Improved Engine Sound

  • Thread starter SammyXp
Perhaps. But the bottom line is that the sound isn't that good in-game. And if that has got to do with sound card limitations or not, that I don't know.

In my opinion, those are just recordings from real life. Nothing more.
In my opinion, those are just recordings from real life. Nothing more.
I respect your opinion. But I've been playing the game almost non stop for the past week and I'd have to opine that those clips represent gameplay, not real life recording. On top of that, I'd have to say that I've heard gameplay that actually exceeded those clips. Particularly with some of the recent addon cars you can download off the net.
I've been playing the game since it came out here in Sweden.

The pit recordings are done in a viper but you can clearly hear that it's the real deal. The viper sounds in-game come pretty close though so they've made one heck of a good job with it.

Just compare it, the gear-noise is much more dominant in-game than in those clips.
I agree, get yourself a pare a headset, turn it up loud, and you'll be blown away by great engine sounds!

odd...I played it through a Denon amp with £50 sony headphones and it still sounded like crap, while GTR through the same set up sounded incredible.

But seriously, GT4 sounds like crap. Sad but true.
Gear noise is definitely a little bit overwhelming on some cars. I'm so glad someone released a new *.AUD file for the Formula Renault cars to reduce the strength of the gearbox sounds.
Gear noise is definitely a little bit overwhelming on some cars. I'm so glad someone released a new *.AUD file for the Formula Renault cars to reduce the strength of the gearbox sounds.

Do you have a link where I can download that mod?
I made some PGR3 sample.

As you can see, everyone know how crap the sound is in that game. I really doubt that GT5 won't do better.

The Audio are in WMA. the active X is the plug in for windows media audio.

EDIT: BTW, you shouldn't worry about the sound. especially on the PS3. The Cell strong point is to decode Audio & video compression.

Edit: #2- concerning the audio of the PS3:
Mr Deap
I made some PGR3 sample.

As you can see, everyone know how crap the sound is in that game. I really doubt that GT5 won't do better.

The Audio are in WMA. the active X is the plug in for windows media audio.

EDIT: BTW, you shouldn't worry about the sound. especially on the PS3. The Cell strong point is to decode Audio & video compression.

Edit: #2- concerning the audio of the PS3:

I hate this. There were some sound samples on the PGR3 official site that were supposed to represent the in-game sound. It was too good to be true obviously.

I don't get it why they do this. It's the same thing with the GTR site. It's real sounds, not in-game ones, but they still market it like it is. 👎 :mad:

Sorry about the double post.
Fact of the matter is, that they could easily be making better sounds for their games... And as for time restraints on getting these sounds... COME ON... They work on these things for years... A chunk of it has to be used for sounds... Like someone else said, simply use the same sounds for cars with the same engine... Most of the Skylines will sound the same, as will the Subys and Evos... But you should really hear the engins rev when going uphil, hear the difference when going downhill, hear pebbles and rocks hitting the underside of the cars in rally (or on the windshields when following behind someone). If you put racing pipes on a car it should roar!!! It can't be that hard to do... And since they apparently test a great deal of their cars (which I'm starting to question) they have them there, put em in a room and get some audio... Done 15 seconds of idle, 15 seconds of each gear reved at full, 15 seconds of gearing down, they could do it on a dyno... And that took all of what? 1 hour at the very most... Stop making excused for these people. I love the games, but stop giving them excuses... So what's next if the sounds are all that good in the next one? The PS3 doesn't have the power!!! That's not the case, but I'm sure in a year, that's what we're going to be hearring...
The one thing that buggs me the most about the sound of GT4 is not that the exhaust sound is crappy, it's the non-excistent turbo/super-charger sounds. Where the hell did they go? If you acctually see a turbo charged car with more than 300Bhp in real life you will hear the turbo charger very well from outside the car. Same with a super-charger, only a different sound. The super-chargers in GT4 aren't even audible from inside the car!! WTF.
I really needed to get this off my chest, cuase in my opinion this is the single weakest point of GT4. I love the sound of a turbo charged car in reality. The swoooosssh, the blow off valve. The in-car turbo sound in GT4 is extreamely whimpy, and the fact that you can't even hear it from the outside makes me mad. It shouldn't be too much work. They had got it almost right in GT2, but since then they've completey lost it. What's the problem?
This needs to be adressed. Preferably, you should be able to customize blow-off valves and stuff in GT5, so you can go to HKS and buy an open blow-off and acctually hear it.

