Were doing more than just one track before we start the preseason. Were going to base the selection process off of the results of the practice races. So far weve only had 5 people show up and participate in these races. So were going to have to either have more people partake, or they will go last on the list. I'll move the thread to the racing series section to get more attention, but not right yet.
thanks for signing up stormy. You will have to wait to make a final car selection. Were doing practice races to determine who the fastest-slowest people are. We'll do 2 more practice races. Next tuesday at GV east reverse, then another track the next tuesday. They'll be worth points, but the trade off is the highest scoring person picks their car last. While the lowest scoring person picks their car first.
This thread is now in the Racing Series section. With me dropping other series there is a good chance we'll hold this Tuesday evenings and early Saturday afternoons (eastern time). If anyone has a problem with that, please express it. This way we have two separate double races per week (4 total).
We can do just Tuesdays, it all depends. Hope I see you all later today (tonight)! These races are for preseason points and determining what order you pick your car, so please do your best to participate!
We had a decent crowd tonight. Not many on here who've expressed interest showed up though. So I'm hoping for more people to join in. Thanks for all those that did show up. The results are noted. I will give it another week before I decide if I'm going to count these races as apart of the preseason points and car selection process, so stay tuned.
That's ok. As long as you can make it before we start the season. I'm trying to get a selection process down before I let anyone choose a car. I want the 'slower' guys to be able to choose first so they can have a better chance at getting a car they feel may be easier to go fast in. But to do this I need people to show up to the races and show me what they can do.
Race will be at it's normal time tomorrow, 4pm pacific time -8 GMT; 7pm eastern time -5 GMT, 12am GMT room opens, qualifying 15 minutes after, race begins 30 minutes after room open. Track is ROME Reverse with 15 laps.
I'll updated the points in the 2nd post, those will be added to points to next weeks two practice races, that will determine the preseason points standings and we'll start up with the car selection process based on who scored the least amount of points going first and the highest points scorer choosing his car last. Those who sign up late or haven't participated in any of the practice races will select their car after everyone who has participated.