Is PD going to scrap weather and visual customization?

Whether or not they update GT5, you know GT6 is just going to get dubbed GT5.5 because its most likely going to be a PS3 game, so very few graphical improvements can be made.

I'm guessing that someone at PD would need to have some idea of a release time table for a PS4. If a PS4 is out in 2012-2014, then Sony would probably not want to repeat this generations early dearth of games, though this might not effect GT6 at all. However, if PD does another PS3 game in 2-4 years, we might see a similar wait for a GT6 on the PS4 as we've had for GT5 (if not longer).

Options? :

• PS4 & PS3 dual release (lesser graphics/features for the PS3 version)
• PD sells a GT5 add-on track/car disc/DLC ($30)
• Motorcycles
• No more PD-PS3 love
• ???