Many thanks guys for your posts. It's an interesting discussion, and I appreciate all the recommendations.
Let me comment on a couple of your quotes:
I'm was trying to be very polite, some practice might go a long way rather than blaming the physics.
Sure it's your game abuse the AI and mechanics how you want. But it's your driving style that requires that not the physics in this instance.
Thank you for being polite and not calling me an unskilled ignoramus (or even worse)
But I don't "abuse" anything. The tuning setups are part of the physics, as they directly affect the car's driving behavior. You can't say gt7's physics model is half-way realistic but changing some car settings is abuse.
No I wouldn't say that GT 7 has a tendency to amplify understeer.
Ok you have much more driving experience in this game than me, so I would like to believe me. But then please tell me, why in almost every movie with car racing / persuit scenes they drift / slide through corners when going fast, thus oversteer. If understeering was "standard" they all should just crash into the next building instead of cornering. Just movie special FX?
There are many states of throttle/brake input in between 0% and 100%. They aren’t on/off switches. Learn trail brake, use partial inputs and overlap the brake and throttle, just like you would in a real car, it works very much the same way in game.
I get what you mean. However, in real life there's no "overlap" between brake and throttle. You use the same foot (right one, normally) for throttling and braking, and that's for a reason. Only in some go-carts you use the left foot for braking.
I only don't understand why most of you wheel-pedal-people always do it the "wrong" way, braking with the left foot. It's just not the way you do it in a real car. That's also why I assigned the brake to R1 instead of L2 - I wan't to use the same finger for throttling and braking. Everything else is just the wrong wy in my opinion.
He said he plays with a controller. I learned Gran Tourismo on GT1 way back in the ‘90’s. I didn’t know I could use the joysticks to control steering and accelerate/braking. So I used the left/right bottons on the d-pad and the square and circle for accelerate and brake. So everything was full 100% inputs.
I don’t know how the OP has his controller inputs sorted out, but it could be full on/full off settings like I had with GT1 and GT2.
R2 = throttle, R1 = brake. These two are not on/off but provide gradual input, but of course it's much more difficult to control partial input than with pedals. Especially R1 feels like on/off.
As a user, you can get to the right speed for the turn (grip you are asking) the game has its envelope for this and no amount of real world is going to change that.
As a user you have the choice between optimising:
You cannot have all 3 or even 2 at the same time mostly in the game or real life (ignoring weather, budget tires etc etc))
I'm using the braking zone indicators as an assist (those fat red horizontal stripes). They usually start very early and stop a little before the apex. I even sometimes use auto-drive braking which respects those indicators. That way I almost never release the brake very late, and I start the full turn only after releasing the brakes, and I throttle gradually. I've also been practicing trail braking for a while. So I honestly don't think I'm doing anything completely wrong. Not perfect, most probably. But not fully wrong. And still I feel that most cars tend to understeer, at least with stock settings.
And for all those saying that the physics are realistic and there's no amplified understeering in the game: Have you every driven the Jaguar VGT SV? In that car, steering as almost impossible at all unless you're very, very slow. I could push the stick full left or right, and almost nothing happens (and I'm not braking at all). Now tell me that this is real behaviour!