Integra CUP - Fuji 550pp - xx:05 / :35

  • Thread starter Horde_R35

You get off the GTP sked with a matchfail and an FTC and several things happen:
1: Traffic quality drops
2: Average finish position improves
3: Repair bills increase
Captain Disaster stop blocking me and others! Your nick name seems to feet you...

Sorry you feel that way, it's a busy grid out there on most occasions and finding a position is, as you know, difficult. No deliberate blocking is done, so sorry you're upset.
Had some super close and super fast races today. I wish I could have recorded some of the six car battles and 3 of us side by side through the chicane and all coming out unscathed. Racing at it's best!

Thanks to all who raced today 👍

back tomorrow for sure
Sorry you feel that way, it's a busy grid out there on most occasions and finding a position is, as you know, difficult. No deliberate blocking is done, so sorry you're upset.

Was busy alright:D! Yeah i got a bit mad after that and my post was made just after, sorry if it sounded arsh! Were 4 or 5 integras on the straight and when i went to the right side so i could brake later and dont hit anyone, you throw yourself to my front, luckly nothing happen! Again in 2 or 3 more corners in the same lap, bloking Lacko as well... All good! Hope to race you later:)!
Had a lot of fun with super clean racers Krispy and Flash... thanks again !

Hope I wasn'nt too messy in my driving style. Sorry if I was.
Had a lot of fun with super clean racers Krispy and Flash... thanks again !

Hope I wasn'nt too messy in my driving style. Sorry if I was.

Not at all, was a pleasure racing with you 👍

Had lots of great races tonight, and suprisingly connected nine times out of ten :eek: so thanks to EDK, Nurburgring, FLASH, BTH_Rud, Cpt. D, i-Plume and all the other guys :cheers:

I'm going to miss this when the events update, unless by some twist of fate, PD keep the FWDs at Fuji.
Calamity, a good word to define this evening

At the beginning I did two races with some of you, but in both there was a terrible lag and I finished parked in the pit. Then I tried three more, but it was impossible, error 60:29000000 constantly

I'm sorry if I ruined your races
Some great races tonight with KOR_Tombstone (:bowdown: for your pace and for dealing with The Village Idiot40[DE]), Hugo, Kevin, Hai, Racecleanmorons, WGP_Curvone, WGP_Doctor :cheers:

EDIT: Had to go in for one more, ended up in a private room just me and Hugo. Best race of the night. Five laps, finished within 0.005 of each other, not a single bit of contact in 5 laps. This is the future, this is Gran Turismo 5. :D

All the best
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(:bowdown: for your pace and for dealing with The Village Idiot40[DE]),

He was present in one of my race, he poisoned the whole race, punting 3 racers. I just dont understand, he is a good driver (faster than me) but a very bad racer, always punting people in the corners, making them having penalties and him being again slowing down by his own unfairly mistakes...

Had to go in for one more, ended up in a private room just me and Hugo. Best race of the night. Five laps, finished within 0.005 of each other, not a single bit of contact in 5 laps. This is the future, this is Gran Turismo 5. :D

All the best

I just hope I will be accepted in these kind of private rooms.
How do you think it will work, to decide who will be accepted and who wont be ?
He was present in one of my race, he poisoned the whole race, punting 3 racers. I just dont understand, he is a good driver (faster than me) but a very bad racer, always punting people in the corners, making them having penalties and him being again slowing down by his own unfairly mistakes...

I just hope I will be accepted in these kind of private rooms.
How do you think it will work, to decide who will be accepted and who wont be ?

Hopefully with private rooms, they will be setup by what Division you are in! Or a GTP tag guy will setup a room and you just join. Not really sure but you will not have problem finding a GTP race!!
Thanks all for the nice evening (Maz, Zissou, Lotrzyna, Enigma, and EBK2 that was an amazing 5 laps 👍), many good races and excellent drivers

:cheers: all
Had some super close and super fast races today. I wish I could have recorded some of the six car battles and 3 of us side by side through the chicane and all coming out unscathed. Racing at it's best!

Thanks to all who raced today 👍

back tomorrow for sure

I agree Alexi, I could only take part early in the evening yesterday as I had to go out for the night but most of the races that I did have were excellent, especially the last one at 18:35 where we finished almost in a dead heat!
I just hope I will be accepted in these kind of private rooms.
How do you think it will work, to decide who will be accepted and who wont be ?

There's still probably a good few months between now and the release of GT5, so if you continue to race online you'll undoubtedly make friends with other GTPers who will add you to their PSN lists.

Also when the Race admins decide to run another major GTP race Event, you can enter that and race with people from your own division or higher, that's another good way to get to know racers. I've added numerous people to my PSN list having raced them in Event 02 and Event 03.

I'm sure there will still be public schedules though, I don't think it will be a case of people disappearing into private rooms forever 👍

All the best
You still on the R3/R1 too?

Ahh, you must have not been reading earlier in the thread, I gave out a few r1/s3 recommendations. Welcome to the party :)

just managed a 9'15.1, mainly thanks to my drag machine El Zissou!

That was a great race! Three of us finished all with a pretty fast time, and I remember we made 2 or 3 overtakes every lap :dopey:


Ah the hot tub Good Times

Well done we're all counting on you

Next will be foot massages @ Suzuka :cool:

This is a real fun event, a lot more fun than I would have imagined. I think the crappy car gives a lot of people a false sense of being fast. :lol: Which is all good, this way everyone can join in on the fun. It would be cool to see a turn out like this, and the competition that comes with it, at a more challenging combo, or for me personally, a F2007 race 👍

Stuper thanks to EL Zorro for lettin me Shake n Bake in his bacteria bath, also.

El Z- Do you sit there with a camera ready at all times?
Looking forward to hopefully having some more great races later this evening, hopefully see you guys on track 👍
I'll be in @ :35...just hopped out of the shower and will be going for some practice laps in the mean time 👍

Edit: I'll be in the GTP chat also :)

Edit: God damn servers are driving me nuts as usual. 5 fail to connects in 7 attempts to race :rolleyes:
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Thanks for the video's as always Rudi...👍

Today we had a race together with Hyperspeed...i can't find it on your youtube channel,did you record that one aswell??...we finished side by side the 3 of us,it whas a great race...:):)



(thanks to all guys i raced today ,whas very nice and most of them were clean and fast....)
Thanks for posting that video Sascha 👍 Seems my car had a serious lag issue, making me look like a drunken sailor out there :( Sorry to lacko_47 for being on the receiving end of that crap! :guilty: I had no idea at the time that my lag was what ran you off the road, as I was still a good hundred feet away at the time minding my own business :ill: Also, sorry to Rudi and VR46 for the lag induced contact at turn 6 (the left hander) on lap 4.

I need to figure out how to improve my online racing connection despite having a cable connection :rolleyes: Can anyone give me any tips on how I could improve the connection? I use a wireless router btw.
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It's been an incredible pleasure racing with you, Hugo and Dan recently, also Maffski, Spyrrari, i-Plume, Ton and the random KOR aliens who drop in for a while.

All the best