Interracial Couples and Marriage

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If you live in Australia, you'll understand that race issues are pretty non-existent (I am actually amazed rascism still exists in parts of the world and people like you are so touchy about it still, looking for it where there is none...).

In a documentary about aboriginals I've been given a completely different impression. I guess you don't have to worry about racism in Australia UNLESS you're an aboriginal being treated like some type of lower life-form.
In a documentary about aboriginals I've been given a completely different impression. I guess you don't have to worry about racism in Australia UNLESS you're an aboriginal being treated like some type of lower life-form.
Every nation has a pretty bad history when native races are concerned...
I'm not even going to talk about America.

Yes there are still problems in many Aboriginal communities, but these stem more from isolation, alcoholism, and a myriad of reasons unique to each particular community. Certainly not any kind of active rascism directed at Aboriginals anymore (individual cases represented on a doco don't really give the widest picture, they like to sensationalise, without highlighting what we ARE doing to help...).
These problems exist, and I am at a loss as to how to fix them easily. It doesn't make current 'whites' rascist however.

These problems WERE caused by white people originally, but its not as if the VAST majority (99.99%) of white Australians don't respect the real owners of this land... There would only be a few bogan idiots out of the major centres that would genuinely feel rascist toward Aboriginals.

I personally think the prime minister should try and do more for the Aboriginal community (an apology on behalf of our ancestors wouldn't hurt either as an ice-breaker..). I completely disregard the notion that there is any WIDESPREAD rascism directed at Aboriginal people in this country. I have many friends whom are considered Aboriginal (hardly any completely full blooded Aboriginals are left unfortunately, blame the early settlers...), in fact they get into uni easier because they ARE Aboriginal! There is a HUGE amount of guilt felt about how we treated Aboriginals in the past, and we are more inclined to help than be rascist!

BTW I am STRONGLY against what John Howard is doing in regard to illegal immigrants etc, in case someone brings that up as a negative about Australia.. yes its our main problem in regards to humanitarian issues these days... It isn't however a rascism issue, as no matter WHERE you come from you're treated badly...:(

PS I find it hard to take humanitarian points made by someone with a 'bumfights' avatar seriously.
You can't blame them. If you don't know any people of a certain and only heard bad things about them it is understandable that they also develop a negative feeling about them. You should prove people wrong. Hell, even skinheads can become friends of a black man, as long as they see with their own eyes that they were wrong. Just watch American History X, though of course that isn't a reality story but I wouldn't doubt that it happened in real life.

I don't blame them, but I don't understand how you ca generalize a stereotype against a whole group of people. I can see if it was against a particular set of said people, not that I agree with it. For example, using a blanket stereotype against all blacks in DC saying we all smoke weed, and listen to Go-Go, and carry guns. Not true (obviously)......but I can see that if the only black men from DC you know lived in Barry Farms, Sursom Corda, ie, 'bad' neighborhoods....but once you have met at least one who did not fit the stereotype, you should remove the blanket.

I'm sure she has met some black folks in her life. She worked at the World Bank......I do hope that I have changed her perception but sometimes you never know. There are a lot of plstic/fake people in this world. They are so happy to see you when they are in your face and then have something negative to say behind your back. I know for a fact she has done this to me.

and to Blazingtreme....I have heard and used that for many years :)

How do think I found and kept my wife :dopey: (just joking!)
You're inferring stuff I never said, and am shocked you did infer!

Take a look at your phrasing. You wrote it was "obvious" that whites were "friendly, respectful, and better 'equipped' " As if it should be obvious to anyone white men had some sort of genetic advantage in these areas. This isn't a long bow. It is logical inference taken just one step. If you said "Japanese cars are more powerful", I would assume you mean other cars were less powerful.

If you meant it as a joke, then I don't have a problem with it. Next time, you may want to use a smilie. Try the : sly : one.

On topic: What goes on between two consenting adults is none of my business or concern. Whatever floats your boat. I happen to be in a "mixed" marriage, but that is coincidence, not design.

