Just watched the first three videos over the last day or so, and really enjoyed them, well done to all. 👍

I don't know how I missed the first two weeks.
Nothing is perfect though, and some thoughts, positive and negative, which may be useful or not. Some of these apply to the PD streams too.
It is nice to see the images of the drivers at the beginning to put a faces to the names before the races, which can't be done with the videos and interviews of the live PD streams because drivers are where they live. However, flipping between the driver's real and PSN names can be confusing.

Because the PSN names are used on screen, I would say go with them, you could put their real names next to their PSN names for the results page, you could even put the picture there again too. A lot of people who frequent here, or the PD live streams may know that TRL_Lightning is Mik Hizal, but some may not and could be confused. And he's probably the most famous one.
When the results are shown there is a logo for the team, and the teams name below drivers name, either could be changes to show different information, their real names, or their pictures.
Would it be a good idea to have two different tracks to race on, rather than replay the same track with a reversed grid? I've seen some live streamers do this quite quickly.
Though the production was done very well, there were a few instances in the first two streams where Chris McCarthy's sound got very low quality, and was almost inaudible. Get the man higher bandwidth, or cut to the other commentator whilst the problem hopefully fixes itself.
Although the gaps between races has been very quick and rapid, blank or static screens are not good. Have something's ready to fill the gaps. All the animations and information screens are very good and well designed, and adds a bit of quality. 👍
Speaking of quality, the commentators in dingy, though I'm sure lovely rooms, doesn't look to good imho. Added to that the different light levels and colours of light too doesn't look the best. I'm not sure how this could easily and cheaply be fixed.
The car for each team members are identical, and nicely designed, but could there not be subtle changes for each member's car to to differentiate them. Different colour wing mirrors, wings and/or splitters. Whoever does the designs needs only to create four slightly different designs. Not a lot of extra work.
Make it clear that the game is handing out penalties if that is the case rather than talking about 'stewards'. If it is the game doing it, then it is the same for everyone, so 'fair'. Btw, I think .500 sec penalties are for cutting track limits from what I have seen (but could be wrong I admit), and larger penalties are for incidents with other drivers.
The live points, though pretty good, could be updated quicker at some points, and maybe have another column for the additional fastest lap point so it is more obvious that it is counting, and who for. I know that could change on the last lap, but someone is fastest throughout the race.
It could also be possible to overlay the points next to the divers names so people may be able to work out the points for themselves, but understand that unless done subtly, could look quite bad, and cause more confusion. It would need to be switched off when the race finishes like the live points overlay.
Just some thoughts. Some may agree or not, but just some ideas after seeing all three stream in pretty rapid succession. Some of that can be applied to the PD live streams too.