International Event - Suzuka Expert ONLY 750 pp 02-17-32-47 ***NO GT lm***

  • Thread starter Timppaq
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You did nothing wrong: Driving to the best of your ability through the esses is not a crime, and should be expected of any driver. You don't need to pull over or make room, and even attempting to through the esses can be dangerous.

That said, it can be frustrating when being held up in the curves. Some take this as an excuse to punt, but timeattack (and most clean and fast racers) will instead look for an opportunity to make the pass cleanly, and Dunlop is the first good place, barring a mistake by the driver up front.

Thanks for your comments.
For whatever reason, I can't seem to get the GT wound up on lap 1 until Dunlop, maybe it's my tune or maybe it's my brain. It's common knowledge that the GT is not the fastest in corners, but makes up for it elsewhere. Surely this is what racing different cars is all about?
It's also written elsewhere on this forum that we are not an elitist group.
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getting into turn 1 through to the end of the esses on lap 1 is ridiculous. i always try to get in line and work my way through the pack gradually but then i either get sandwidged or pushed off the track so i can understand the frustration and the urge to be aggressive. i also agree with timeattack that a pre-race qualifying lap would sort most of the problems out. we'd at least get a better fliow at the start.
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I think this thread is starting to get worse... Desmo dont give a **** what people say about you driving slow. Ive raced you before and your not slow. Nobody should be made to move out the way because they arent as fast as someone else. If you have the position on any lap, you dont have to give way. I pretty sure if Hamilton and Massa were fighting for posistion and one of them was alot faster than the other, they will give way :rolleyes:

If your really that much faster then you wont have a problem passing. Remember what GT is about. Its about fun racing not about WINNING....
Amen to that, we're all friends so lets put the guns down and take a deep breath.

You notice how when these new event threads crop up the first few pages are all positive and it slowly gets ruined by whining and bickering... not pointing any fingers, but its a trend in all the threads and lots of people do it. Come on lads sort it!!! :)

For whatever reason, I can't seem to get the GT wound up on lap 1 until Dunlop

Same here mate, the start of the race is like being being in a tumble drier and its hard to get yer head down and get into the groove.
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I think this thread is starting to get worse... Desmo dont give a **** what people say about you driving slow. Ive raced you before and your not slow. Nobody should be made to move out the way because they arent as fast as someone else. If you have the position on any lap, you dont have to give way. I pretty sure if Hamilton and Massa were fighting for posistion and one of them was alot faster than the other, they will give way :rolleyes:

If your really that much faster then you wont have a problem passing. Remember what GT is about. Its about fun racing not about WINNING....

Thanks for your comments.
For whatever reason, I can't seem to get the GT wound up on lap 1 until Dunlop, maybe it's my tune or maybe it's my brain. It's common knowledge that the GT is not the fastest in corners, but makes up for it elsewhere. Surely this is what racing different cars is all about?
Actually, the GT can be very fast through the corners, especially the low speed esses. However, for this car (and other MR cars) it takes a different driving style where you exploit the throttle induced oversteer to help control your direction. This is even more true for the GTLM. Most everyone in D1 has mastered this technique. I can do it, but I'm not especially good at it.
It's also written elsewhere on this forum that we are not an elitist group.
We aren't elitist, and we support racers of all ability levels. 👍

However, when racers of different ability levels meet up on the track, situations like the above are inevitable. Just keep doing what you are doing: drive to the best of your ability, keep striving to improve. Don't feel obliged to move over to make way for those behind you, but don't actively block them either -- pick your line and stick with it. A good driver in an equal car will be able to get around you if he's truly faster. Active blocking, brake checking, and ramming throws a monkey wrench in the works and will cause much more angst than merely driving a bit slower than expected.

