This site is loaded with members outside of native English speaking countries such as the UK, USA and Australia. I think its very cool that we can communicate world wide and understand one another pretty clearing for the most part. Excluding typos and minor grammar errors, most of us can make out what is being said pretty easily. With that said, I am just curious to know how you all came to learn English. Is it taught as a second language where you are, did you just pick it up or did you relocate to where you are from an English speaking country. U.S. Military personal is excluded, being stationed overseas doesn't count, lol.
Reason I ask all this is because a lot of you guys speak (type) very well and the grammar is correct. Heck, there are people here in the States that don't talk as well as some of you all do that aren't from predominately English speaking countries. Although I rarely play games online, its cool to play and be able to communicate with someone on the other side of the planet from you.
Reason I ask all this is because a lot of you guys speak (type) very well and the grammar is correct. Heck, there are people here in the States that don't talk as well as some of you all do that aren't from predominately English speaking countries. Although I rarely play games online, its cool to play and be able to communicate with someone on the other side of the planet from you.