Another poster commented that children of mixed heritage tend to be good looking people. I agree. I like to think they take the best features from both sides of their ancestry.

Every nation has a pretty bad history when native races are concerned...
I'm not even going to talk about America.

Yes there are still problems in many Aboriginal communities, but these stem more from isolation, alcoholism, and a myriad of reasons unique to each particular community. Certainly not any kind of active rascism directed at Aboriginals anymore (individual cases represented on a doco don't really give the widest picture, they like to sensationalise, without highlighting what we ARE doing to help...).
These problems exist, and I am at a loss as to how to fix them easily. It doesn't make current 'whites' rascist however.

These problems WERE caused by white people originally, but its not as if the VAST majority (99.99%) of white Australians don't respect the real owners of this land... There would only be a few bogan idiots out of the major centres that would genuinely feel rascist toward Aboriginals.

I personally think the prime minister should try and do more for the Aboriginal community (an apology on behalf of our ancestors wouldn't hurt either as an ice-breaker..). I completely disregard the notion that there is any WIDESPREAD rascism directed at Aboriginal people in this country. I have many friends whom are considered Aboriginal (hardly any completely full blooded Aboriginals are left unfortunately, blame the early settlers...), in fact they get into uni easier because they ARE Aboriginal! There is a HUGE amount of guilt felt about how we treated Aboriginals in the past, and we are more inclined to help than be rascist!

BTW I am STRONGLY against what John Howard is doing in regard to illegal immigrants etc, in case someone brings that up as a negative about Australia.. yes its our main problem in regards to humanitarian issues these days... It isn't however a rascism issue, as no matter WHERE you come from you're treated badly...:(

PS I find it hard to take humanitarian points made by someone with a 'bumfights' avatar seriously.

The documentary I saw was about the situation in Australia now, not because of history. Even now aborigional land was being used for commercial purposes and taken from the people, not even taking the traditions of the aboriginals in consideration.

Of course I only base my view on that documentary, which might have been biased, so I don't know whether that's the real life situation. About my avatar, those "bums" got paid for it, so I don't see a problem with is. Besides that don't worry, I never spent a cent on their dvd's.
If you meant it as a joke, then I don't have a problem with it. Next time, you may want to use a smilie. Try the : sly : one.
Yes, it is an obvious inferrence, assuming one doesn't work out the whole thing is sarcastic. I've already made it abundantly clear I was joking. I assumed (wrongly) that everyone would be able to work this out given my 'serious' position straight under that sentence! I also clarified that I was joking at great length with another post straight after someone wrongly took offence to the joke (I do care if people are offended). There is no "IF", I was clearly joking, and you knew this before posting. Your post was completely redundant, you should be happy to hear. :)

I'll try whatever smilie I feel like. Right now I feel like this one :irked:

BTW of course things aren't great for the Aboriginal people, but no one is intentionally being actively rascist toward them, which is my point. Obviously a compromise has to be worked out in regards to land ownership (we can't reverse the country back to 1788 and just get up and leave..). Technically, Aboriginals can make a land claim for the entire country!! They have successfully claimed and own a LOT of land. The problem is proving they are directly related to the particular tribe from the area they want to claim as their own. Its a very hard balancing act, not an ideal situation and there's no easy fix thats fair for everyone. Yes, the doco is probably sensationalising the issue, and leaves a lot of stuff out. :)

You cannot accurately portray the complexity of the situation, fairly and objectively, in the space of a half or full hour documentary, regardless of how much integrity the doco makers do/don't have.

Nice to hear you don't condone 'bumfights'. Regardless of whether the 'bums' get paid, its still demeaning. 👎
Yes, it is an obvious inferrence, assuming one doesn't work out the whole thing is sarcastic. I've already made it abundantly clear I was joking. I assumed (wrongly) that everyone would be able to work this out given my 'serious' position straight under that sentence! I also clarified that I was joking at great length with another post straight after someone wrongly took offence to the joke (I do care if people are offended). There is no "IF", I was clearly joking, and you knew this before posting. Your post was completely redundant, you should be happy to hear. :)

I'll try whatever smilie I feel like. Right now I feel like this one :irked:

It was not clear your first post was a joke. Your second post set the record straight. My reply to your second post acknowledges this. My reply also explained why your first post was received the way it was, because you seemed to think my reaction was unwarranted. It was not. You yourself wondered if it weren't a dodgy thing to say.