All that said: faster drivers need to respect the rights of slower drivers to be on the track as well. Most here do a good job of that... some need to improve in this regard.
Wow...come on guys this is supposed to be a fun event. Now if somebody is slow that doesn't make him a bad driver and nor if hes too fast makes him a better driver. Trust me nobody is perfect and if you are.....than you must be unique, cause even in real life, professional drivers make mistakes, sometimes they are quick and sometimes they are don't give me that. Now let's leave all this behind and have fun, after all this is a game and a good community that does it very well!! :P
If anyone has a higher mistakes/laps run ratio that I do, they should get a medal. I've been pretty much (old and) in the way for two days.

Take it easy on each other!

I'm trying to get back out there....gotta eat.....
will be in at xx02.

I think people need to stop pointing out every single mistake that people make. It's only natural that when someone is called into question that they want to answer back and defend thereselves. So if we can stop the complaining starting in the first place, then that should cut down half the bickering.

Also if your actions on the track cause someone to loose a place, or go off, try and ensure you let them back past. Fair racing will gain you more respect than winning.
I was driving the white Viper...not Vette. Hell yea I'm an aggresive driver...especially in a 5 lap race with no qualifying order. You have to be aggressive if you want to work your way up the field to battle with the leaders. I don't at all try and deliberatly run people off the road or try and screw up other drivers races to benefit mine, but I'm not going to sit back behind a slow cornering car and let the leader run away, simply because I was forced to start in the back. We were seriously getting held up by the blue GT through the esses (DukeofPendle?)...I was getting rather frustrated watching the leaders slip away so I started closing the gap looking to get a run on the GT out of Degner leading to the hairpin. Btw, I use the chase view so I can see what's going on better in front of me than the drivers who use the bumper cam. I took Degner at close to a normal rate, with little adjustment to my line and speed. I probably left about a 5 foot gap in front of me to the GT, yet you ran me off as you didn't see what was really going on in front of you, or ME more importantly. Don't see how you can blame me for that one...had I not been there to use as a mobile armco you probably would have wound up in the sandpit :ill: Good racing otherwise...👍 I believe the start of that race was rather messy as well...I remember braking too early (trying to be overly friendly) at the first turn which caused a few problems. I apologize for that...

Thanks for letting me know that, was it chase view that gives you the ability to know what other cars will do before they've done it:tup:

will be in at xx02.

I think people need to stop pointing out every single mistake that people make.
It's not about that, people make mistakes, they then apologize either by waiting or making a post, what's naffing me off is it seem more so now than in the past, people want to get to the front within the first few corners, do you really think that's possible without ant errors along the way, i try to drive courtesouly(sp), waiting if i punt somone accidentally, although i do do it on purpose at times, i take my time if i can behind any melee going on in front and i don't give a fook where i come in the race, but its pissin me off how many people just tear arse through the pack oblivious to what they leave behind them, then they see the post about what happened, then fireworks start...
Trying to think of way for people better to understand why i feel the way i feel, Timppaq, Zabeu, Tameturtle, Truth to name just a few, all excellent drivers and no matter how much we practice we can never hope to be like them...BUT, you see there name in a race, you think well they more than likely going to win, yet when you on track and they come from behind to pass you, do they do it erratically, do they bump, punt, swipe you off, do they do it aggressively, no, you get enough room so you can continue to race the way you was doing> Thats not because they are excellent drivers its just common courtesy, a style of driving that we all should try and follow
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I think this thread is starting to get worse... Desmo dont give a **** what people say about you driving slow. Ive raced you before and your not slow. Nobody should be made to move out the way because they arent as fast as someone else. If you have the position on any lap, you dont have to give way. I pretty sure if Hamilton and Massa were fighting for posistion and one of them was alot faster than the other, they will give way :rolleyes:

If your really that much faster then you wont have a problem passing. Remember what GT is about. Its about fun racing not about WINNING....

