
  • Thread starter Puffy
Not to beat a dead horse, but the reason the Supra sucked was the exact opposite of "something different is done to a car". That was the WHOLE POINT, it was the most generic, rattle canned "don't know anything about fitment but I'm gonna try anyway" run of the mill car "you'd see parked in a hillbilly's driveway" as Keef said. They buy a car, load it with ebay parts and a garage made roll cage, spray paint it, tear around in it for a bit while telling everyone their "plans for it" and then usually sell it/trade for an SRT4 or Cobalt SS. It wasn't nice, but it wasn't crappy enough to be "cool" in the same way Mike Burrough's "rusty" was cool. (which I didn't like, just making a point).

It had nothing to do with our tastes or "It's different, and therefore we didn't like it".

Pretty sweet little demio/2. Anyone know what the wheels are?

They look like fifteen52 Snowflakes, but 4 lug and all white.

That E93 is :yuck: convertibles should not look like that, and I'm less than a fan of widebody M3s, especially E93s. Also, they went through the trouble of changing all that but left the exhaust stock. Here are some M3s done right in my opinion:






That E93 is :yuck: convertibles should not look like that, and I'm less than a fan of widebody M3s, especially E93s. Also, they went through the trouble of changing all that but left the exhaust stock. Here are some M3s done right in my opinion:
I like the widebody on it.

That white one looks nice.

That white M3 is perfect. BMW's is where BBS rims should be at.

They are not BBS, they are WORK Brombacher.
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Similar but not quite:


I wouldn't doubt he chose the Works for the troll factor.

Speaking of which...

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I honestly have no idea how to corner-balance besides fiddling with height for hours upon hours, but I would assume a lowering of the left front and right rear is in order here.

Also, further proof that the SBC is the most ballinist engine family ever conceived.
Awesome car but the corner numbers aren't THAT impressive though.
Keef, it's done by raising/lowering corners across from each other at the same time. Think of it like a chair whose legs aren't the same length (or even just one leg being a different height) it will rock back and forth on the other two diagonal legs. The idea is to lower those two legs or raise the other two that "are not" touching the ground until you get the loads as close as possible.





