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RPF1 > RS Watanabe. Fight me.
Car definitely has more of a motorsport vibe with the RPF1s, but I'm not sure there's a wheel out there that suits the shape better than the Wats - there are a few Japanese cars out there (S30 Nissans are another) that could have been designed with those wheels in mind. Another I'm quite keen on are Hayashi Streets:

Car definitely has more of a motorsport vibe with the RPF1s, but I'm not sure there's a wheel out there that suits the shape better than the Wats - there are a few Japanese cars out there (S30 Nissans are another) that could have been designed with those wheels in mind. Another I'm quite keen on are Hayashi Streets:

I don't dislike the Watanabes, mind, I'm just tired of seeing them on a certain type of car. "I have a classic Japanese car so I have to have Watanabes." It's like Minilites on a Midget or Revolutions on a Mini (or Minilites there, obviously).

Setting aside that deep dislike of the wheels "on a certain type of car", I don't think the Miata's more modern rounded shape. It's not the 8-spoke-"ness" either...I think it's the combination of that and the depth. My Miata had Chaparrals when I got it and I didn't mind them one bit--they were only replaced for the substantial reduction in unsprung weight that the 6ULs offered.

I think those Hayashis work really well on the NA, however--the polished reveal makes them appear very light and lithe. I see them frequently "enough", but not to the point that I make a note of the occurrence.

I don't think it would work particularly well on a Miata of any generation, but I've seen Ansen Sprint slot "mags" on an assortment of the types of vehicles mentioned. I've seen them on 510s and B210s and I think they'd work equally well on an S30.

I think I just wish people would branch out a bit and not be so influenced by what they see and think will get them seen.




Just wish a 1.8 wasn't so expensive here. I'm looking at $5-6k+, which is ludicrous for the mileage they have as well (about 180-220,000km). More than a DC2R or EK4!
I don't think it would work particularly well on a Miata of any generation, but I've seen Ansen Sprint slot "mags" on an assortment of the types of vehicles mentioned. I've seen them on 510s and B210s and I think they'd work equally well on an S30.
Slot-mags are my least favourite wheels in the entire world, short of wires. If Wats are overplayed on Japanese stuff then they're nothing compared to slot-mags on 1970s cars. I'd rather see Ronal Teddy Bears on a Miata than slot-mags...
Setting aside that deep dislike of the wheels "on a certain type of car", I don't think the Miata's more modern rounded shape.

Was this sentence unfinished? Just trying to figure out exactly what you wanted to say there. I find it interesting that you bring up the shape of the Miata though (I'm guessing you think its too modern for the Watanabe style of wheel), as with the right style I think even the NB can pull of Wats pretty well. This is probably my favorite NB as of right now, and has been for a while.


The NB is the cutoff point for me. NB and NA, I feel like they work. For NC and newer, that to me is too modern for Wats.
Slot-mags are my least favourite wheels in the entire world, short of wires. If Wats are overplayed on Japanese stuff then they're nothing compared to slot-mags on 1970s cars. I'd rather see Ronal Teddy Bears on a Miata than slot-mags...
Well like I said, I don't think they'd work on a Miata, but having seen Teddy Bears on a few Miatas, I think the Ansen Sprints would work better.


Really it just seems to me that a great many people use their wheel choice--along with any number of things they do to cars--as a statement. Hey, at least they're not TE37s.

Was this sentence unfinished? Just trying to figure out exactly what you wanted to say there.
Whoops! Yeah...I don't think they suit the Miata's more modern, rounded shape. My fingertips can't keep up with my thoughts and sometimes I get too far ahead without doubling back.
heh, streetracer, those sites arent supposed to offend anybody. just some good wholesome humour! :D and, I love imports!
it's the ricers carptet that I don't like
btw: i like Eclipse mostly!
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Feels like ages since I posted any Jowett content, so here's a 1952 Jupiter bodied by J.E. Farr & Son of Blackburn, Lancashire for the 1952 Monte Carlo Rally.


Front end manages to retain much of the Jupiter's identity while straying considerably from the original design--much like the open examples from Richard Mead.

The rear is far from aesthetically pleasing, but favors function over form by permitting dual spares instead of the standard Jupiter's single tucked behind the lower bodywork.

The car was mangled in a crash and was subsequently repaired just to the point that it could finish, however it was a day late and its time wasn't recorded officially. It's obviously been completely repaired since.

Three other examples from Farr were constructed, but information on these cars is lost and the cars themselves may be as well.