Interracial Couples and Marriage

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Such as, errrr, two men?

Now you're talking. We'll bring you 'round, my friend.

Please don't take this to the gay marriage issue. thanks :)
Well, to me, they are the same issue. But your point is taken.
I don't even want to get into the gay marriage thing. But I do suppose that men or women of different races would be less "objectionable" to some folks.
But I do suppose that men or women of different races would be less "objectionable" to some folks.

if you stay with your own race all the time it's bad for the genes of your children, resulting in inbreed eventually...
I doubt that would really be the problem. I'm sure having a baby with your family member of 50 generations ago won't have any problems involved. Maybe a black man is related somewhere back... didn't they find out that the first human was black to begin with?
I dont have a problem with it at all. heck theres this cute little philipino girl I really like in my neighborhood, but then she's to young for me anyway, so I won't say anymore about that. I've got about fourteen different kinds of european in me so I'd be a hipocrit if I shuned interracial relationships. And just get me in the sun for a bit and my skin gets really dark. Take me to florida and You'll have people thinking I'm black. Skin tone is irelivent. It can change in the same person from one time to annother, but does that person change? No. It has no bearing on the person within.
Skin tone is irelivent. It can change in the same person from one time to annother, but does that person

if my dad lays in the sun he looks like the twin brother of the dude who flew the second plane in the WTC, like this he always get's frisked and searched on airports if my parents go on a holiday haha...
I was responding to Duke sort of, On the issue of gay marriage.
I meant a white man with a black man.:eek:

I will re-iterate, that as far as skin color. I have known at least one white person that was suprized that after I had cut myself, that my blood was red.
It seems that his Gma had "taught" him different.

It is this kind of ignorance that needs to eradicated.

My beautiful "beige" son is marrying a gorgeous Asian girl.
Not only will I have really beautiful multi-cultural grand-kids. They will be, at least, tri-lingual. (My son is fluent in Spanish and English. His fiancee is fluent in Hmong and English).
I figured I would just bump this very old thread since it deals directly with interracial marriages.

Interracial couple denied marriage license.

By MARY FOSTER, Associated Press Writer Mary Foster, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 3 mins ago

NEW ORLEANS – A Louisiana justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple out of concern for any children the couple might have. Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, says it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long.

"I'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way," Bardwell told the Associated Press on Thursday. "I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else."

Bardwell said he asks everyone who calls about marriage if they are a mixed race couple. If they are, he does not marry them, he said.

Bardwell said he has discussed the topic with blacks and whites, along with witnessing some interracial marriages. He came to the conclusion that most of black society does not readily accept offspring of such relationships, and neither does white society, he said.

"There is a problem with both groups accepting a child from such a marriage," Bardwell said. "I think those children suffer and I won't help put them through it."

If he did an interracial marriage for one couple, he must do the same for all, he said.

"I try to treat everyone equally," he said.

Bardwell estimates that he has refused to marry about four couples during his career, all in the past 2 1/2 years.

Beth Humphrey, 30, and 32-year-old Terence McKay, both of Hammond, say they will consult the U.S. Justice Department about filing a discrimination complaint.

Humphrey, an account manager for a marketing firm, said she and McKay, a welder, just returned to Louisiana. She is white and he is black. She plans to enroll in the University of New Orleans to pursue a masters degree in minority politics.

"That was one thing that made this so unbelievable," she said. "It's not something you expect in this day and age."

Humphrey said she called Bardwell on Oct. 6 to inquire about getting a marriage license signed. She says Bardwell's wife told her that Bardwell will not sign marriage licenses for interracial couples. Bardwell suggested the couple go to another justice of the peace in the parish who agreed to marry them.

"We are looking forward to having children," Humphrey said. "And all our friends and co-workers have been very supportive. Except for this, we're typical happy newlyweds."

"It is really astonishing and disappointing to see this come up in 2009," said American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana attorney Katie Schwartzmann. She said the Supreme Court ruled in 1967 "that the government cannot tell people who they can and cannot marry."

The ACLU sent a letter to the Louisiana Judiciary Committee, which oversees the state justices of the peace, asking them to investigate Bardwell and recommending "the most severe sanctions available, because such blatant bigotry poses a substantial threat of serious harm to the administration of justice."

"He knew he was breaking the law, but continued to do it," Schwartzmann said.

According to the clerk of court's office, application for a marriage license must be made three days before the ceremony because there is a 72-hour waiting period. The applicants are asked if they have previously been married. If so, they must show how the marriage ended, such as divorce.

Other than that, all they need is a birth certificate and Social Security card.

The license fee is $35, and the license must be signed by a Louisiana minister, justice of the peace or judge. The original is returned to the clerk's office.

"I've been a justice of the peace for 34 years and I don't think I've mistreated anybody," Bardwell said. "I've made some mistakes, but you have too. I didn't tell this couple they couldn't get married. I just told them I wouldn't do it."

This guy seem partially racist, partially dumb. Maybe nobody has told him that you don't have to be married to have kids.
I've been dating a girl from Peru for the past four years now, and I can't say I have really noticed any bad attitudes towards us because of it.

Our families are both pretty cool and none of hers mind me being American and none of mine mind her being Peruvian.

