Is tyre degradation so high in GT5 thats its unrealistic? PD read!

  • Thread starter xSNAKEx
you are right IMO, they need to slow the wear a little, and change that wear in relation to the other compounds available.

I think that the RS need to be able to last 15 laps before getting to half wear, then they should fall away quickly in terms of laptimes (so about 20 laps tops which is comparable with a number of race series around the world namely F1 and V8 supercar). PD should be able to work back through the different compounds from there to get a more realistic model.

I imagine the tough bit would be getting the wear to accelerate from about half way in each compound. RH should last about 40 laps in a 1.30 lap, dropping sharply from half wear.

Hopefully they have an adjustment on the way, in the new update due soon
My sentiments exactly. I now play GT far less than I used to, for the exact reasons you have outlined. The alternates of forza & iracing I never considered till this new tire wear model came in. Now they're a serious option.
That guy must be really pushing those tires I got my tires to last 10 laps, with 8,9, the tires suffering from slower lap times. When I hit 10 they were toast.I Wish PD would switch the wear for comfort tires like the race tires and vice versa. I got 35 laps from my CS tires this would never happen in real life.
Very interesting last few pages.

I have done quite a lot of 1hr races over the last 5 years, ranging from various PC sims to GT5 and one thing that I really struggle with in GT5 is finding out how best to conserve tyres while maintaining some half decent race pace.

In the PC world you just braked a tad earlier and didn't lean too hard in on the turn in, then try not to be aggressive with the throttle on exit, waiting a tenth or two before applying it. Basically you keep the car from doing those little 4 wheels drifts, which in qualifying gain you that extra .4 / .5. Over the course of the race you could see some real quantifiable results compared with going "balls-out" where as in GT5 it seems almost impossible to conserve tyres. If I try to apply the same principles which served me so well in the PC world, because of GT5's tyre physics in order to enter a corner slow enough to not "burn" the tyres I'm simply loosing chunks upon chunks of time. Far from the few tenths here and there that you see in other games.

Has anybody experimented with a few different ways of driving which actually effects the tyre wear? Like say getting 10 laps instead of 7, without driving 2+ seconds a lap slower (simply not feasible)?
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Lol, thread is full of laughs. You people complain about tire wear, fact is many of you drive hard every lap and then complain about tire wear. In GT5 how you stress your tires directly impacts tire life, while there are some oddities in RH-RS tire wear, I still can drive around with reasonable lap times and get about 18 laps on Fuji on RS in a Super GT car. Mind you I am not driving all balls to the wall, screeching my tires on every turn or braking guys are trying to compare your digital driving to real life driving. Look when you are playing a game you will drive and push the car well beyond the limits you would ever try in real life. So if you factor in lack of fear plus realistic tire wear would equal you guys tearing your tires asunder.

Regardless of the flaws the game has, the biggest flaw is the human input. I guarantee if you drove your car much smoother and didn't late brake into every corner and punish the tires to their limits the entire time you would notice that tire wear isn't much of an issue. Learn to drive, before you can learn to race effectively. You guys haven't wondered why PD haven't changed the rate of tire degradation, it's because it based on how you drive not the degradation calculations. You guys basically want them to change the tire degradation formula to match your fearless driving would that make sense?

I'm wondering if any of you are actually drawing the connection between your lack of fear playing the game and how quickly you wear your tires down...I'm guessing not not many of you actually draw the connection based on the comment complaining about it. Just like the vast majority of people online don't know that cold tires have less grip and degrade at an accelerated rate if you slide around before you get them up to temperature.

Taking all of that into consideration, are people looking at real lap times?
If you do a lap faster (harder) than the real fastest lap time, wouldn't that make a difference as to how quickly the tires degrade? The cold tires statement is really interesting. I never knew that :scared::dunce::)
I have come to a conclusion how tire wear works driving ludocris amounts of laps on Nascar. So it basicly wears every time you hear the sound from tires. Very simple but at the same time very clever and close to the real world.
I have come to a conclusion how tire wear works driving ludocris amounts of laps on Nascar. So it basicly wears every time you hear the sound from tires. Very simple but at the same time very clever and close to the real world.

So turn the sound down to save tyres.

If only it was that simple.

My argument is that, even driving slowly in GT5, the tyre wear is just as severe. It seems you need to drive 3+ seconds slower than your maximum, which over the course of 10 laps means it is faster to take a pitstop and just go balls-to-the-wall.

I do agree with the comment about the cold tyres wearing faster if treated poorly. I have noticed that myself. It is certainly beneficial to warm them up nicely and try to be as smooth as possible in order to "bed" them in.
I would add 2 extra tyre choices

Endurance medium- tiny bit less grip then racing medium, take much longer to warm up but last much longer.

Endurance hard- ultimate enduro tyres, they simply dont warm up fast enough to be of any use in a normal short race, provide a tiny bit less grip then racing hards but are much much more consistent.

I would then shorten the life of racing softs as they are already have obscene grip and that type of grip shouldn't last many laps.

And then would be dealing with the fuel consumption....
I think adding even more tires gets a bit silly.

They should have 3 compounds but Model the width of them. Basically as you upgrade the width of your tire you gain a little more grip and wear.

As made popular by a rival game.
I think adding even more tires gets a bit silly.

They should have 3 compounds but Model the width of them. Basically as you upgrade the width of your tire you gain a little more grip and wear.

