I saw it.Warning, the following post may contain awesomeness.
Yea i love this car alot, was such an inspiration back when i had a 323F BA.
I still have that Aspec frontlip laying at my parents house.
This was in 2002....
What's this Italian beauty?
Clark was right about it being a 512bb lm, I have some more I can post later. And yeah that is a r31, saw it and the chaser in one day!What's this Italian beauty?
I've heard about this guy but have yet to see him. Such a shame, really want to see my first R31(R30?).
Oh my word. The silver one is new to me and I love the motorsports feel of it. Z coupes in general are among my favorite cars because they're still mostly true, mechanical, real sports cars. Plus they've got a handy hatch so it's not totally impractical.The things I would do for an M CoupeThat's enough for now.