Integra CUP - Fuji 550pp - xx:05 / :35

  • Thread starter Horde_R35
I finally found myself a setup that works for me: 85% weight, +16 power, R1/S1 Tires, clacksman's suspension/brakes/other tune, and LizMcQueen's Transmission.

Hey guys

Thanks for the racing tonight. many good battles especially with lotrzyna! He very fast. Also chunkee & hondre ! Sorry if i bump anyone but its pretty hard not to touch anyone when 6 guys are going into a corner!
Today's morning session resulted in a total time of 9'19.448 and another race 9'18.7xx but the cam hanged and couldn't take a pic :ouch:

I'm uploading a video from this evening, but it'll take a couple of hours from now (My upload seems to be slow from my PC for some reason) and I'm off to bed soon...

Look out for a Siegmund40 fail at the chicane on lap 5! He tries to hit me, but misses as I duck to the inside at the last minute :lol: Was too busy laughing that I lost a place to someone else!
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GT-TRON - another siegmund12 "style"... player :/
Waiting for these privet races...

I hope everybody noticed 12 instead 40 ? :D ;)

At least you had me as a clean opponent ! :)

And you were clean too. Hope to race with you soon, happy for having be able to follow a racer like you during the whole race...

"GTP" fast and clean racer mark :) (I find myself to slow, therefore I didn't register my GTP ID yet)

Thanks a lot for all the fight on the track :)

That one particular race was remarkable :) What I liked about it the most was me overtaking you :yuck: on last lap on 100R, breaking to hairpin, staying on 3rd and exiting hairpin perfectly ;) while you anticipated I would have to break right after showing in front of you and you started to break very early and not even slightly touched me - really cool stuff :)
Plus it wasn't you fallowing me all the race, we were exchanging on that position (3rd afair)

Hey guys

Thanks for the racing tonight. many good battles especially with lotrzyna! He very fast. Also chunkee & hondre ! Sorry if i bump anyone but its pretty hard not to touch anyone when 6 guys are going into a corner!

Thanks for the races and for the good words, unfortunately I'm not that fast at all :( I wish I was faster... my current best (done today) is 1.51.5xx no draft at all and less starting speed due to loosing it on the last turn of lap earlier - happens to me a lot lately :/ (probably trying to find optimal line to hard)
was a strange racing day. :sly:

for example this one...

Thank you very much Rudi! I now understand how much time you contribute in getting these videos to us- we really appreciate it! :cheers:

It looks like I have the same video as well- here it is from my cockpit. That was a very intense race. Difficult to keep things under control :crazy:

GTRP_RusiRaser, GTro_UniTRon, BTH_Lacko_M47, GTP_Undutchable, GTP_timeattack, GTP_oldnail1, GTP_jh001, i-Plume, EL_ZISSOU

El Z- I posted the race with the finish where you are in the grass on my FaceBook! It is official now! :lol:

edit- I forgot to say thanks... Thanks! A great service you, and Rudi have provided the GT community. :)

I'm very glad you enjoyed it! :cheers:

The lawnmower finish is a special service, reserved only for friends and cheaters

@EL_ZISSOU :LOL @ the first video you posted...when we did that race i knew you would say that........but he,i just don't like the paint job on your car so i just had to make a scratch on the

It's ok gramps, I heard your car broke down and you didn't make it to the eye doctor this month :sly: :sly:

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Hey guys

Thanks for the racing tonight. many good battles especially with lotrzyna! He very fast. Also chunkee & hondre ! Sorry if i bump anyone but its pretty hard not to touch anyone when 6 guys are going into a corner!

Like Lotrzyna said earlier, I had a great time trying to be as fast as you...
It is always a pleasure to race with a clean guy.

Hope to meet you again on the track.
GT-TRON - another siegmund12 "style"... player :/
Waiting for these privet races...