👍 Wholly agreed on this, just try your best Desmo. Don't make it too easy for the opposition by moving out of the way otherwise its not worth racing altogether. It's the racing experience that counts not about credits, wins or ego's. You always remember the races thats pushes your ability to the edge win or lose, I know my fair share.
not happy at all with GTBrasil_Bernal or summin like that!, reel him in from miles back, pass him, clearly didn't like it and fires me off at casio... wat a joke..!:grumpy:
Not driving the Viper again.

Appreciate the tune timeattack, it's not to my style. Could be the car, could be the tune. I'll work on it.

The Viper's caused me nothing but greif tonight.

Two disgruntled racers in one night, one sent me a PM and one deliberately waited for me and tried to take me off.
Sorry about that guys....started with 744pp, forgot to turn my power back up when messing with my tune.
This statement is worth a quote:

All that said: faster drivers need to respect the rights of slower drivers to be on the track as well.

On whatever spot you are driving, you'll always be held up somewhere on the track unless you are alone up front. Just see it as a challenge to overtake people as quick as possible. If you can't pass them, then the problem is not that they are too slow, but that you're not skilled enough to overtake them.

A lot of people get insulted here, while in fact all they do is trying to make the best out of their race. In reality there's only a few people that aren't worth wearing the GTP tag imo.
We all make mistakes, only some more than others. Racing isn't easy.

I'd like to suggest that if people have problems with actions of other GTP drivers, that they try to solve it via pm or messages on the PS3. It annoys me to read all those little flame wars that end with an apology just a few posts later. It's just completely unnecessary.

If you really have a problem with somebody's driving, report it to Jerry 💡

Damn Hugo! keep that little runty lotus away from me haha :lol: was like a little bloomin terrier snapping at my heels :P

Cool that man ;)

If you won't let me be the whippet, you force me to be the terrier :P

Too bad we had too little interesting battles. My almost worn out force feedback makes me lose control of my car a bit too much for my liking. Sorry to all who became a victim of that tonight :embarrassed:

I also want to give a heads up to Pentagram. A few months ago I had some incidents with him from time to time, but now you've made it to the group of racers that I trust blindly. You've really upped your level of driving 👍

Cya all on track :cheers:
Actually, the GT can be very fast through the corners, especially the low speed esses. However, for this car (and other MR cars) it takes a different driving style where you exploit the throttle induced oversteer to help control your direction. This is even more true for the GTLM. Most everyone in D1 has mastered this technique. I can do it, but I'm not especially good at it.

We aren't elitist, and we support racers of all ability levels. 👍

However, when racers of different ability levels meet up on the track, situations like the above are inevitable. Just keep doing what you are doing: drive to the best of your ability, keep striving to improve. Don't feel obliged to move over to make way for those behind you, but don't actively block them either -- pick your line and stick with it. A good driver in an equal car will be able to get around you if he's truly faster. Active blocking, brake checking, and ramming throws a monkey wrench in the works and will cause much more angst than merely driving a bit slower than expected.

All that said: faster drivers need to respect the rights of slower drivers to be on the track as well. Most here do a good job of that... some need to improve in this regard.

Ahhh...the voice of reason. Well said. You're definately right when you say these types of situations are inevitable. This is something I've said in the past regarding this topic. When you not only have so many drivers of different skill levels, cars with MUCH different characteristics, a track that's hard to pass on, and a 5 lap race/sprint with lack of proper starting grid order, you definately have a recipe for disaster. :ill:

