Yes i read your posts and i tried to give you some tips.
Yes i also played GT5 (3times from 0 to over 90%), and yes it was easier because you got tons of good prize cars.
But you did not got them "for free" like in GT6 (at least not the "gold"(?) ones) >>The Only "free" car ive got in GT6 is the Merc Vision. GT5 rewarded nearly every race with a prize car -GT6 Does Not! ive only 'won' about 12 cars or so.
Also GT6 is much easier because you can win most races easily with a lot of different cars that are not really suited for the race, in GT5 a much better car selection was needed. >> yeh, totally agree there, far more thought went into car selection.
I don't have the GT6 anniv. Edition with the bonus cars.
I play GT6 like i described, always do gold in license tests >>done,
missions >>Done, except drift and cones, cant gold -bronze hard enuf
goodwood >>Done, except redbull,
online seasonal etc. as soon as they become available >>Done (not all gold), all but last lot (not had time) for money and prize cars,
use prize cars as much as possible >>When sutable for racing, Yes, otherwise tuning or car change
waste no money on tuning >>soz, you cant say that, a few of my cars Have Required tuning to be competitive, skip races that need a expensive car and do them later >> Yep, or if i dont have a car
test drive expensive cars before i buy them >> pray tell, where is the 'testdrive' section?.
I think i was already in IA when PD came up with the increased prize money and login bonus, so "lost" a lot of money on that. >>yeh well ive been stuck on 110%, 90% of the time.
87%, 75/75 license, 534/573 stars, 71 cars, 447 races.
29mil Cr. , 46mil Cr. total earned, 1,9mil spent on tuning (so spent ~15mil on cars i guess)
16kkm, 98h >> wow, thats a lot of hours up. unfortunately i actually have a life outside Gaming
I have all cars/racecars needed to do all career races "in the right car" and without tuning.
I have not even done one of the red bull races although they are allegedly the easiest/quickest way to get money. >> see, ive wasted money on 3 cars to try the Like The Wind races because they are worth good money, so far i have won only one of them (barely) as ive not won any cars that are competative. the Merc Vision is the only one ive got thats close and its been tuned to maximum.
So i really don't get what you are complaining about, i don't know what you did with all the money. >>again, you seem to be under the impression that ive had millions and 'wasted' them. my posts clearly state that i have total earnings around $4million and that ive spent nearly all that, so far.
But its not the games fault that you ended up with little money and the wrong cars for IA/S. yes & no. if i had of cheated like many others i would have a full garge and buckets of money, but i dont cheat or glitch, if i did it would make me a hypocrit (did i spell that right?). if sony didnt want microtransactions we would most likely be winning far more cars.
In the time you needed to write your last 3 posts you could have earned the 2mil. for a LMP car, and once you have one of those money should really be no issue and you don't even have to grind as there are lots of races for LMP's. No, actually im at work during the day so i cant. what do you do during the day? ps; Any time you race for money and not to clear a race, thats called grinding, at whatever level!
I just earned ~2mil in 2h only by doing the Toyota, M4, X-Bow, NSX and Scirocco seasonals.
Money spent on cars was ZERO, all previous prize cars or "rentals"(?), only ~100k for tuning on NSX and Scirocco (race suspension and weight reduction). >> yeh the seasonals are worth a lot more than the actual races and dont really require tuning (same in GT5). pretty sure iv done the toyota, cant gold the M4, cant gold the first(andretti) race or the second(yellow(?) car), actually ive only golded about 3 of them and the latest ones not had time for yet.
So as long as you don't plan on buying those ridiculous 20mil cars (and they are not needed for any race >>yeh such a waste init?) i really see no problem in getting enough money >> of course you dont, you have heaps. reminds me of the rich person telling the not rich person to "just get a higher paying job" to get rich (coz its that easy -not!).