"Involuntary Flashmob" Forever alone guy at New York 7:30PM Tonight

Wait...if there's a lot of people, they won't be "forever alone"!


I think Earthcam (the cameras that film NY) have stopped their live stream for this, or maybe a lot of people are watching :indiff:.

I'm also having problems loading 4chan
They couldn't have picked a worse location to try this. Times Square? There's freaking hundreds of people walking in Times Square during this time on a Friday night.

Edit* They're not going to be wearing masks. The idea was to join dating websites, posing as women, & convince guys to meet up at a specific location, so that it looked like a mob. Not one of /b/'s better endeavors.
They couldn't have picked a worse location to try this. Times Square? There's freaking hundreds of people walking in Times Square during this time on a Friday night.

I think that's kind of the idea, as with most flashmobs.
I think that's kind of the idea, as with most flashmobs.
It's not really a flashmob though, if that's how Times Square looks on a Friday night. Looking at the previous footage captured, you couldn't tell who was a victim of /b/, or just another New Yorker strolling down the sidewalk.
It's not really a flashmob though, if that's how Times Square looks on a Friday night. Looking at the previous footage captured, you couldn't tell who was a victim of /b/, or just another New Yorker strolling down the sidewalk.

I think it has more to do with these guys (who are highly organized), than /b/.
I think it has more to do with these guys (who are highly organized), than /b/.
I'm not so sure. This wasn't planned very well, so I don't think a group of, what are normally highly organized guys, would be behind something this poorly thought out. It says /b/ to me more than them.

I'm watching the cams right now. Not a chance in hell you could pick out who's who, there's so many giant groups of people walking through.
Found something explaining this a tad differently:


As most Urlesque readers know, flashmobs are spontaneous events where a lot of people volunteer to show up at an appointed time and place and do something cool or interesting. But what if someone planned an involuntary flashmob? 4chan users and Reddit's 4chan forum are apparently plotting one right now, by making fake dating profiles on OKCupid to lure a ton of unsuspecting single guys to an appointed location.

Read More: http://www.urlesque.com/2011/03/24/involuntary-flashmob-fake-okcupid-prank/#ixzz1MHMQW21b

So: No Improv Everywhere involvement at all, then.