I don't know if you guys also raced against Arsenalmate (HU), silly way of driving, and just forces his way into turns.
Anyway, tonight is the last night for this event, and I hope I will get a chance to race against you fast, clean drivers.
video from last night (it's only the last lap because the rest of the race sucked):

that about sums it up, don't it? Really it would've just been clacksman's tune with different PP changing stuff, but I found his gearbox to be not quite what I wanted and I knew the one Liz came up with worked quite well. That's about the time I flipped the switch and yelled "IT'S ALIVE!!!"
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Whens the next event? I wouldnt mind entering if there arent too many people already :)
The times in the title are how many minutes past the hour (using the in game clock) that folk from here will join. Feel free to join in as and when.

Sometimes you'll get a full grid of 12 and sometimes you won't, but you'll usually always find at least 1 GTP driver in the field.
The times in the title are how many minutes past the hour (using the in game clock) that folk from here will join. Feel free to join in as and when.

Sometimes you'll get a full grid of 12 and sometimes you won't, but you'll usually always find at least 1 GTP driver in the field.

EVERYhour of EVERYday? Man alive! Thanks for the info but getting a full grid and a proper race seems a little random. I thought you might all arrange something a little more specific :lol:
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Look out for a Siegmund40 fail at the chicane on lap 5! He tries to hit me, but misses as I duck to the inside at the last minute :lol: Was too busy laughing that I lost a place to someone else!

I like this video, that was a great race. I started in last position and finished sixth, for me is like a victory

At the beginning num"cheatshunter"11714 went straight for siegmund

The last lap was exciting, from the chicane, where our friend braked late to push daan (but he failed) until the end, he lost 3 positions for being a cheater, then WGP_lelek28 pushed him when he tried to close the door, on final straight num11714 and me were in his slipstream, suddenly he braked (we knew it could happen) we avoided and overtaked him

As you can see siedmung (I know you're reading us), to be a cheater is stupid, everyone hates you and you don't win anything doing those things.
You know, fair play or this.
EVERYhour of EVERYday? Man alive! Thanks for the info but getting a full grid and a proper race seems a little random. I thought you might all arrange something a little more specific :lol:

Hey man, as a guidline you may want to shoot for hours where people are awake :D

Seriously, on weekdays I would recommend trying to join any time between 12 noon and 10pm eastern US time- that pretty much covers the evening shift for most of PAL and NTSC. Good luck :)

that about sums it up, don't it? Really it would've just been clacksman's tune with different PP changing stuff, but I found his gearbox to be not quite what I wanted and I knew the one Liz came up with worked quite well. That's about the time I flipped the switch and yelled "IT'S ALIVE!!!"

HAhaha nice! We have one day left, maybe I will try to interchange some body parts as well :dopey:
Just had my first taste of online racingness.

A fellow GTP'er won (jp001?). Its a shame there werent more GTP'ers because I got bashed off line on a few occasions. Managed to lead the race for lap one, then two kamikaze drivers took me wide off the first corner, then i got shunted in the chicane. Finally i watched as (jp001) sailed past on the straight and i gave myself a penalty trying to make up time. Finished 5th :(

Entered the next race, got the inside line going into turn one, completely miss judged my braking point and made an ass of myself. Thankfully i didnt collect anyone but by the end of the first lap i hadnt made any ground so quit.

Still trying to get the hang of this race. I thought i had a good line around fuji but FWD is so much different! Especially when you have to have a loose back end to be competetive on power. Very tough race i like it.

By the way thanks to LizMcQueen for your tune. Its the one i'm using right now but i think i need to tweak for stability. I cant control the loose rear. R1's all round for me i think and a big slug of weight :(

PS. I normally race with my main PSN which is Shin_Roh, not my GTP tag

PPS. Does everyone enter an event based on their XMB time or the in game clock? Mine is a couple of minutes out curiosly
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As you can see siedmung (I know you're reading us), to be a cheater is stupid, everyone hates you and you don't win anything doing those things.
You know, fair play or this.