Hope someone is listening. I'm just so dissapointed about this.
Some times I wonder do many of you think about how much you piss and moan about things. For those who think that PD were being lazy and I'm giving them excuses, ha. Think about this how many simultaneous sounds can the PS2 sound processor play(32 simultaneously, might be lower), then think about whether the quality comes into play when you have to play them at a sample rate which they were recorded. With the amount of different sounds being created on a drive in GT4, you should really learn to think about things a little differently. There is wind noise, road noise, engine noise; now each of these 3 aren't just one sound, so they had to balance that out. GT4 sounds are pretty much what the cars actually sound like, but they lack depth, which lets you know that the bit rate is terribly low. They balanced it to what they thought was good enough. Sure there are sounds that aren't as pronounced and some some sounds are non existant, give credit where it's due.

Lots of people compare GTR's sounds, but here's the thing, GTR's cars do not have engine mods, so they basically have to record less sounds per car and they have considerable less cars, so they have much more room to work with when it comes to sounds. GTR is built on a PC platform, geez a machine which is pretty limitless in storage capacity. PC rarely have to worry about sample rates since getting full sound is as easy as purchasing a better sound card.

PD did what they could with GT4 on PS2, PS2 is one jacked up machine if you hadn't noticed, forcing devs to find their ways around all kinds of bottlenecks, from the laughable amount of Vram to it's swell sound chip.

Lots of things could have been done better in GT4, but I know that, the game as a whole is a very well put together project, lots of things can be done better. Hopefully GT5 on the PS3 will be a much more put together project, but as with all things, you can't please everyone. We will still be back here listening to people piss and moan about other niggles, that another game gets right. Can't please everyone all the time.
Stop making excuses for PD. There are none. Not anymore. A half dozen other games have proven this fact. Having people generate excuses for them, perhaps out of some strange sense of misplaced loyalty, is not going to encourage them to improve their product.

If you know anything at all about the hardware, you'd realize that even the PS2 is quite capable of replaying accurate sounds, so long as the source was of decent quality.

PD dropped the ball on GT4 with respect to sound realism. And we need to hold them to that, not make excuses for them.
You're right, Sammy. But since the PS3 is gonna have internet connection, the first release doens't have to be the last, you could download updated sounds etc.
Stop making excuses for PD. There are none. Not anymore. A half dozen other games have proven this fact. Having people generate excuses for them, perhaps out of some strange sense of misplaced loyalty, is not going to encourage them to improve their product.

If you know anything at all about the hardware, you'd realize that even the PS2 is quite capable of replaying accurate sounds, so long as the source was of decent quality.

PD dropped the ball on GT4 with respect to sound realism. And we need to hold them to that, not make excuses for them.

Dude do you read and comprehend anything? You want me to believe that PD just short changed us with the sounds in GT4? Let's see which games on the PS2 accurately depict vehicle sounds and sound better, not only that are also from the real cars.

If you even utter a word about anything from EA, I will be forced to not take anything you say about GT4 seriously. Just in case you are wondering, EA uses all kinds of vehicle sounds and they aren't from the actual car they are using the sound for, I've looked at sound source file for NFSU2, lo and behold I see sound folders for Ferraris and other supercars, yea ok...I wonder where they got sounds from.

So my friend you need to tell me which driving games on PS2 have better vehicle sounds that GT series? You talk soo much crap and are soo jaded, bet you haven't even seen "The Making of..." DVD for GT have you? The amount of data these guy have to compile, yet you sit here and type "trash talk". Whatever man, you say PS2 is capable of realistic sounds, bah, sure it is, but if you know anything, realistic sounds aren't easy to play back while the rest of the ingame engine is you know anything about computers?

Makings excuses for PD, bah...misguided devotion...look who is misguided, you are the one spewing soo much angst yet you want to call someone misguided? Half a dozen game have proven this fact?!? Yes please enlighten the rest of us on these games, hopefully they are running on a PS2. Please if you dare mention Ferrari F355 Challenge, just shut up now.

Even IGN did a comparison of vehicle sound in both GT4 and Forza, and GT4 still gets the nod, I have both games. I still prefer GT4 since Forza has no road noise to speak of, I have little to no idea when my tires are close to losing grip, or when I'm really cooking it in a corner. You are too limited in your percerption, GT4 gives you as many sounds as possible to draw you into the game, but since you don't drive a car you don't know what PD was actually trying to do.
I'll leave this alone since you are hell bent on your lame crusade, plain and simple. Im goneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
/\/\/\/\ Fan Boyism...

TOCA 3, TOCA 2, Colin McRea 4, Entusia, EA F1... And that's for car sounds only. That's not counting the umpteen other games out there with other sounds comming from other things then cars that are simply mind blowing. I don't need the exact sounds for every version of the Skyline. Just one from each of the main models. I don't need one for every Suby or Evo that uses the same type of engine, just the main ones that use new technology. I don't need to have every muscle cars engine in there, similar engines will make similar noises... I don;t want them to give us the orignial sounds for every singe car in the game, but the sounds that they do give us should be better... The wind sounds are great, but even the wheel screaching is sad at best. Have you ever been in a car that's ever done a power turn, high speed turn, or a donut? Doubt it, or you'd no better. Have you ever gone from pavement to dirt at highspeeds? Better yet, have you ever really listened to the sounds comming from inside of a race car, be it stock car, touring car, rally car, F1 and so on... Doubt it very much... Worship all you will and settle for what ever PD gives you. Who cares if it keeps costing you money for a sub standard sounding game that's supposed to be a simulator...
Dude do you read and comprehend anything? You want me to believe that PD just short changed us with the sounds in GT4? Let's see which games on the PS2 accurately depict vehicle sounds and sound better, not only that are also from the real cars.

