- 1,522
Whoops! Fixed.
Love prototypes like this! 👍 It's a shame so little is on the web about this carSeems to be running 2000cc Ford engine, 13 entries, but that's about it what I can find quickly.
I did find it's successor;
'Shrike P15' (or P16, not sure)
Yes. Always wanted a general idea of how the 4-door would look with the LTE spoiler without having to dig up the PTG cars. 👍
It invokes memories and feeling I never had.
AH yeah the valve cover threw me off. I would hava at least thrown a 1.8 in there haha.
It's just looks awesome with all 4 wheels covered makes it look like it's hovering off the ground. From what I find out there was a Shrike P15 , P16 and P17, but it's hard to find any solid info on them, all 3 look very similar.
That thing actually raced with other cars? The driver's totally exposed! It looks awesome though.
Shouldn't this be called the european and japanese car thread? Most of these cars are JDM or EDM models and I don't think race cars can be considered imports. 💡
Thanks for the blog speedjunkieWell I found a new blog but it wont let me copy URLs. So for who ever is interested in some classic rally moment shots, here's the The Rally Blog.
Nice fittyment. Too bad that particular model is ugly as sin, and that one has all the plastic cladding.