Is PD going to scrap weather and visual customization?

let me become a noob... what means PD?

Polyphony Digital

About Customization, Im a little bit scared about it being in game or not, despite Yamauchi saying you could change every part of the cars and, I believe, in the meristation Interview there was some parts mentioned like Sidesteps, Bumpers, Wings/Spoilers.
Polyphony Digital

About Customization, Im a little bit scared about it being in game or not, despite Yamauchi saying you could change every part of the cars and, I believe, in the meristation Interview there was some parts mentioned like Sidesteps, Bumpers, Wings/Spoilers.

Why are you scared of customisation?.
I hope if they include weather it is not at the cost of losing 60 fps. I would rather a fast and smooth frame rate.
Anything over 25 fps is pointless though as you can't see it.

That is BS because you can not sycnronize your eyes with TV :) Go and play game with 60fps and 25Hz to see the difference. Or if you have a crt put 25Hz to your computer and tell me can you see the difference.
That is BS because you can not sycnronize your eyes with TV :) Go and play game with 60fps and 25Hz to see the difference. Or if you have a crt put 25Hz to your computer and tell me can you see the difference.

Lost any credibility after that bit.
oh and looking at some of those forza customized cars pics i 'll admit visual customization is not as probably hugely important as weather but you have to say it will make one hell of a cool feature
I agree, to have wet racing in GT4 but not have it in GT5 just wouldn't make sense, the series needs to move forwards improving on everything in GT4. However, there is a difference between having wet races and having weather, in GT4 when it was wet it was wet all race, with weather I think people are expecting it to change as you progress through a race.
Anything over 25 fps is pointless though as you can't see it.

You might not know it, but you've made quite a statement about human physiology and psychology. Please elaborate, as I don't think that your post includes a sufficient enough argument.
However, there is a difference between having wet races and having weather, in GT4 when it was wet it was wet all race, with weather I think people are expecting it to change as you progress through a race.

tottaly agree i meant that it is really amazing racing with different weather types certainlly adds alot more fun to the game
I agree, to have wet racing in GT4 but not have it in GT5 just wouldn't make sense, the series needs to move forwards improving on everything in GT4. However, there is a difference between having wet races and having weather, in GT4 when it was wet it was wet all race, with weather I think people are expecting it to change as you progress through a race.

That would only apply in an endurance race or maybe 30 laps or so. The main races 5 laps constant rain, damp wouldn't be a problem.
Standing water on the track after a downpour would be great. Especially in the braking zones, people cautious of an aquaplane adds an immense pressure.

honestly how hard can it be this will make gt5 a million times better

And as evidence, 24 Hour Le Mans on the Dreamcast (sorry couldn't find a video of weather changing but it definitely did)

Changing weather in race, I believe up to 20 cars on track at once, graphics that were jaw dropping for the time... what like a decade ago?

And yes, when the weather kicked in it was awesome. The track started to wet, tires kicked up sprays, wipers came on, vision reduced, handling took a dive...

Weather can make add so much.
And as evidence, 24 Hour Le Mans on the Dreamcast (sorry couldn't find a video of weather changing but it definitely did)

Changing weather in race, I believe up to 20 cars on track at once, graphics that were jaw dropping for the time... what like a decade ago?

And yes, when the weather kicked in it was awesome. The track started to wet, tires kicked up sprays, wipers came on, vision reduced, handling took a dive...

Weather can make add so much.

so that was the name of that game i had it before but forgot what it is called great find look how cool that looks i hope kaz is listening or watching
Personally i would have been happy if they had said these features will be in game at launch and these will be added in next 4 months for example. I hope sony gets their priorities straight in the future and we do not have to wait for a GT game for five years after system launch.

I think Sony is the only reason we're seeing GT5 at all, they've been pushing hard for PD to finish the game and finally release it, same as with GTPSP. I suspect the whole December release thing for GT5 was down to Sony as well, trying their hardest to get the game out before Christmas but Polyphony just couldn't get it done. Really I think it's taking so insanely long because of PD, not Sony.
I think Sony is the only reason we're seeing GT5 at all, they've been pushing hard for PD to finish the game and finally release it, same as with GTPSP. I suspect the whole December release thing for GT5 was down to Sony as well, trying their hardest to get the game out before Christmas but Polyphony just couldn't get it done. Really I think it's taking so insanely long because of PD, not Sony.