If you even utter a word about anything from EA, I will be forced to not take anything you say about GT4 seriously. Just in case you are wondering, EA uses all kinds of vehicle sounds and they aren't from the actual car they are using the sound for, I've looked at sound source file for NFSU2, lo and behold I see sound folders for Ferraris and other supercars, yea ok...I wonder where they got sounds from.

So my friend you need to tell me which driving games on PS2 have better vehicle sounds that GT series? You talk soo much crap and are soo jaded, bet you haven't even seen "The Making of..." DVD for GT have you? The amount of data these guy have to compile, yet you sit here and type "trash talk". Whatever man, you say PS2 is capable of realistic sounds, bah, sure it is, but if you know anything, realistic sounds aren't easy to play back while the rest of the ingame engine is you know anything about computers?

Makings excuses for PD, bah...misguided devotion...look who is misguided, you are the one spewing soo much angst yet you want to call someone misguided? Half a dozen game have proven this fact?!? Yes please enlighten the rest of us on these games, hopefully they are running on a PS2. Please if you dare mention Ferrari F355 Challenge, just shut up now.

Even IGN did a comparison of vehicle sound in both GT4 and Forza, and GT4 still gets the nod, I have both games. I still prefer GT4 since Forza has no road noise to speak of, I have little to no idea when my tires are close to losing grip, or when I'm really cooking it in a corner. You are too limited in your percerption, GT4 gives you as many sounds as possible to draw you into the game, but since you don't drive a car you don't know what PD was actually trying to do.
I'll leave this alone since you are hell bent on your lame crusade, plain and simple. Im goneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

This is by far the best ever spoken point there is. I agree totally people nag , but yet havnt even drivin a car before, and are still fresh of the NFS games.
As for the blow-off valve. get a 5.1 sound system select the cockpit view and turn it up loud, then come back and tell me if that isnt a proper turbo sound...... fools......

Look my point is, many of you who come here are not even car enthusiast. you come here because your facinated by pimp cars and like turbo sleezing sounds because you've seen fast and the furious last summer and before havnt had a clue where that blow-off sound actualy comes from and why.
Then you play underground arcade games and find out that you can buy the sleezing sound for your ride and that its actualy called a turbo! wow to much information to handle. blow of valves? turbos? what is all that?
Yet your like NFS games, because pimping your ride is "hot" now-a-days. "WOW what cool sounds, what cool Pshhh sound what is that!) these games are pure marketing and the cars are 100% fake arcade, and i agree the sounds are fake to, but yet for some of yall ( because you dont know that much about cars, only the ones from fast and the furious and also cant barely remember the brands name of the cars) it sounds realistic for you somehow.... well be my guest! but dont bring a great sim like GT4 down just because the sound is "crap" many of you know that its not "crap" and its sounds ASS kicking great.
i repeat again, buy yourself a good $400 5.1 system turn it up load and then play GT...
It kicks asses of most games. bare in mind that the characteristics of reving and accelerating sounds, is way to realistic for a ps2 game. think of that foks.

POINT: dont conversate about topics you think you know of and come with redicioules arguments because eventualy you'll be dissed..
Then why have the other games mentioned do as good, if not a better job then GT4? By the way, I don't play NFS, hence why I didn't mention them in the games I listed. I'm also a very avid car fan.
Canadian Speed
Then why have the other games mentioned do as good, if not a better job then GT4? By the way, I don't play NFS, hence why I didn't mention them in the games I listed. I'm also a very avid car fan.

mate do you feel offended? i have not even mentioned your name ones in the previous topic and yet you feel offended.

and no, other games are not comparable with Gt4 since it distinguise it self with other games. you can compare it maybe with forza or enthusia. but not NFS or juiced or what ever. so people please stop bringing these game up each time were talkin about in-game sounds.
and no, other games are not comparable with Gt4 since it distinguise it self with other games. you can compare it maybe with forza or enthusia. but not NFS or juiced or what ever. so people please stop bringing these game up each time were talkin about in-game sounds.


We're not talking about gameplay here, we're talking about sound and the PS2's capabilities. I think NFS is very much on topic, because they've totally owned PD in terms of sound for their last several games. Which proves without a shadow of a doubt that the PS2 is more than capable of making realistic-sounding engines.
mate do you feel offended? i have not even mentioned your name ones in the previous topic and yet you feel offended.