But it's a joke. Fine. We get it now. Move on.

I don't blame them, but I don't understand how you can generalize a stereotype against a whole group of people.
Look at the way many non-American members think of Americans on this very board. Check out JacktheHat's avatar and signature, among many many others.
Look at the way many non-American members think of Americans on this very board. Check out JacktheHat's avatar and signature, among many many others.

His signature refers to America, not Americans. I have nothing against Americans in general, but I personally don't like the American government at all. Many Americans share that opinion with me.

You can also look at the way many Americans think of Europe.... "London? Yeah I know London, London Ohio, I been there before. Oh.... you mean London in England? I only know New England, where's the England you speak of? Seriously? Did they name that little island England? Do they have McDonald's there?"


"Yeah... Europe man... Amsterdam... weed is cool... hookers... huh huh"


"Shame on them, we saved them from the Nazis and now they won't help us decent patriotic Christian Americans fight the war against terrorism"

Not saying that the Americans on this board think like that, but many I encountered fit in any of these 3 categories. :sly:

Yes this post is meant in a comic way and not to be taken too seriously, definitely not in an offensive way. In Europe we also have lots of idiots.
His signature refers to America, not Americans.
Separate the two. How? That's like saying "I don't have a problem with Jewish people, but I hate Jews." It's nonsensical and self-cancelling.

You can also look at the way many Americans think of Europe.... "London? Yeah I know London, London Ohio, I been there before. Oh.... you mean London in England? I only know New England, where's the England you speak of? Seriously? Did they name that little island England? Do they have McDonald's there?"
Please explain where I claimed Americans were immune to this behaviour. My point is not that we're perfect and you're not, but that nobody's perfect.
And why is that, pray tell?
I have a theory, but decorum and the Terms Of Service prohibit me from explaining it.
hey if the girl is hot i'll do her.


Is that the reaction you wanted from that? As a joke it's completely lame and if it's not a joke then I don't understand why you wasted your time in posting it.

Interracial, fine by me. My Grandmother was born in the West Indies and her husband was born in Sri Lanka. All white though.
Separate the two. How? That's like saying "I don't have a problem with Jewish people, but I hate Jews." It's nonsensical and self-cancelling.

Please explain where I claimed Americans were immune to this behaviour. My point is not that we're perfect and you're not, but that nobody's perfect.

I have a theory, but decorum and the Terms Of Service prohibit me from explaining it.

America and Americans are 2 different things.

"I don't have a problem with Jewish people, but I hate Jews."

Jewish people and jews are the same. If you were going to make the same statement I made you should have said "I don't have a problem with Jewish people, but I dislike the Isrealian system."

You didn't say Americans were immune to this type of behavior, nobody is, anyone will make comments about people from other countries. Please explain your theory, you're a moderator, I doubt you'll get banned for violating the TOS a little. ;)
America and Americans are 2 different things.

"I don't have a problem with Jewish people, but I hate Jews."

Jewish people and jews are the same. If you were going to make the same statement I made you should have said "I don't have a problem with Jewish people, but I dislike the Isrealian system."
Right on. Your original comment made perfect sense to me.


Is that the reaction you wanted from that? As a joke it's completely lame and if it's not a joke then I don't understand why you wasted your time in posting it.
Talk about political correctness overkill. Who really cares? Again it was obviously a joke, doesn't matter if its not funny, no reason to attack the guy. This thread is just breeding animosity. :crazy:
Look at the way many non-American members think of Americans on this very board. Check out JacktheHat's avatar and signature, among many many others.