:lol: I've only run into him once online and I avoided him like the plague :)
Eh.. close enough :P

:lol: sorry. You're quick though man.. Jeez. In that last race i managed to keep pace until a mistake in the esses. This race is so competetive. one mistake and, well... 3rd! 20 seconds behind!

edit: ok you're loads faster than me :( Got my fastest lap ever chasing you down though. I think i even saw +9sec split go to +8 :D
1:52.4xx is now my best. Happy with that!
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Just been in a race with Takeuchi01, and I was catching him! :D He was doing 50.1s (probably the first time he'd been in that car though:lol:)
I know there were only three of us, but the race between Daan, Spyria and myself was INTENSE! I can only imagine what a full grid must be like.

Great race! 👍 I think.

:lol: I was slowing you down i'm sure
I know there were only three of us, but the race between Daan, Spyria and myself was INTENSE! I can only imagine what a full grid must be like.

Great race! 👍 I think.

:lol: I was slowing you down i'm sure
I'm sure both Spyrarri and myself waited when one of us went off in oder to keep us all together, but when I was driving I wasn't taking it any easier than I normally would.

The video of it will be up shortly.
I'm sure both Spyrarri and myself waited when one of us went off in oder to keep us all together, but when I was driving I wasn't taking it any easier than I normally would.

The video of it will be up shortly.

Video!? Awesome.

And of course what i meant to say was.. It was intense until I got over excited and got a corner penalty! :ouch: You didnt have to slow down, but your sportsmanship wasnt lost on me, I appreciate it, both of you!

I'm just glad of the fact there wasnt an instaAVOID with my name on it popping up here :lol:
My first win in this event! :D


I was in a good battle for first with 2 other guys for most of this race, and I led for a bit. We were all mugged by Spyrarri as he came from 4th to first in one move into the first corner on the last lap... And he managed to stop it after getting a monster tow from 3 cars... Git! :D

And the 3 way race between Captain Roh, Spyrarri and me.

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Thanks for the videos Daan...


Seeing all the videos who are posted i notice that nobody is using cockpit view...this amazes me a little bit,as i allways use cockpit view in online racing,it makes the experience so much more realistic and alive...sure i am a little faster using bumper view(as i allways do in timetrailing)but especially when in a crowd turning into corners using cockpit view makes you much more aware where the others are...and were the edges of the car for me:cockpit view
Seeing all the videos who are posted i notice that nobody is using cockpit view...this amazes me a little bit,as i allways use cockpit view in online racing,it makes the experience so much more realistic and alive...sure i am a little faster using bumper view(as i allways do in timetrailing)but especially when in a crowd turning into corners using cockpit view makes you much more aware where the others are...and were the edges of the car for me:cockpit view

I was thinking the exact same thing! PD go to all that effort creating these beautiful cockpits but hardly anyone uses them. I never thought the road cam would give you a slight advantage either. I've tried to use it but i cant get into it. Cockpit view FTW here too!

And the 3 way race between Captain Roh, Spyrarri and me.

Thanks for uploading that Daan. Really enjoyed racing with you. Sorry i broke the rhythm slightly with my corner penalty, it was nice of you both to wait and the battle was pretty intense. Definately one of my whole lifes sim racing highlights thats for sure. Thanks again, to both you guys :)
Seeing all the videos who are posted i notice that nobody is using cockpit view...this amazes me a little bit,as i allways use cockpit view in online racing,it makes the experience so much more realistic and alive...sure i am a little faster using bumper view(as i allways do in timetrailing)but especially when in a crowd turning into corners using cockpit view makes you much more aware where the others are...and were the edges of the car for me:cockpit view

I used to use cockpit view but no longer spend enough seat time to get used to the edges of whatever car I'm driving, so I use the nothing view now. The exaggerated pitch is annoying, but only similarly annoying to the misaimed side mirrors.

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