I have my own theory on this which may sound far fetched to some. Purely theoretical and no way based on any fact.

What if pd actually finished the game a while back but due to online restrictions couldn't fully implement all the features. Rumours abound about Sony putting a charge on their online services at the mo. Maybe they realise to maintain servers etc it is not viable to provide a free service at a fee me be required to maintain the service. It would be easier to sweeten the transfer over to a paid subscription if a new platform with an amazing online comunity came out at the same time.

Crazy theory 2

game originally gets 80/90 percent complete and has to be scrapped due to unforseen circumstances and has to be redone.

I do see 5 years to develop to be unrealistic IMHO and maybe kaz is a bit of a scapegoat. He could be sitting there thinking this should be out now himself.

Maybe just maybe there is more to the picture than what we see. It wouldn't become common knowledge anyway.

Don't mean to offend anyone just food for thought.
Your first theory is far fetchted and fortunately flawed. Leaked details of the premiium online service Sony may or may not be bringing in suggested that currently free services would remain free, that includes online play.

I don't think there's anything more to it beyond certain aspects, namely damage and (should they end up being worked in without a performance hit) additional effects like weather and day / night cycles. Your second theory again doesn't fit, if they made 80% of the game and scrapped it and started again we'd be looking at 7 or 8 years for the game. None of the code was carried over from GT4, the whole game has been built specifically for the PS3 architecture and to get maximum results. 5 years is by no means a stupidly long period for a game of GT5' scale. Look at Forza 3 for proof, 2 years, very little in the way of new content over Forza 2, a physics model you can't fully explore and plenty of bugs. Forza 3 btw was not completely re-done, Forza 2 was based on Forza's code, and Forza 3 is based on Forza 2's code. This cuts down development time considerably.

I think it's as simple as Sony wanted a Christmas release but PD were not able to make it. As soon as it became clear that PD wern't going to make it then a certain level of pressure was off and there was less need to rush the game. Sony of course still want it out, it's a system seller after all, but since Christmas has been missed, there's less pressure on the release date during the first quarter 2010.
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Your more than likely right I know nothing about programming etc.
I just thought you could make a new console in 5 years let alone a console game.

so that was the name of that game i had it before but forgot what it is called great find look how cool that looks i hope kaz is listening or watching

It was a great arcade sim balance in that it wasn't rockem sockem racing but it also wasn't terribly hard and had a lot of handholding options. I put it right up there with rallisport racing (considering when it came out of course) for excitingly accessible yet still deep and challenging.

As for the release date debate, I got into it a lot before, but my speculation was that PD either got lazy/distracted (maybe kaz got big for his britches and started feeling invincible and ran the "ready when it's ready" thing a little too far) or just bit off more than they realized with GT5, had to keep making changes as they decided what was feasible, what wasn't, found certain things harder than they expected them to be and maybe just got relaxed overall as you can't really maintain a ferver pace for 3+ years.

Sony started pushing them to meet release date along with PS3 slim as an awsesome tie in xmas bundle. PD rushed to put the finishing touches on what they had to meet the release date, tested the waters at some gaming conferences and looked closely at what their competition released and decided they better up the annie and not just come out on par with the competition but step it up.

Explained to Sony we need 6 more months to add in what we need to to keep GTs prestige, Sony begrudginly agrees... and it's a race to see if PD can cram in a lot of extra stuff in a short period of time and still release a polished experience... I guess we'll see in a few months... or longer...
I dont thin weather will make it in, as i think it will be too hard on the hardware meaning that the framerate will go through the floor with all the cars on track,and who wants to play a game where you can only race in a grid of 4.... so they wont bother.