I personally don't find anythng wrong with his avatar or sig. That what being an American is all about, it is the First Amendment! As long as he is not attacking me personally I don't take it personally.

Everyone has the own beliefs and thoughts about other people but until they actually meet some of these people, they should view everyone the same until someone gives you reason to think otherwise of them. I know that in the real world, that doesn't happen, but at least in my world it does.

Until people can judge others on a one by one basis and not group a whole classification of people together there will always be racism, biases, and stereotyping....

I'm doing my part, how about you? I'm not attacking you, I'm just saying you should not judge a book by its cover. His avatar means nothing to me since I don't him or his beliefs....until then I reserve judgement.

Only in a perfect world can we all live in peace, we should all do out part. We are all on the same planet, we should all find a way to get along....
I personally don't find anythng wrong with his avatar or sig. That what being an American is all about, it is the First Amendment! As long as he is not attacking me personally I don't take it personally.
Did I say anything attacking him personally? I used his sig and avatar as a perfect example of judging a group of people collectively and by stereotype. That's what it is. I didn't judge him or say anything about him at all.

He just happened to pick a group against which you can say anything stereotypical and not have anyone think twice about it.
Did I say anything attacking him personally? I used his sig and avatar as a perfect example of judging a group of people collectively and by stereotype. That's what it is. I didn't judge him or say anything about him at all.

He just happened to pick a group against which you can say anything stereotypical and not have anyone think twice about it.

Point taken......
Separate the two. How? That's like saying "I don't have a problem with Jewish people, but I hate Jews." It's nonsensical and self-cancelling.

Please explain where I claimed Americans were immune to this behaviour. My point is not that we're perfect and you're not, but that nobody's perfect.

I have a theory, but decorum and the Terms Of Service prohibit me from explaining it.

Thanks Duke. Well said.
Separate the two. How? That's like saying "I don't have a problem with Jewish people, but I hate Jews." It's nonsensical and self-cancelling.

you've got a valid argument there. im mixed race (part welsh, part jamaican, english by birth), but live in a totally white community. i have no problem with that, as i see myself as white anyway.
i often meet many white people that seem to make a point of going out of their way to prove how much they are not racist. honestly, its ridculous. they usually start any conversation with 'im not racist, but i hate pakis'. well doesnt that make them racist? the fact that they have to try and prove to me that they are not racist, makes me wonder if they are, but are either afraid to say it, or dont realise it.

im sorry if the word 'paki' (a derogatory word often used inncorrectly, that is used in the uk to describe a person from pakistan, india, or any nation from that area of the world) has offended any asian, or indeed any member of this forum. i used that word to illustrate a point, and it in no way reflects my feelings towards people of that ethnic origin.
What I find incredible is the number of people that do have problems with certain groups inter-marrying.

I grew up in California and knew more than a few people that dated "island girls" but had issues with black/white dating/marriage.
I never did understand that.
I think that as far as falling in love, it matters not who you fall in love with.
That is as long as it isn't making a "statement".
demon of speed
Demon Seed, am I right in saying you're from Dublin? Btw interacial relationships are a ok with me.

i live in dublin, rathfarnham. but im polish, came to ireland for 1 moth holiday 4 years ago, never finished those holiday ) just decide to stay
"it matters not who you fall in love with."

Uh, Gil, I think you meant something else, 'cuz it's pretty damn important who you fall in love with. :lol:
That's cool. I go there every year, was there for St Paddies. The Guinness is so good in Ireland I don't bother drinking it in England.
"it matters not who you fall in love with."

Uh, Gil, I think you meant something else, 'cuz it's pretty damn important who you fall in love with. :lol:

Okay, yeah perhaps, but race shouldn't be an issue.
If you want to worry about color, lets keep it to cars and clothes.👍
What I find incredible is the number of people that do have problems with certain groups inter-marrying.
Such as, errrr, two men?
I think that as far as falling in love, it matters not who you fall in love with. That is as long as it isn't making a "statement".
Now you're talking. We'll bring you 'round, my friend.