Integra CUP - Fuji 550pp - xx:05 / :35

  • Thread starter Horde_R35
Thanks for posting that video Sascha đź‘Ť Seems my car had a serious lag issue, making me look like a drunken sailor out there :( Sorry to lacko_47 for being on the receiving end of that crap! :guilty: I had no idea at the time that my lag was what ran you off the road, as I was still a good hundred feet away at the time minding my own business :ill:

I need to figure out how to improve my online racing connection despite having a cable connection :rolleyes: Can anyone give me any tips on how I could improve the connection? I use a wireless router btw.

No probs mate. đź‘Ť I had lot's of bumps tonight like everyone who was racing.
I had very good races with you guys. Thanks for it.

There was a german guy (STUK....) who was an I.D.I.O.T. I think siegmund40 created a new ID or they are mates or twins :scared: He ruined our races lot's of time.
Great races today guys, I had lots of fun. Spent most of the day with a R2 S3 setup which is quicker for me in overall lap time (under 1m50 when I nail a good one) but tactically it sucks getting mugged down the straight every lap. You should all switch tyres ;)

I even enjoyed the punters today, it was quite a challenge to get past without getting splatted.
Another horrible night

First of all, as timeattack07gt said servers are driving me mad, too many errors and screen freezes

When I got join in your race I was beaten by someone always, german who said Lacko, a portuguese in an orange focus, two spanish guys...

Moreover, I joined three times to a mini cooper race with people from United States and Canada, they were good racers
but slower than me (I never thought I'd say that).
Finally, I was testing my setup but using R1/S1, now I'm faster 1:51.1, has anyone tried it?


It's been an incredible pleasure racing with you, Hugo and Dan recently, also Maffski, Spyrrari, i-Plume, Ton and the random KOR aliens who drop in for a while.

All the best

Hi Maz, what about the small text showing in the screen (upper right corner) at the 34th second of this video ?
I am not able to read it due to the poor resolution, only able to say that it seems to be a warning message...

Just curious because I never had this kind of text while playing online.
OK racing tonight, it was hot and cold. Some races there were punters and my connections weren't always the greatest. Some HORRIBLE 5 second penalties to both the people I was racing against and to myself. It's pretty frustrating when you spin from lift throttle oversteer induced by a "contact" penalty.

Finally raced a half decent lap though, 1'50.5xx in open air. This was in my last race of the night; following me close behind the whole race was a pretty quick American. His PSN was stinging_nettle or something like that. Good race bud if you're reading this. :cheers:

Edit: user was STINGING-NETTLE, as below.
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Had some pretty good races here earlier tonight with EL_ZISSOU, imalexi and others. The races here can be pretty fun if you're running with clean drivers đź‘Ť Did a new personal best race time earlier, all in clean air with no draft:


Started 2nd on the grid in that one, and had an incident-free run đź‘Ť
Using Clacksman's tune with a couple small suspension changes, and R1/S3
Carl, your avatar ain't got nothin' on mine! :lol:

GO Team Appalachia!! (Although, WV is the only state that is entirely in Appalachia ;))

Also, these videos are making me want the youtube output feature real bad. Some brilliant moments will never be seen without such a feature.
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Hi Maz, what about the small text showing in the screen (upper right corner) at the 34th second of this video ?
I am not able to read it due to the poor resolution, only able to say that it seems to be a warning message...

Just curious because I never had this kind of text while playing online.

Hi mate, the text is in German as it is from Rudi's PS3, but it is just saying that the battery on one of his Sixaxis controllers is running low and needs recharging đź‘Ť

All the best
Had a few races here last night but was way off the pace and suffering with severe jet-lag having just got off a transatlantic flight. Sorry if I bumped anyone (although I was usually to far behind for that), shouldn't really have been racing to be honest.
Great races today with Rudi and spyrrari, I'm glad my last lesson was cancelled! :dopey: And thanks for the videos Rudi, good to see the races from your point of view đź‘Ť
Sorry guys! In my 1st races everyone was laggy:crazy:! A bit of crash test dumies it was :lol:!

After that great races with GTro_Marc4s, IRT_Miko, WGP_Lele, Spyrrari and IsomeGT;)!

Again at 35:)!
BIG thanks to everybody I was racing with for past few days - GT5P was a good game again :) maybe we could repeat that with this week's combo ? if there will be any good combo...

Also BIG sorry to everybody I might have push - every hit from me was not deliberate, it was all due to fight on the road, also if I knew I overdid I drove off and waited.(all that works in the other way to - I know every time I got pushed off it wasn't done on propose)

WAT? :embarrassed:

GTP_spyrrari1, Cpt_Disaster, EERS4YEARS, KOR_Tombstone

EZ - you could let KOR_Tombstone take the lead on 5th lap and use the draft ;)

There is one thing I do not understand- I use the same lines that EZ does, the same gears, breaking points, I can moderate acceleration almost at the same level (many years of playing using PAD) yet I still have 1.52.1 without any draft and EZ - has 1.50.~~ - what am I doing wrong ?... :/

Was missing today many times a 49,8-9xx. :yuck: no luck. best in the end, 50,003. :lol:

btw, did you saw this one? đź‘Ť

spyrrari & jh001
Thanks Rudi(and jh001)...Its so nice to have a track alone without any punters ....Just clean and fast racing...đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť

(fastest lap today whas a 49.1 with draft....)

Some more race footage from the weekend

All are available here in higher resolution. Enjoy :cheers:

GTP_spyrrari1, GTP_jh001, EL_ZISSOU

GTRP_RudiRaser, EERS4YEARS, GTP_alexi, i-Plume, EL_ZISSOU

GTP_timeattack, EERS4YEARS, z06fun, BTH_Lacko_M47, GTDrivers_Rikson, EL_ZISSOU

GTP_Undutchable vs. EL_ZISSOU

After a week away from free run (the racing is just too good to stop and do hot laps
), I tried it again tonight and uploaded a new fastest lap to if anyone cares to see a replay. See you on the track :dopey:
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El Z- I posted the race with the finish where you are in the grass on my FaceBook! It is official now! :lol:

edit- I forgot to say thanks... Thanks! A great service you, and Rudi have provided the GT community. :)
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Nice races tonight

Finally, after being beaten too many times by siegmund, I sent him a message.
My message and his reply.
I tried to translate it with google translator, but I think it's wrong
Could anyone translate it?

He said "yes,if you are not in my way"....:ouch:


(@EL_ZISSOU :LOL @ the first video you posted...when we did that race i knew you would say that........but he,i just don't like the paint job on your car so i just had to make a scratch on the
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GT-TRON - another siegmund12 "style"... player :/
Waiting for these privet races...
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GT-TRON - another siegmund "style"... player :/
Waiting for these privet races...

We all have to wait and deal with the idiots :lol:

Last night he tried to dive inside while he's on the outside right after the chicane!!!!, and the result ramming penalty for him :sly: yeepeeeeee and I escaped the devil....
GT-TRON - another siegmund12 "style"... player :/
Waiting for these privet races...

At least you had me as a clean opponent ! :)

And you were clean too. Hope to race with you soon, happy for having be able to follow a racer like you during the whole race...
I'm going to be in at 50. I'll be recording some of these races tonight and I'll post them if they're any good from my view (aka if I don't completely suck).

I finally found myself a setup that works for me: 85% weight, +16 power, R1/S1 Tires, clacksman's suspension/brakes/other tune, and LizMcQueen's Transmission. I'm getting 1' with it :sly: