In Career maybe winning every race is not ideal

  • Thread starter MowTin
So, wait, you beat the AI on 100%, coming from the back of the pack?? That can't be possible, because some dude on the interwebs said good sim racers can't beat the AI.

Well maybe you should ask me to open a "How to beat the AI" thread so we can all basque in my awsomeness

p.s. Thats sarcasm
I've been doing a lot of practicing and qualifying until I get pole position and then do the race which I always win. I have the AI set at 70% because I can just barely beat them at that level.

I've been thinking maybe that's not the best way to play the game. When you're in pole and you're the fastest car you don't really get to race. There are no risky overtaking moves. You're not chasing down the guy in front of you lap after lap.

Maybe the best way to play the game is to set the AI level such that you qualify in the middle of the pack when you try your hardest. Then set the race to be as long as possible so you have time to actually move up in position without taking crazy risks.

Anyone else have any ideas of how to make the career more enjoyable?

I agree but the problem with starting further back is the AI in this game is awful. I can't tell you how many times I've had to restart races because the idiotic AI drives right into me, or a group of them come to a dead stop at a corner for no reason.

The AI is fast but some of the most unaware and stupid AI I've ever dealt with.
Have you tried the 'Drivatars' in FM5?????
Gran Turismo "AI" is known for being stupid and unaware, FM Drivatars just try to kill you on corners. They may be stupid (especially on lower difficulty levels where they're selected from a noobier pool of drivers) but not the most unaware :lol:



The AI is ok to bad just like in open lobbies you just have to stay focused on the road in front of you. Practi practice practice practice practice only way to get better at anything.
I'm happy to say I'm worse than a n00b. 50-60% AI is fine for me until it starts to rain and they suddenly become uber cars and their lap times decrease dramatically. I'd love to know what I should be practicing to be able to deal with this as I'll get right on it straight away.
I'm happy to say I'm worse than a n00b. 50-60% AI is fine for me until it starts to rain and they suddenly become uber cars and their lap times decrease dramatically. I'd love to know what I should be practicing to be able to deal with this as I'll get right on it straight away.
Practice patience. Next patch will fix it :)
Practice patience. Next patch will fix it :)
I only just installed the last one *facepalm smiley*. Good to know I'm not the only one struggling with being a n00b in career. Those aliens must have psychic powers which slow the AI down in the wet ahead of the patch.