Regarding slower cars and passing. I totally agree and think it's fine for the car in front to maintain their racing line and position, as long as no blocking or general foul play/lack of respect is taking place. Although I will say it's kind of lame when one of the cars that's fast on the straights and slow in the corners tries to slide down the inside of you under braking going into T1 so they can hold you up and play pace car (1 second off sector 1 pace) again until you get an oppurtunity to pass. Let me say that I should be able to share my reasonable frustrations/opinions and as to what could have possibly caused the accident, and not be frouned upon for sharing a respectable opinion either. When I get held up by a train of 3 cars, losing a second a sector per lap to the leaders (like what happened to me earlier) I definately get frustrated. I realize it is just the nature of the the event though. In the situation earlier, the first car was Dukes Ford GT and the cars behind it (2Corvettes, Wanna B and another GTP'er?) were having a hard time passing him in the corners and on the straights, which meant I could do little but sit back and watch for a mistake or drive really aggresively and look for openings between the cars running a different line...which I eventually did. Let me remind you that the leaders were walking away simply due to there lucky starting position, which is all it is most of the time. Now I'm not all about winning, but I definately enjoy taking on doctorben, the LMsquad, KOR, TEW, the best of GTP, who usually run at the front when they do show up. There is a certain amount of joy in slaying the Giants and doing the impossible...or at least you thought :sly:
The award for move of the night has to go to Pentralalaseriouscat in his GT06, I did actually manage to pull off exactly the move that you guys are talking about, outside of turn 3/inside Dunlop, it does work and can be done. But P3nty, the way he took Degner 1.5 and speared me on the exit of Degner 2 was beautiful, I was actually laughing so hard I had to stop driving. I know it was totally accidental mate but it was hilarious. How did it happen??


That happens from time to time. The back end steps out under braking into t1 and my big fat back tyre takes a bovinesque chomp of grass and the GT does one of it's trademark oversteer pirouettes. All I can do is drop a gear and try to drag it into a comedy tight line to the bottom corner.

I didn't catch it. So the next thing that happens is I'm tanking along the grass, sideways, watching the hairpin legging it across my horizon, left to right, ready to get plonked onto the road at the bottom of the hill, with a bit of luck, facing the way I want to go.

I must have hit you but I didn't feel any contact. Next thing I see you passing me, all ghosted out and then stopping, as if to let me pass. I thought maybe you'd bent the corner too and hoped against hope that you'd missed my embarrassing little dry ski run somehow as you bent it.

So I sauntered by nonchalantly trying to look as put out by your antics as I could.

It wasn't till I was on the straight toward 130r that I suddenly realised your blip hadn't moved on the map. That was when it dawned on me that I maybe had hit you and you was big time po'd at me. So I sauntered back and sang you a little song with my engine revs to try cheer you up.
Thanks for letting me know that, was it chase view that gives you the ability to know what other cars will do before they've done it:tup:

It's not about that, people make mistakes, they then apologize either by waiting or making a post, what's naffing me off is it seem more so now than in the past, people want to get to the front within the first few corners, do you really think that's possible without ant errors along the way, i try to drive courtesouly(sp), waiting if i punt somone accidentally, although i do do it on purpose at times, i take my time if i can behind any melee going on in front and i don't give a fook where i come in the race, but its pissin me off how many people just tear arse through the pack oblivious to what they leave behind them, then they see the post about what happened, then fireworks start...

I didn't see you wait for me...what are you talking about? I never even hit you off either.
Wow first corner was a mess and yet whoever hit me never even stopped and it was a GTP member. He never used his brakes!!! I am going to say nothing but let's see if it happens again! :P I am good but at least show me why you have the GTP tag! :P
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eww your driving a clio....

Hi you doing buddy....yeahh. Testing and tunning! No better way to do that than driving with some real competition you know what I mean! :P Now testing my new tune for the viper as well! See you at xx02

Hugo, you said it perfectly. I suffer online because I suck at passing (my apologies to those who I've been using for practice, and failing) and I refuse to deliberately block faster cars on the track. I'm trying to learn more than trying to win. I hold no ill will toward anyone holding me up. If I can't get by cleanly, it's my problem, not yours.
WOW! It`s sure fun racing against the new GTP-members! Specially those driving Elise`s.
No respect at all, they will pass you at any opportunity, if you`re pushed out of the track that`s your problem for not being fast enough in getting out of their way!

So what`s the point in being member of GTP and expecting clean races?
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