which seems to be very familiar to the first gen Tiburon. Which I was hoping was in the game but I doubt it is but the FTO is close enough I guess.

I cant recall how the first gen Tibs look, so i wouldnt know. Sorry :( Yeah i was bummed about the civic for a while, but its been almost 4 years since it happened. I have other picture you can see the damage better but i didnt feel like flooding the thread. If you look at the picture up there, you'll notice the wheel is not in the wheel well.. It got ripped out completely, along with the brakes and the whole suspension unit.
Absolutely love the dark Evora teaser shots and the JDM Tegra with the coloured road looks fantastic.
Absolutely love the dark Evora teaser shots and the JDM Tegra with the coloured road looks fantastic.

I came across the settings for the Evora on accident. My cat sat on my controller and messed up what i had set and it turned out like that. Maybe i should let her start taking pictures haha.

That Integra is actually the most popular from that set, and i thought it was actually be the one that was liked least.


Shot these for this weeks Advanced Comp, but havnt decided 100% which one I'm going to use. I will most likely use the second still shot of the FC by the stands.​
I love how sharp your shots are, what way do you sharpen them? this one in particular looks great, pin sharp!
They are actually stock, %100 from the game. For some reason i couldnt get to many good shots of the front of the Charger.
Love the LP640 set, not the slightest bit envious...
Oh that car is a beast. I dont use S class often but i may start a tune for it.
Lots of shots since I last posted, apology’s for that lol

Well lots of great shots I should say 👍 Settings work really well, colours pop nicely.

My favourite when flicking through has to be this shot. Great angle and use of zoom. Very nice sense of speed
Great stuff man!
Thanks skip :)

Lots of shots since I last posted, apology’s for that lol

Well lots of great shots I should say 👍 Settings work really well, colours pop nicely.

My favourite when flicking through has to be this Great angle and use of zoom. Very nice sense of speed
No worry about the long disappearance :) I wasnt updating as much as i would have liked anyways. Thanks for the compliments though :)

Red Aston shots are eye popping, detail in the last one is amazing.
I tried to make the carbonfiber as visible as possible without losing the contrast i wanted, glad it worked out :)

Some of the most awesome Forzatography I've seen so far :)

Thank you sir :)

Sorry it took so long to reply, i didnt even know i had comments on here. Sad thing though as you guys probably wont see an update from me anymore. For some reason my FM4 disc is not reading anymore :/ my COD still does so i know it just has to do with the game. Dont know if I'm going to be buying a new one any time soon either :(
So I came across some extra money, and FM4 is only around 40 bucks over here so I'm thinking about picking it up :)

What makes me sad though is the amount of packs that came out since I left :( I'm going to have a hard time deciding which ones I want.

Going to the store later tonight so ima stop by bestbuy and see if they have it in stock :)
Oh its great to be playing this game again. I didnt realize how much I missed it until I just finished playing right now.

These are all I managed to get right now :)

I'm a bit rusty, but I'll be back at it in no time! :D
I'm going to be dumping a lot of photos in here for the next couple days. Going all out since I havnt done it in so long lol.

Welcome back....aren't you a member of FPM? We need some more members to take part in our upcoming season 3 championship. I'll probably invite you to race every once and a while now that you have the game again. 👍
Welcome back....aren't you a member of FPM? We need some more members to take part in our upcoming season 3 championship. I'll probably invite you to race every once and a while now that you have the game again. 👍

Yes I am :) To be honest I thought I would have been kicked out by now. Glad to see that I wasnt though. I'll check out the thread and see if I'll be able to. Do you guys have a set time yet?
Great to see your back mate 👍 Picking up where you left off i see. Colours choices are spot on as usual and as always the shots pop.