Not at all, sorry if it came that way, but as no name was mentioned and it was posted after a post where I stated that I didn't agree about the sound issue it came across that way... But offended, not a bit... Cheers... Just a happy conversations...
Wow. Just... wow. Fan Boyism is a SUPERB way to describe exactly what is going on here now. Children, don't take it personally that I dared offer some constructive criticism for your beloved game. You should know that I am here in the hopes that fans are made aware of the potential of Racing Sims and demand more of this already great game. Your talk of crusades makes me wonder if you need to spend just wee bit more time in the real world, rather than gaming.

If it offers any credibility to my point of view, I've been to countless dozens of sports car events and am quite familiar with what a real racing car sounds like. Both trackside and in the cockpit. My on track experience has been limited to SCCA Autocross and Open Track Days, but suffice it to say that I know my way around cars.

I've heard of Fan Boyism before, but never quite experienced it this way, firsthand. I've got to say I'm really getting a kick out of this!
There's a lot of accusing going on here without knowing ****.
Nismo_GTR, have you acctually met anyone here? You saying that people here are ignorant jackasses that don't know **** about cars without even knowing who anyone is or where they came from is just as silly as the people you're talking about if what you are saying would acctually be true. I guess you're going to take this reply as a confirmation that I'm an ignorant jackass because I feel offended by your post or that I feel it was directed at me. That's your aim with this right? For the record, I don't feel offended. I just feel that you know as little as the people you're talking about.

Let me tell you a bit about my background. Racing go-carts since I was 12 (I'm 20 now), went to Sweden's only racing High-School/Collage (Swedish education system is slightly different than yours so our "Gymnasium" is a cross between High-School and Collage) which is located at Mantorp Park which is the Swedish equivalent of Indianapolis, Suzuka, Nürburgring, etc. Studied there for a year, driving and tinkering with Formula Ford, Formula Renault, GT cars and Cup Cars, before I went to pursue a musical education instead. I have driven lots of different race and street tuner cars. I have friends who are very active in street racing and I have been to countless street racing events, track meets, professional circuit racing (GT and Formula Racing) and Rally events. I have worked at a car repair shop and a tuner parts shop. I have friends who owns Nissan 200's, Skylines, Supras, Imprezas, Muscle Cars, highly tuned Saabs and that sort of stuff. I know very, very well what a car should sound like, and why they sound a particular way.

Now, quit assuming things about people. I'm not saying your post was directed at me, but I still feel the need to correct this. You don't know anything about anyone on this board, so just shut up.
Feadog, it's good to see fellow automotive afficionados with as much enthusiasm as I for racing Sims. I think "racing games" have come a long way and actually have a great deal to offer those that get regular seat time in actual race cars. I know I've learned a thing or two.

I'm glad to say that I highly doubt we'll be hearing from our young friend Nismo_GTR anytime soon, though. The Fast And The Furious crowd is far more hopeful that GT5 includes vinyl decal upgrades and wild body kits than engines that sound better than a cordless drill.
I agree with the sub-par engine sounds in GT4 . . . but I have found in the GT series as a whole . . . most of the cars get more quiet or 'muted' when you move to racing (read 'OPEN') exhaust . . . shouldn't it get louder?

And the V8 sounds are disguising. Since when a Vette sounds like that? If Codemasters, Simbin, and at home mod creators can get the engines sounds that are super close to its real life counter part, then PD can do it too.

Maybe those who think the GT4 sounds are 'GREAT' need to play some of the TOCA games on the PS2 . . . Codemasters did an excellent job on the sound department . . . talk about a racing environment . . . .
PD, Please I'm begging. You have to do SOMETHING about the Corvette C5R and the Camaro LM Race Car. Two V8 lions that have sounded like mice for the past few games.
i don't think PD needs better sounds guys... this conversation is going backward.

I think the problem resides in the Game Engine. Or the Sound Engine anyhow. Its most probably the same engine they revamped from GT2. (which was the same as GT3 i believe).

Basically, the Engine itself is incapable of running high quality sound bits because it was designed for the PS1-2 and since it was revamped to better suit the PS2, it does Dolby Digital, but not high quality sound synthonisation.

The games that have good engine sounds for me are current or next-gen titles: mainly Need for Speed Underground (2 & MW) and Test Drive Unlimited.

I have not heard better sounding cars since.
well....i must say i lately bought Enthusia, and when you tune the vehicles they get a very nice sound, the turbos sound extremely realistic, also when tuning the NA engine, the sound is sooo realistic.......the sounds of Enthusia are
in my opinion better than NFSU or Most Wanted, the sounds of these games are too excessive if you ask me.....and understand, good sounds are about realism, not about how hard, cool and extreme the turbo and engine sound........