Is PD going to scrap weather and visual customization?


Nissan Sunny FTW
Cairo, Egypt
we are in 2010 now and still we didn't get anything official about those major features i for one am really doubting that those 2 features will make it but as always with a granturismo game we know nothing what do you guys think:):)
true but we are only 3 month away from japanese release and still no official confirmation unlike some other features like damage and better online

Eventually they will do a media blowout and we will start to find out the juicy details. I personally think that will start to happen around the beginning of February.

Don't have high hopes for weather at all and couldn't care less about a livery for GT5.
Eventually they will do a media blowout and we will start to find out the juicy details. I personally think that will start to happen around the beginning of February.

revealing the big stuff only a month from the release date sounds like PD to me:):):):):):):):)
Considering we don't even know if they are in, they can't really get scrapped.[/QUOTE

well i think during the gtvision days alot has been said abouth those two but you are right actually we haven't been hearing anything for a while now
PD has so much info to spill on GT5 it will probably take them a week, but I expect allot of little details won't be known until the game hits in Japan and we get user feed back.
Unless PD are going to be genuine pioneers and reveal all mere weeks prior to release, I can't help but feeling GT5 is either going to be little more than GT5P with more content, or is going to be delayed.

3 months prior to release many big titles are going into closed Beta programs, as it stands we haven't even seen any of GT5's new features, damage aside, even in video form.
Problem is that when you do not have all the content locked in for even 3 months of the release, there will be no time to perfect them. Like it or not but GT5 has been public alfa/beta since GTHD and they did not hire enough people in the first place. Couple of years more and they would have changed the name to " Gran turismo forever".

Personally i would have been happy if they had said these features will be in game at launch and these will be added in next 4 months for example. I hope sony gets their priorities straight in the future and we do not have to wait for a GT game for five years after system launch.
Personally i would have been happy if they had said these features will be in game at launch and these will be added in next 4 months for example. I hope sony gets their priorities straight in the future and we do not have to wait for a GT game for five years after system launch.

While it might be nicer than a dealy, there are some things that just can't feasibly be added in later. The world of DLC and patching has gotten a lot of people thinking that anything can be changed or fixed by just patching it, in reality patching is often much harder and more time consuming than doing it in a normal build method and sometimes just unfeasibly difficult.

I always point to the Katamari Demo that was recoded to respond to NATAL input for the NATAL demo. MS said that kind of thing wouldnmt' get patched in, if they wanted to release that kind of change the whole game would have to get rereleased.
we are in 2010 now and still we didn't get anything official about those major features i for one am really doubting that those 2 features will make it but as always with a granturismo game we know nothing what do you guys think:):)

I dont know about weather but, i will put all my chips in, and say we will get a livery 👍
While it might be nicer than a dealy, there are some things that just can't feasibly be added in later. The world of DLC and patching has gotten a lot of people thinking that anything can be changed or fixed by just patching it, in reality patching is often much harder and more time consuming than doing it in a normal build method and sometimes just unfeasibly difficult.

I always point to the Katamari Demo that was recoded to respond to NATAL input for the NATAL demo. MS said that kind of thing wouldnmt' get patched in, if they wanted to release that kind of change the whole game would have to get rereleased.

Anything concerning content or code can be added later if you build a game with DLC and patching in mind.
Anything concerning content or code can be added later if you build a game with DLC and patching in mind.

More tracks and more cars, certainly... but when it comes to game engine eliments being changed like weather, I could see it getting tricky and out of hand fast.

I suppose you could make any game modular enough to accept almost anything via patching, however I am pretty sure that would take a lot of extra work up front and eliminate potential performance related shortcuts and trick that rely on knowing what is going on elsewhere to avoid doing unecessary work.

For instance everything I have worked on has benefited from one module knowing how another module will work, knowing what it might expect and what it knows what kinds of arguments will never be passed.

If you have to make every module ready to accept potentially anything from another module that might change who knows how would have almost always had some drastic results.
In the latest Pelaaja magazine's interview Yamauchi sensei emphasised that GT5 will be completely ready when it's puplished and therefore dlc shouldn't be expected too soon. And as I understand it, weather effects do not include in "that ready". (I hope I'm wrong though.) He also said that the content in GT5 "unbelievable huge". So after those words I wouldn't worry too much. The new standard is close..
I like the sound of that! :lol:

Me too. :)
Actually, I remember reading an article a while ago where a ?game? journalist who was ?allowed? to use this "teacher title" when speaking to mr Yamauchi. I'm sorry for my finglish and bad memory:lol:
More tracks and more cars, certainly... but when it comes to game engine eliments being changed like weather, I could see it getting tricky and out of hand fast.

I suppose you could make any game modular enough to accept almost anything via patching, however I am pretty sure that would take a lot of extra work up front and eliminate potential performance related shortcuts and trick that rely on knowing what is going on elsewhere to avoid doing unecessary work.

For instance everything I have worked on has benefited from one module knowing how another module will work, knowing what it might expect and what it knows what kinds of arguments will never be passed.

If you have to make every module ready to accept potentially anything from another module that might change who knows how would have almost always had some drastic results.

No disrespect but i suspect the coders at PD are of a slightly higher calibre. As stated in my previous post, not if you prepare for it. Scenes this was the idea for GTHD (modular) then i suspect PD have indeed took this path. If x module breaks y module then fix x and/or y module, test and release both. As long as the structure is sound to begin with, there will be very little problem.
Is it confirmed how many online, I seem to remember a figure of 16 is that true?.
i remember Yamauchi did comment and said "you will be able to change every aspect of the car." so im guessing some sort of customization is in there... 💡

but weather i couldn't really care for too much right now... i would definitely want weather in GT6.

just release the damn game already. :scared:
Weather is great in rallying.If it's not part of the tarmac track races, could it be possible to choose/customise your own weather ?.
we are in 2010 now and still we didn't get anything official about those major features i for one am really doubting that those 2 features will make it but as always with a granturismo game we know nothing what do you guys think:):)

PD mentioned weather many times that they want it more for a patch, but who knows, since game is delays from 2009, we might get it on day one.
Customization, it will be and should be there right out of the box.