Is PD going to scrap weather and visual customization?

You know, I personally didn't find Forza 3 to be particularly impressive considering how much Forza 2 already did, but I doubt there is much truth to that statement.

During it's launch month it placed 8th on American NPD sales data with only 175,000 units sold, the following month it wasn't even in the top 20. Now we only have sales figures data for the top 10 in November, but Mario Kart was placed 10th with 315k sales, and since Forza 3 wasn't even in the top 20, it obviously also sold a pitiful amount that month also. Either ways you look at it, the game bombed hard. I got it on launch day and at the end of the first week the most people it ever showed online was about 500, says it all really.
It was also released 4 days before the month ended. I'd say 175,000 in sales is a pretty fantastic number for being on sale from the 27th to the 31st.

Nearly 2 million sales worldwide since launch. Try again.

I've posted proof and you haven't. Try again.
I've posted proof and you haven't. Try again.
The only proof you've posted proves you are wrong. The second link is so inconsequential and incomplete that it is meaningless in this discussion.
But since you wanna try and act clever, I'll bite:
71st in the best selling games of the year on Amazon, despite being on sale for pretty much only 2 months. Over 250,000 sales before the game even came out in America. 175,000 sales in the first 4 days in America. Total worldwide first week sales around 500,000 units. Over 2 million total sales since launch. So, I'll say it again: Try again.
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Why on earth would you use VGChartz for your arguement, their numbers have no basis in reality whatsoever. Didn't you know? I thought it was common knowledge? NPD is actually accurate data based on actual sales, VGChartz is all estimates, guesswork and well, rubbish to be honest. So uh, try again please. With something factual.

Edit: Or not really. I mean if you really want to go ahead and argue fine but you should not put faith in anything VGChartz publishes, it's widely known that their numbers are not accurate whatsoever, and for America at least NPD is THE official source. Seriously if a game performed badly according to NPD, it did. I'm basing my case on the games official numbers and the amount of players online when I actually played it, both were dismal. You're basing yours on a website that essentially makes stuff up.
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I'm basing my case on the games official numbers and the amount of players online when I actually played it, both were dismal.
The really fun part is that the numbers you provided actually contradict what you are saying. If you want to call my sources into question, fine; but at the very least I expect you to have some tangible reasoning for doing so. Your first source, in which you essentially say "175,000 sales in only 4 days is awful," doesn't count; because such a statement is so absurd that it holds no basis in reality. A game doesn't have to post Modern Warfare 2 sales on its first day to be a success. And your second source is so vague and incomplete that it has practically no meaning.
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The really fun part is that the numbers you provided actually contradict what you are saying. If you want to call my sources into question, fine; but at the very least I expect you to have some tangible reasoning for doing so. Your first source, in which you essentially say "175,000 sales in only 4 days is awful," doesn't count; because such a statement is so absurd that it holds no basis in reality. A game doesn't have to post Modern Warfare 2 sales on its first day to be a success. And your second source is so vague and incomplete that it has practically no meaning.

How do they contradict what I'm saying? I posted a link showing how poorly it sold in it's launch month (even if it was only for 4 days) and then a second link showing that it performed so terribly it didn't even make the top 20 sales the month afterwards (which puts its sales for that period somewhere in the 100,000 margin or lower). The second source is not vague and incomplete at all, it's official sales data for November and Forza 3 isn't on there because it bombed. Simple.
I'm fed up with it. I care less about what GT5 does or doesn't have. Of course I'll still buy it and play it but If I'm completely honest I'm more interested in Mafia II at the moment.
But I really doubt the game will feature weather. Visual customization will probably be in but my guess is nothing more than GT Design bodykits and wings. Time will tell though and I may be wrong. This is all just just my opinion.

Edited. Part removed.
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I posted a link showing how poorly it sold in it's launch month (even if it was only for 4 days)
Here's the thing you need to understand: When a game sells 175,000 copies in 4 days, it is not a sales bomb. There is no room for debate on that point. It was on sale for 4 days, and yet it outsold every other game that was on sale that month barring 7. If you cannot understand the distinction between 175,000 sales in 4 days and 175,000 sales in 31 days, than there is no point in continuing this discussion with you.

and then a second link showing that it performed so terribly it didn't even make the top 20 sales the month afterwards
Except you only have actual numbers for the Top 10. For all you know, Forza 3 came in 21st for the month of November with exactly 314,989 sales. The article certainly doesn't say anything to the contrary, so it doesn't support your point in the slightest.