as for visual customisation...It doesn't seem hard to embody such a thing since T10 and EA have been doing it for years..But I wouldnt put it past PD to not put it in. GT5 will be the best driving of the current generation, but when it comes to features im positive im gonna be dissapointed
^^ I just remembered GT5 is built from scratch, it's not the Prologue game engine.So weather & what not, might not affect the fps.
^^ I just remembered GT5 is built from scratch, it's not the Prologue game engine.So weather & what not, might not affect the fps.
I think you're wrong. GT5 was built from scratch after GT4, not GT5P.
Anything over 25 fps is pointless though as you can't see it.
I can very easily see the difference between 25 FPS and 60 FPS. I've played games where you could tell when a game was running at 60 FPS and when it was running at 30 FPS. Need for Speed III, for example, runs at a constant 60 FPS when the race is only of two cars, but throttles down to 30 if you choose to race a full grid. And there is a night and day difference between the original Ridge Racer and Ridge Racer Turbo Mode.
For that matter, I can even tell that GT4, while running very close to 60FPS, still consistently runs less smoothly than GT3 does.
I can very easily see the difference between 25 FPS and 60 FPS. I've played games where you could tell when a game was running at 60 FPS and when it was running at 30 FPS. Need for Speed III, for example, runs at a constant 60 FPS when the race is only of two cars, but throttles down to 30 if you choose to race a full grid. And there is a night and day difference between the original Ridge Racer and Ridge Racer Turbo Mode.
For that matter, I can even tell that GT4, while running very close to 60FPS, still consistently runs less smoothly than GT3 does.

People regularly say this and it's siting an old study which explained why movies run 24fps and look good .

The reason the study doesn't apply to the majority of current gen games is that the 24fps marker requires motion blur to be accurate. In real life, motion blur occurs and covers for missing "frames".

In computer games, often motion blur is not added in so you see rapid steps from one position to the next for things on screen. The effect is that your eye can see the areas that the polygons never were between where they were and you thus can see effect of less than 60FPS.

Even 60FPS is no magic value as there is still an issue with fast moving repetitive items like fence posts... when running along a long cyclone fence in a racing game at a solid 60FPS you can often see a stuttering effect. Also when things shift quickly (more often like you would see in an FPS) you can see the stuttering effect of polygons jumping position from one frame to the next.

So in short, if you can't see the difference between 24fps and noteably more fps (30-60ish) there is something wrong with your vision or percetion. And most people can percieve the effect of even higher FPS.
I don't think there's anything more to it beyond certain aspects, namely damage and (should they end up being worked in without a performance hit) additional effects like weather and day / night cycles. Your second theory again doesn't fit, if they made 80% of the game and scrapped it and started again we'd be looking at 7 or 8 years for the game. None of the code was carried over from GT4, the whole game has been built specifically for the PS3 architecture and to get maximum results. 5 years is by no means a stupidly long period for a game of GT5' scale. Look at Forza 3 for proof, 2 years, very little in the way of new content over Forza 2, a physics model you can't fully explore and plenty of bugs. Forza 3 btw was not completely re-done, Forza 2 was based on Forza's code, and Forza 3 is based on Forza 2's code. This cuts down development time considerably.

Yeah, the thing with Forza is they have roughly 300 people working on the game, and they still outsource stuff like car modelling and track creation to outside companies on the cheap. Combine that with the fact that the jump in content/features from Forza 2 to Forza 3 was very small, and it's easy to see how they manage to release the games in 2 years. It's basically the same thing companies such as EA do with sports games, just release games regularly with minimal feature/content upgrades.

Whilst that may work for companies like Turn 10 (which it probably doesn't considering Forza 3 bombed and was a commercial failure) I think if what Kazunori says is true, they they really have made a big effort to give us a large game with a lot of content and features with GT5.

But certainly, I'm positive Sony have constantly been pushing PD to release GT5 as soon as possible, since the longer it takes to come out only hurts Sony (both financially since they're funding development of the game, and sales-wise since the longer the game takes to release, the more console sales they miss out on to the competition). I also think they lost a lot of sales by missing out on the Christmas release they were hoping for, if you look at their release schedule (Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank, Demon's Souls etc) were all pushed early in October etc, they were obviously banking on that free space in December to make a splash with GT5 since the only other notable release was Modern Warfare 2. They were probably pretty pissed that GT5 wasn't ready.

Hopefully though we might see something good come of it, maybe Sony will think sod it and expand PD's studio with a lot more staff to get stuff done quicker. I doubt they'll want to be waiting around for PD when the PS4 releases.
Whilst that may work for companies like Turn 10 (which it probably doesn't considering Forza 3 bombed and was a commercial failure)
You know, I personally didn't find Forza 3 to be particularly impressive considering how much Forza 2 already did, but I doubt there is much truth to that statement.