I look at it as pretty much a non-issue for me anyway, since it has never caused problems, plus I'm sure I'd be into her no matter where she was from.
Being a white honky myself, and my wife being at the other side of the spectrum, so to speak, i guess my marriage is interracial.
But i don't really notice it, since it's not an issue here ;)

My parents already knew i have a weak for ebony, and if i like it, they like it, hehehe.
And hers don't care about color either.

So, what we're left with is a marriage that is as boring as any other :cheers:
I'm white and my wife is Anglo-Indian (actually a mix of Indian, Scots and Persian), we've been married for over 14 years and have two kids.

Guess those interracial marriages really don't work out at all do they.

With international travel easy enough, the "norm" will one day be slightly darker than olive skin and dark hair for almost everyone.
It will take quite a few generations, but it will snowball over time.

Therefore we will become a world of one race and possibly one religion.
That may take a couple of millineum:D

BTW: I am of a interracial marriage (Aussie-Irish/Pakistani, my partner is Anglo-Aussie) so... so are my kids.
I figured I would just bump this very old thread since it deals directly with interracial marriages.

Interracial couple denied marriage license.

This guy seem partially racist, partially dumb. Maybe nobody has told him that you don't have to be married to have kids.

That's rather surprising, since a lot of New Orleans has a rich and historically interracial background; something that is totally undiscussed in other parts of The South.

Of course, there may be other qualifying reasons why they can't get married (3 day waiting period, for example). They're not cousins, for example? (Yes, they will ask you that in states where it's forbidden.)

It's fairly common in South Florida (although 1-2% isn't exactly "the norm"). Never bothered me much.
Here's our future if interracial marriage continues to happen!

:P [/joke]
you've got a valid argument there. im mixed race (part welsh, part jamaican, english by birth), but live in a totally white community. i have no problem with that, as i see myself as white anyway.
i often meet many white people that seem to make a point of going out of their way to prove how much they are not racist. honestly, its ridculous. they usually start any conversation with 'im not racist, but i hate pakis'. well doesnt that make them racist? the fact that they have to try and prove to me that they are not racist, makes me wonder if they are, but are either afraid to say it, or dont realise it.

im sorry if the word 'paki' (a derogatory word often used inncorrectly, that is used in the uk to describe a person from pakistan, india, or any nation from that area of the world) has offended any asian, or indeed any member of this forum. i used that word to illustrate a point, and it in no way reflects my feelings towards people of that ethnic origin.

I’m not sure that the individual in your example is a racist. Well, they probably are, but in general I think there is a difference between prejudiced and racists. A racist hates everyone that is not like themselves, or all of a particular group of people. A racist usually goes out of his or her way to let those people know that they hate them (for no particular reason). Most people fall into the category of prejudiced. That is, they have pre-judged someone based on their appearance, heritage, or ethnicity. Race is not real. It is a social construct that is taught from one generation to the next; designed to separate us from one another. It is in our nature to be cautious, to prejudge, and to practice what we have learned. It is reason that allows us to mature and grow beyond that frame of mind. One of these days we will all realize we have long been duped and move on.
Personally,I have no problems with it.The thing that gets me is that I really feel sorry for their children.The harrasment these kids have to go through for being "mixed" is just totally uncalled for.Why can't people grow up and just accept it,leave the kids alone.
I'm white and my wife is Anglo-Indian (actually a mix of Indian, Scots and Persian), we've been married for over 14 years and have two kids.

Guess those interracial marriages really don't work out at all do they.

I'm white and my girlfriend is a Geordie, and no problems here either :sly:

Just had to post it. By the way, Carlton is cool. :sly:

To quote his favourite song to demonstrate my point.

It's not unusual to be loved by anyone. Regardless of race, gender, whatever, so if they love each other, let them be happy and live their own lives to the fullest.
I don't care whatsoever. If you love her/him it doesn't matter. Why can't people grow up.
Genetics and physiology disagree with you.

Actually, they dont. All races share the same genes, otherwise, they'd be different species. Physiology is largely a result of enviornmental factors, played out over thousands of generations. Skin color has nothing to do with genetics. Neither "Fast twitch muscles" or eye shape has anything to do with genetics. It is a difficult concept to wrap your brain around, but this is what is being taught in modern colleges around the world.
Actually, they dont. All races share the same genes, otherwise, they'd be different species. Physiology is largely a result of enviornmental factors, played out over thousands of generations. Skin color has nothing to do with genetics. Neither "Fast twitch muscles" or eye shape has anything to do with genetics. It is a difficult concept to wrap your brain around, but this is what is being taught in modern colleges around the world.

And would you like to know what my degrees are in now?
Actually, they dont. All races share the same genes, otherwise, they'd be different species. Physiology is largely a result of enviornmental factors, played out over thousands of generations. Skin color has nothing to do with genetics. Neither "Fast twitch muscles" or eye shape has anything to do with genetics. It is a difficult concept to wrap your brain around, but this is what is being taught in modern colleges around the world.
To think that the U.S Public school system is brain washing our young with simple concepts.
To think that the U.S Public school system is brain washing our young with simple concepts.

Here in America "university" usually refers to college.

Brainwashing comes in many forms. One man's facts are another man's propaganda. The difference between the two usually depends on context and perspective.
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