(which puts its sales for that period somewhere in the 100,000 margin or lower).
The article doesn't support this statement either. It specifically mentions that 34 games had sales of over 100,000. There is no evidence that Forza isn't in the Top 34. It just isn't in the Top 20.

The second source is not vague and incomplete at all, it's official sales data for November and Forza 3 isn't on there because it bombed. Simple.
Its official sales data for November that only gives specific info for the Top 10 games. Without sales numbers for games 11-20 and without knowing exactly where Forza was on the list, you have absolutely no way of gauging how many copies the game sold. This also isn't open to debate. You simply cannot extrapolate the statement you are making from this source.
The thing you have yet to comprehend is that a game can sell in large amounts and still be outsold by other games. The fact that Forza isn't in the Top 20 for November doesn't mean Forza sold poorly. It merely means it was outsold by other games. There is a key difference between the two statements.
I think we don't have to worry about the weatherchanges and day/night cycles in GT5. All tracks we have see from GT5 and GT5p have the same weather setting (Sunny and around 12.00h). My opinion is this is the default weather setting. So PD will not scrap weather changes.
I would be completely happy if GT5 change non-dynamic daytime while pit stops like morning, morning, noon, afternoon, afternoon, afternoon, evening, dusk, night, night, night, night, dawn, morning, noon, afternoon...

...and prepare perfect dynamic system with weather into GT6 as there is so few things to suprise us other than Porsche and McLaren inclusion.
Big post.

I'll summarize my reply here briefly since this is turning into an awfully long debate for something so trivial but in essence yes 175k for 4 days is good I agree, but it's also quite bad when the following month the absolute best-case scenario puts sales at only 315k max (when in reality it's most likely much much lower, since as the article states, 11-20 probably drops off at 100k). A claim of 2 million sales is in reality not even a quarter of that figure in an absolute best-case scenario when taking into account actual sales data. If the article is correct and games outside the top 20 truly are lingering in the 100k area for sales roughly, I'd say that's awful if their self proclaimed definitive racing game of this generation only shifted roughly 275k copies (again, if they are correct about games outside top 20 being in the 100k region).

If you disagree that's fine 👍 But I'm probably not gonna discuss this anymore 'cause seriously, we're debating sales numbers :indiff:

I think we don't have to worry about the weatherchanges and day/night cycles in GT5. All tracks we have see from GT5 and GT5p have the same weather setting (Sunny and around 12.00h). My opinion is this is the default weather setting. So PD will not scrap weather changes.

This has actually been bugging me about all the tracks we've seen, all of them being on bright sunny days. If I remember right though, Kazunori said he wanted the game to look nicer than real life and be like, ideal/perfect driving conditions or some such (which presumably would be sunny weather etc). I hope you're right but I think at the end of the day, we're just gonna have every track with the same weather to be honest.

Would be a shame though, I'd love to race around Costa di Amalfi at sunset or night.

Realisticly I think dynamic weather is just way beyond anything the PS3 could handle, it would require so much system resources that there's no way they could maintain 1080p/60fps with graphics like those. I'm hoping we get to select time of day for tracks beforehand though (morning/afternoon/evening/night) since they could just have 4 versions of each track with different lighting, which is much easier to do and simply takes up more space on disc rather than hogging system resources.
According to this post on where they mention the March 25th date. The following sentence states:

A noter que l'on attend toujours de pouvoir vous montrer les circuits de nuit, les séquences de déformation de véhicule, ainsi que les tant attendues courses sous la pluie que nous avions pu voir lors de notre passage dans les studios de Polyphony Digital.

Which you can basically translate to:

Please note that we're still waiting to show you guys night tracks, car deformations and also the anticipated races with rain conditions that we saw when we were visiting Polyphony Digital studio.

Sorry for the not so awesome translation but that basically confirms that they've seen night tracks, rain condition races & the new car deformation physics. We can only be hopeful :)
I hope the night tracks are done properly with low visibality and working headlamps, rather than just being at night with loads of light sources like Special Stage Route 5.

For example, racing round Nurburgring with just your headlights and other cars headlights for visibility would be really intense 👍

If they managed to combine both night and rain together with a full damage model, oh boy :D
I hope the night tracks are done properly with low visibality and working headlamps, rather than just being at night with loads of light sources like Special Stage Route 5.

For example, racing round Nurburgring with just your headlights and other cars headlights for visibility would be really intense 👍

If they managed to combine both night and rain together with a full damage model, oh boy :D

I agree mate, which is why reverse lights might not be just a fanciful extra.
I don't think we will have weather unless PD have done an insane amount of work. The reason is that the tracks have tire marks on them, if it rained the tire marks would wash off. So unless they have track textures with skid marks and without, or with snow etc then I guess we won't have weather conditions for all tracks.
I don't think we will have weather unless PD have done an insane amount of work. The reason is that the tracks have tire marks on them, if it rained the tire marks would wash off. So unless they have track textures with skid marks and without, or with snow etc then I guess we won't have weather conditions for all tracks.

