Interracial Couples and Marriage

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Actually, they dont. All races share the same genes, otherwise, they'd be different species. Physiology is largely a result of enviornmental factors, played out over thousands of generations. Skin color has nothing to do with genetics. Neither "Fast twitch muscles" or eye shape has anything to do with genetics. It is a difficult concept to wrap your brain around, but this is what is being taught in modern colleges around the world.

Scientists, for instance, have recently identified small changes in DNA that account for the pale skin of Europeans, the tendency of Asians to sweat less and West Africans’ resistance to certain diseases.

At the same time, genetic information is slipping out of the laboratory and into everyday life, carrying with it the inescapable message that people of different races have different DNA.

And regarding the topic, of course interracial marriage is 100% acceptable in all cases anywhere.

EDIT (see last page, unless you have differnet # of posts/page)
By MARY FOSTER, Associated Press Writer Mary Foster, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 3 mins ago

NEW ORLEANS – A Louisiana justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple out of concern for any children the couple might have. Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, says it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long.

"I'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way," Bardwell told the Associated Press on Thursday. "I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else."

Bardwell said he asks everyone who calls about marriage if they are a mixed race couple. If they are, he does not marry them, he said.

Bardwell said he has discussed the topic with blacks and whites, along with witnessing some interracial marriages. He came to the conclusion that most of black society does not readily accept offspring of such relationships, and neither does white society, he said.
That's pretty funny, I've never been through any hardships or had trouble being accepted by white or black people. And clearly, this guy is going to solve the problem he sees by segregating people.
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Molecular Biology & Genetics; Human Genetics & Disease.

This century.

Here in the UK, Fresno, California is in America.

Here in NY, not everyone is from where they are and it oftentimes leads to odd interpretations of the written word. You point out my (purposeful) overlooking of his location, but you say nothing about his ridiculous U.S. Public Schools comment (of which there are none). Last I checked public schools were handled by individual school districts that are only connected through state and federal resources, but not by any governing authorities. One central school district is how some European (France, for example) countries operate; making my reply totally appropriate. Maybe you didn’t know that about the United States, or perhaps you were as equally uninformed on the issue as I am of the article Exorcet brought to our attention.

Back to the topic. I will concede wrongness in my argument. I guess I was speaking more conceptually than factually. I believe people are essentially the same and that the makeup of the mind depends overwhelmingly on environmental factors during development.
Ethnicity and race are not direct analogues. Ethnic groupings can include racial groups, national groups, religious groups, linguistic groups, sexual groups - and so on and so forth.

In fact race is specifically defined as the categorisation of humans according to sets of heritable characteristics. The key word there is "heritable"...

I believe people are essentially the same and that the makeup of the mind depends overwhelmingly on environmental factors during development.

Indeed. Nature vs. nurture and all that jazz.
I will concede wrongness in my argument. I guess I was speaking more conceptually than factually. I believe people are essentially the same and that the makeup of the mind depends overwhelmingly on environmental factors during development.

I appreciate your willingness to admit the mistake, and I buy your point about the development of the mind. I just wonder why you specifically mentioned a number of genetically-based physical traits as your examples?
In Anthropology, race is considered a social construct. The proper identifier is ethnicity.

Eh sort of, if you are a cultural anthropologist then yes, if you are a physical anthropologist not so much.
I appreciate your willingness to admit the mistake, and I buy your point about the development of the mind. I just wonder why you specifically mentioned a number of genetically-based physical traits as your examples?

It was a jacka$$'d mistake. It was as though I was deliberately trying to sabotage my own argument. Obviously physical traits are distinguished by genetic markers; how else would they have gotten there? I was trying to get to the cultural-anthropological definition of race, and I mixed the concepts into a wrong answer. The larger point I was trying to make was that the genetic differences that create what we perceive to be race are so infinitesimal, they may as well not exist. It’s like saying "This cow has spots, so it’s different," when it is really more similar to other cows than anything else. When you use markers like spots for differentiation, it is because you are looking for an identifier to make two items that share a certain sameness different. Race, like money, has long been used to separate groups of people who are more alike than dissimilar. That’s not to say that I don’t believe in the differences (or that they don’t serve some significance) . I just spend more time looking for (and put more weight in) the similarities.
Here in NY, not everyone is from where they are and it oftentimes leads to odd interpretations of the written word. You point out my (purposeful) overlooking of his location, but you say nothing about his ridiculous U.S. Public Schools comment (of which there are none). Last I checked public schools were handled by individual school districts that are only connected through state and federal resources, but not by any governing authorities. One central school district is how some European (France, for example) countries operate; making my reply totally appropriate. Maybe you didn’t know that about the United States, or perhaps you were as equally uninformed on the issue as I am of the article Exorcet brought to our attention.
Certain public school districts don't go through the whole point of why do we call this or that this. But they just briefly touch it, I do want to know your side of the story. My statement isn't has harmful as it is. Some may think that this system needs to be reformed but other thinks that it needs a chance( depending on location).
Race, like money, has long been used to separate groups of people who are more alike than dissimilar. That’s not to say that I don’t believe in the differences (or that they don’t serve some significance) . I just spend more time looking for (and put more weight in) the similarities.

I'll grant you that.