Is the JPN version worth it?

  • Thread starter highlifeGT
I'll bet many of you are wondering if you should get a copy of GT5 Prologue (JPN) from

I have the money, and would gladly spend it knowing i get to play it before so many others do, but here's my concern. Will I find it extremely difficult to navigate the menu's even WITH the helpfull pages on this forum.
I'm guessing there are many screens in the demo for car setup etc. that have not been covered here that we'll look at and be like; what do i do?

So I'm looking to hear impressions and possitive or negative reinforcement on whether splurging for the JPN release is really worth it seeing as how the menu layout will be hard to navigate through.

Those with the gt5 prologue, tell me all your thoughts.

If you order it MAKE SURE YOU GET FASTER SHIPPING! I pre-ordered mine on the 8th, it shipped on the 13th via standard shipping and it still isn't here.

Just a heads up.
I said the samething i was a beast so i just copped the jpn version. Really it doesnt matter cuz its still in the testing phase so get it how you can.
Most of the menus are already translated. With online functioning now, we have more to translate, but that's either done already or will be in the next few days.

The one thing to really concern yourself with then is if you want to go ahead and experience it all, including online play. If you live in Europe or Australia, it appears that the servers are in Japan and give some players in those areas trouble with high pings and lag. But America, Canada and the rest seem to be pretty well set with low latency.

In my case the cost was about $70 with three day FedEx shipping, but I'm having a blast. I have yet to do any online races, but that's coming soon.

As for that Best Buy listing, I'm doubting that, but I think waiting a few days just to see if it pans out wouldn't be a bad idea.
More than worth it for me, its pretty straight forward to navigate and as said, almost everything has been translated here at GTP.

As for that bestbuy site.... What a joke, they even still call it Vision GT.

If you live in Europe or Australia, it appears that the servers are in Japan and give some players in those areas trouble with high pings and lag. But America, Canada and the rest seem to be pretty well set with low latency.

Mostly fine here for me in Australia, we are not all that far from Japan you know, closer than the US (excluding Hawaii). ;)
another thing that i think you have misunderstood is that the game is a PROLOGUE theres no car setup. you just race.

i think its well worth it especially with the tastes of online play and maybe damage that will come out with the full gt5.

i havent had any problems with speed bar one race.
It was worth it to me, because I've been playing it since Dec 14th!!:)
I got mine through Play-Asia using UPS and it was the faster shipping with box, I think it was about $15 US(the shipping that is), I ordered it at about 4am on the Monday and received it before 11am on the Friday, and that is from Hong Kong to Tasmania, Australia, and it only cost about $74 AU. So I thought it was pretty good.

And am playing online at the moment and so far it has been real good, seem very good for lag or should I say lack of lag:)
I bought mine in Japan, about US$40 and it's well worth the money, even though it's just a prologue and not the real game. I find it has some of the same stress-inducing play that GT4 has which is what I was really looking for.
No. It isn't worth it. Why pay 70 bucks for a demo of a game? That is rediculous. I can buy a FULL game and lunch from McDonalds for the same amount! I have heard rumor that GT5P, when in the US, will cost about 30 bucks. It comes here in about 3 months - I can wait that long. Plus, if you order it from, then you have the risks of having it lost in the mail. Also, everything is in Japanese, so you are screwed there, too! The actual game of GT5 is "supposed" to come out December 11th, 2008 for the US. Watch them change it on us AGAIN!
No. It isn't worth it. Why pay 70 bucks for a demo of a game? That is rediculous. I can buy a FULL game and lunch from McDonalds for the same amount!
Is it worth it? Sure - it costs me $150 to fill up the 3 cars parked outside, so whats another $70 ;)

I have heard rumor that GT5P, when in the US, will cost about 30 bucks. It comes here in about 3 months - I can wait that long.

Ah - so I get to buy another version? Cool - count me in - whats another $30?;)

Plus, if you order it from, then you have the risks of having it lost in the mail.
Hmm - I ordered mine form PlayAsia the day it was released - UPS droppe dit off at the front door in Houston 4 days later.

Also, everything is in Japanese, so you are screwed there, too!
How hard could it be? You buy a car, select a race and hit the gas. Not much translaiton needed there ;)

The actual game of GT5 is "supposed" to come out December 11th, 2008 for the US. Watch them change it on us AGAIN!
But if you had bought the Japanese GT5; Prologue, you would have already been enjoying 1080p HD gaming for almost a year even if they do change the date ;)
Indeed, not to mention almost all of the game has been translated here at GTP if there is something you are stuck on.

Why should I restrict my GT enjoyment because it's not the full version......
I paid almost $70 to get it from Play-Asia too, and it's been all I've been playing for a week. I'm having a ball, and even online - complete with wreckers - is fun.
I got mine just before christmas (24th December) and I'm so glad I got the Japanese edition. Quite frankly, I dont wanna wait till March 2008 to get the English edition.
So, to play online...I can play on line from the UK with a JPN copy of GT5P? Do I need to setup the JPN account for that?

Really want the game...put I cant play racing sims with a pad any longer! I would have to go for the racing seat and wheel setup again...which will come to £400...
So, to play online...I can play on line from the UK with a JPN copy of GT5P? Do I need to setup the JPN account for that?
Yep, you can play online from the UK. Just expect a bit of lag, but it's nothing major to worry about.

And I've not had to use my JP account whatsoever.
Yes its def worth it, it wasn't that expensive and its the best 'demo' your going to get around..

GT5 may be ages away...

This Prologue gets updated so you may see damage etc in the future...

The only niggle is that online play is a bit badly laid out at the moment and if your playing from somewhere like the UK its a bit of a pain..

Playing since 17th of Dec and haven't regretted paying about 70$ with fed ex shipping. Have been playing it since then and I'm still playing it all day long (holidays right now). So if you are a die hard Gran Turismo Fan and if you foud that forum you probabely are one, than I would suggest go get it :-)

Greetz from Switzerland (no online lag issues here either)
Here's why I am thinking of waiting a few weeks... check the date

The Japanese version is definately worth the purchase if you can get it now, all the menus have been pretty much translated so i say get it:tup:

That link is not was already confirmed that the US won't get prologue until March timeframe

BB already taken it down. Those retailers can post whatever they want and then take it down later to scam you into pre-ordering them. It is a stupid tactic but they do work to a certain degree.
Lmao! RC45 is my hero. You made my day man hahah
That post were you just served all those guys was just too funny..

But to get back to this my opinion, yes it is worth buying the jpn version.
Im actually getting it tomorrow for 40$ (not too bad considering my friend paid 70 haha)
Theres still a month and about 2 weeks till the official North America release and I actually dont have any more patience for this game.. It is honestly a.m.a.z.i.n.g.