Indy 500 room open now, race at 5pm gmt!

  • Thread starter TDZdave

read Peelster's idea for the safety car, would you like it used here?

  • YES

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 1 11.1%

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
kickindirt said if he is on he can race, but if not then he will most likely be working,
Room? Dave's? Peelster1's? Do we need to send friend request someone?
My room. 1472-4711-0038-4892-7001 or send me a friend request and GT Home>Community>Peelster1. Qualifying starts in 50 minutes from the time of this post. The room is currently open for practice.
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cool mate, I will change the name of the thread, also I'm about an hour away,
Room Settings:
Tire Restrictions: Comfort: Hard
All assists off except ABS which is not allowed to be any more than 1.
Laps: 200
Start Type: Grid Start (Race start will be safety car rolling start after turning around and organizing the field on the back straight. The start will be 3-wide.)
Damage: Light
Slipstream Strength: Weak.
Tire Wear/Fuel Consumption: Normal

Caution Procedure:Until a caution is called, the safety car (me) will be waiting in the pits. The way to indicate a caution is needed is to say safety car over your mic or type SC in the chat box in-game. Once a caution is called, the field be immediately be frozen and the safety car will come out of the pits immediately. If the person who typed SC got passed while typing it they will be allowed their position(s) back. The field will group up and the pits will be open the first time by.

Wave Around Procedure: Any cars that are a one or more laps down and are between the leader and the safety car will be allowed to wave around and get 1 lap back. Waving around will take place after we pass the entrance to pit road. If a driver chooses to wave around instead of pitting will not be allowed to pit until the green flag start. Can they come in at the same time as the safety car or do they have to take 1 lap under green? On the restart the waved around cars will start in the last place position. (If there are more then one waved around car then they will restart in the order that they are waved around.

Also, are we doing GWC or not? For the initial start, are we still doing a speed of 145kmh?
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Qualifying has started and will last until 12:00GMT at which time the race will start if we have enough people.

The race was canceled because we didn't have enough people. 5 racers showed up. 6 were needed. A reschedule is still possible, but it's up to Dave.

Dave, if you decided to reschedule this. I'm free on Tuesday the 11th, Saturday the 15th and Sunday the 16th. I think we should try one more time to get this race going and if it doesn't work out on the third try, give it up. We have the people for it, it's just schedules that are getting in the way of everyone that signed up being able to attend.
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ok, so a re schedule for January 15th at 1:30 GMT, yes I'm going to give it one more try, hopefully everyone can make it, if not I will abandon it,

thank you to all who did turn up, at least some of us tried, good fun races we had though,
01:30 GMT Jan. 15th? I'm in, I think.

But, I looked into the test race. Jammy did barely win. That 0.003 margin of victory made it challenging to tell who won, even for the game. I almost had you, last time, Jammy. You're mine this time.
ok, so a re schedule for January 15th at 1:30 GMT, yes I'm going to give it one more try, hopefully everyone can make it, if not I will abandon it,

thank you to all who did turn up, at least some of us tried, good fun races we had though,

I should be able to attend!
That January date should be fine for me to make it. The only thing that would stop me from showing up would be my daughter coming over a week early. Other then that count me in.
Wait, Jan. 15th is a Tuesday? What? OMG logic.....................................

I can't make it, then. :scared:
???? really??? what date is peel on about? this month? if so then the time will have to be earlier or later,
January 13th might be better date but 1:30pm GMT is 5:30am PST which is pretty much the time I will be sleep. Lol, once again I'll catch the next 1! 👍
But, I looked into the test race. Jammy did barely win. That 0.003 margin of victory made it challenging to tell who won, even for the game. I almost had you, last time, Jammy. You're mine this time.
Ha-ha, you're dreaming :)
January 15th at 1:30 GMT:
-so in US it's 20:30 EST? Right?
-to me it's 3:30 GMT +2 (in finnish time)

Or is't Jan 13th?

To me saturday/sunday is better (13th).

I think Peelster1 was talking about this month not January.
???? really??? what date is peel on about? this month? if so then the time will have to be earlier or later,

Yes... I was talking about this month. I never mentioned January anywhere. If we're pushing the race to January though. Well, I have no idea what my schedule will be then. Why did you think I was talking about next month?
ok lets try for the 16th this month? what GMT time suits everyone,?
I don't have any specific time to request - almost anything goes....
Sundays are always a no-go for me. That's pretty much the 1 day out of the week where I can't find time to race.