Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?

  • Thread starter Joel

Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?

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Now THIS, THIS is the kind of discussions I'd love to have at the philosophy facculty I attend to.

Technically, it is by definition a sandwich since it fits the definition of one, i.e, it's a particular recipe that depends on placing a mixture of ingredients in between a piece of bread. "Sandwich" is more a category than a particular unit, a hot dog is necessarily a sandwich but a sandwich isn't necessarily a hot dog, a meatball sub is a sandwich but it's not a hot dog (it fits within the category but it doesn't identify with the unit). So, at least in the strictly theoretical field, the answer is yes.
If there's stuff between two pieces of bread, then it's a sandwich.
Meanwhile in China....

If the dish consists of bread and another ingredient and you can eat it without a plate or cutlery, then it technically is a sandwich, no matter what various cultures refer to that particular dish as.
Hot dogs and Hamburgers are listed under "Sandwich" on most restaurant menus.

I wouldn't trust restaurants for technical accuracy. All they care about is making their products sound good, meaning they'll bend a word's real meaning just so it's catchier.

I'll give you an example.

Typicaly in North America, when you have menu items that offer the option of a spicy version, you'll notice they label the non-spicy version as "mild".

When there is only the two options, "Mild" is often times not actually mild; it's zero spicy/hot/kick altogether. That's a bastardization of the word.
When someone says it's mildly sunny out, are they saying there's no sun out at all?

[/trivial discussion intensifies]
After reading this, I now have a new question for my philosophy professors. Probably will be just as good as this one;

"If an orange is called an orange because of its color, why aren't apples called reds and bananas called yellows?"

This is a pork bun from Chinese bakeries. It's bread with meat in the middle, yet it's considered a bun and not a sandwich.
On this note, I am creating a new thread called "Are Buns Sandwhiches?"

What you have pictured is clearly a sandwhich.
Is soup a beverage?
Maybe a concentrate? I am not really sure.

I would definitely like to consider it a beverage. Only problem is that some people like thick soup. Which is indeed more solid than liquid. Therfore it just depends on how the soup is made.

Campbell's Soup did make a cup in which you could drink your soup. Those would be considered beverages as they are a liquid refreshment.
Is avocado a fruit?? Or a Veggie?? lol. A hotdog is a sándwich tho. Everything between 2 slices of bread is a sandwich...
After reading this, I now have a new question for my philosophy professors. Probably will be just as good as this one;

"If an orange is called an orange because of its color, why aren't apples called reds and bananas called yellows?"

It's not that hard. It all comes down to the use of language through time and customs. You can't be sure either that the orange is called orange because of it's colour and not the other way around unless you go through a :censored:ing absurd and extense research trying to see which came first. If I had to make a guess, I'd say it's because all oranges, as far as I know, are either green, when not fully grown, or orange meanwhile you have read apples, and green apples and yellow-ish apples as well as green bananas ("Platanos", we call them here. They're actually used for salty dishes and don't taste like a regular banana at all). Not all "reds" wpuld be red and not all yellows would be yellows, meanwhile all oranges are orange unless they're still not fully grown.
No. Absolutely not. That's the first thought that comes to my mind. You never hear "hotdog sandwhich".

After some research on Google, it seems the National Hotdog and Sausage council has already ruled on this matter, and backed up my thoughts. They ruled that no, a hotdog isn't a sandwhich.

1 They are wrong, even by their own logic. When they say "Limiting the hot dog's significance by saying it's 'just a sandwich' is like calling the Dalai Lama 'just a guy.", they are asuming that adscribing something to a category or larger group diminishes it's relevance. Sure, the Dalai Lama isn't a regular guy, he's got a particularly defined set of characteristics but, in essence and necessarily, he is a guy. You can be a guy without being the Dalai Lama, but you can't be the Dalai Lama if you're not a guy. Or gal. Or whatever inbetween, I don't judge.

2. Who the 🤬 actually wants to make part of the National Hotdog and Sausage Council? How the 🤬 is that even a thing? That's taking triviality to a whole new level!
To all those saying it can't be a sandwich if it's joined at one side - have you never put a slice of ham on a single slice of bread and then folded it over because it was the last slice and you're too lazy to go to the shop for more?

That is still a sandwich. That is joined at one side.

Also, why should the Hotdog Association decided whether it is a sandwich or not? I think it should be up for a public vote. Just because the Assosiate with sausages doesn't mean they can go classifying types of bread and meat based snacks/ meals.