Other older games have weather though!!!!!
According to this post on where they mention the March 25th date. The following sentence states:

Which you can basically translate to:

Sorry for the not so awesome translation but that basically confirms that they've seen night tracks, rain condition races & the new car deformation physics. We can only be hopeful :)

yesssssssssssss that made my day :):):):) brilliant news
true but we are only 3 month away from japanese release and still no official confirmation unlike some other features like damage and better online
Whoa whoa whoa you dont actually believe that is the release date do you??? You must be new to the GT series. :lol:
I guaranee the date will get bumped again.
Whoa whoa whoa you dont actually believe that is the release date do you??? You must be new to the GT series. :lol:
I guaranee the date will get bumped again.

Somebody is reliving the releases of GT4 and GT2000, I mean GT3 A-Spec.
According to this post on where they mention the March 25th date.

Just read that article. It seems to back up what the Playstation Mag article states.

It's pretty cool that they've actually seen nighttime & rain in the courses! So, that's 2 different sources that confirms night & weather.

Also, props to the writer of that article for pointing out that "if the Japanese retailers are to be believed" in regards to the March 25th date...
PD has had a bad habit of aiming too high in the early years of development and then scrapping many features at the last minute. Remember GT4, the entire online mode was scrapped at the last minute after touting it as one of the biggest features, drag racing was also scrapped. GT3 also had many features cut such as in car view which were even seen in the early GT2000 tech demo.

It wouldnt suprise me that many community features and things like livery customisation would be dropped. It would really annoy me if GT didnt at least equal Forza's community / marketplace features because in an online world they have really got ahead of the curve in that respect.

The only difference this time around is that games can be expanded upon via updates such as how GT5P has evolved so I would hope GT5 get that kind of support for years after its release.


well most of you would have known about the playstation magazine news by now which confirms weather and night racing all i can say is that IS SO FREAKING AWESOME WOW THIS GAME WILL BE BEYONND EPIC (SHOUTING)
I don't think we will have weather unless PD have done an insane amount of work. The reason is that the tracks have tire marks on them, if it rained the tire marks would wash off. So unless they have track textures with skid marks and without, or with snow etc then I guess we won't have weather conditions for all tracks.
And you see that as a reason to not include weather? :odd:
I would rather that the rubber didn't wash off and we got weather, than we just didn't get weather. That's a deatail that I'm perfectly happy to overlook. Besides, you can make the skid marks hard to see simply by ovelaying the road texture with a glossy, more reflective texture, like we saw in GT3 on the SSR5 wet stage and GT4 on the Tsukuba wet stage. I'm not sayinginclude every weather effect, sor example, I don't expect to see any snow except for any rally stages that are pre-modelled in snowy conditions, but rain isn't that hard to do. The problem really, for a game like GT5, which is already graphically intense, is just keeping any performance hits at a minimum.
PD has had a bad habit of aiming too high in the early years of development and then scrapping many features at the last minute. Remember GT4, the entire online mode was scrapped at the last minute after touting it as one of the biggest features, drag racing was also scrapped. GT3 also had many features cut such as in car view which were even seen in the early GT2000 tech demo.

It wouldnt suprise me that many community features and things like livery customisation would be dropped. It would really annoy me if GT didnt at least equal Forza's community / marketplace features because in an online world they have really got ahead of the curve in that respect.

The only difference this time around is that games can be expanded upon via updates such as how GT5P has evolved so I would hope GT5 get that kind of support for years after its release.



Whether or not they update GT5, you know GT6 is just going to get dubbed GT5.5 because its most likely going to be a PS3 game, so very few graphical improvements can be made.
Whether or not they update GT5, you know GT6 is just going to get dubbed GT5.5 because its most likely going to be a PS3 game, so very few graphical improvements can be made.

Well I have to say GT3 to GT4 was a pretty major graphical jump so I wouldnt rule out the next iteration of GT having as big a jump on the same hardware. I think whats more likely is that GT5 will stay as the only full PS3 title released and will be constantly updated. So it might be another console generation before we see the 'next' GT.

As for the 5.5 thing, GT5 itself has suffered that same labeling, its be called or sorts of things such as GT4.5 or GT4 in HD. I think that the holding back of information doesnt exactly help PD with the press or the casual gamers.