As made popular by a rival game.

On the contrary GT5 has a very limited selection of tyres, less then its predecessor, increasing width isnt always a good thing and would be very limited on some cars.

I would set tyre width, offset and profile as separate options.
I do agree with the comment about the cold tyres wearing faster if treated poorly. I have noticed that myself. It is certainly beneficial to warm them up nicely and try to be as smooth as possible in order to "bed" them in.

That is nice theory, but warming up tyres in the GT5 is also bit weird. La Sarthe is fine example of that, I'm unable to get tyres up to temperature on this track and as result tyre wear is accelarated.
Best thing to do on the other tracks is just drive normally (that is without burning your tyres) and warm them up in first lap.
Tire wear is exaggerated. Sometimes no more than 3 good laps on RS. Most cars should be able to do 10 decent laps out of them, as RH should be able to give you around 15 to 20 laps sprints.
Sorry I didn't finish endurance races before tire wear appeared
I will have cup race tonight on Nurburgring GP/F, 12 lap sprint, 42 lap main race. We are racing on RM tyres and best strategy is to make pit stop even in sprint race. In main race I have planned strategy as 6 6 6 7 7 10(mandatory 10 laps on RH tyres). That is 5 pit stops in 42 lap race, bit ridiculous isn't it? And the car weight is just 1000 kg.
I noticed the other day when doing the Nurb. 4hr race that braking, and how hard I braked made a big difference to my tyres lasting an extra lap (on the ring!).

I could lap a 8:18 or something when pushing but if I dropped that to a 8:25-27, it was enough for an extra lap. This was achieved by just braking lighter (most important) and earlier (not massively though).

Incidentally I would say this won me the race, there really wasn't much in it, but I went into a 3 or 4 lap strategy (on Racing Mediums) and that gave me an extra 1 and 3/4 laps on 2nd place after 4 hours.

Oh, and if anyone was wondering, this was in a Lexus ISF RM.

Good info in this thread.
I noticed the other day when doing the Nurb. 4hr race that braking, and how hard I braked made a big difference to my tyres lasting an extra lap (on the ring!).

I wondered about this, again, in the PC world over braking and locking tyres, or heavily trail braking could hurt the fronts but due to ABS in GT5 this isnt so obvious. I wonder if more careful braking or even the "ABS" setting effects tyre wear. Maybe there could be a difference between ABS 1 and 10.

My next online race is the Denso Lexus JGTC car with stage 3 Engine (no turbo) with R1's at Grand Valley. I will try ABS 1 and 10 in my next session and report back if I find any tangible difference in the tyre wear. Normally I run ABS 1, so now im quite curious to try 10.

Gotta love GT5 :lol:, so many hidden variables that nobody understands.
I wondered about this, again, in the PC world over braking and locking tyres, or heavily trail braking could hurt the fronts but due to ABS in GT5 this isnt so obvious. I wonder if more careful braking or even the "ABS" setting effects tyre wear. Maybe there could be a difference between ABS 1 and 10.

My next online race is the Denso Lexus JGTC car with stage 3 Engine (no turbo) with R1's at Grand Valley. I will try ABS 1 and 10 in my next session and report back if I find any tangible difference in the tyre wear. Normally I run ABS 1, so now im quite curious to try 10.

Gotta love GT5 :lol:, so many hidden variables that nobody understands.

You make a very interesting point. I normally run with ABS 1 but I reckon that ABS 10 would make tyres last longer. Will have to put this to the test, I can't see how much difference ABS 10 could make anyway, surely once ABS is on the difference of how strong isn't (so) important?

Would be interested to see how you get on in your online race since my experiences at the ring were in A-Spec offline mode, and we all know the massive difference in physics.

So, maybe your not a true enduro racer til you crank the ABS up to 10 - never thought I'd say that!! Haha!
Tire wear is exaggerated. Sometimes no more than 3 good laps on RS. Most cars should be able to do 10 decent laps out of them, as RH should be able to give you around 15 to 20 laps sprints.
Sorry I didn't finish endurance races before tire wear appeared
Well, to be fair, Racing Soft tires have an unrealistic amount of grip, so it only makes sense that they wear out quicker.
La Sarthe is fine example of that, I'm unable to get tyres up to temperature on this track and as result tyre wear is accelarated.

Textbook approach would suggest less downforce to get some heat into the tyres quicker.
The tire names are confusing. "hard" tire doesn`t imply that its a tire which can be tortured for 100 laps with only loosing 30% performance.
For example, last years hard compound in F1 by Pirelli lasted only 20-30 laps (varies by track) while the Bridgestone hard compound lasted the whole race.

I think GT5`s race tire should resemble those used in the WEC much more.
Racing hards - For long enduros
Racing mediums - for F1`like sprint races
Racing softs - for short qualy runs or 5 lap races
i have to say after reading this and going down the page then fun side of this game has gone and the trye were is way to fast to much and eben whit the logic tec gt driving fforce wheel its not the same as when playing gt5 2.0 hd or prolog for that metter and yes i know and undertsand that they are old version but its just wrong sliding out in every conner
Lol, thread is full of laughs. You people complain about tire wear, fact is many of you drive hard every lap and then complain about tire wear. In GT5 how you stress your tires directly impacts tire life, while there are some oddities in RH-RS tire wear, I still can drive around with reasonable lap times and get about 18 laps on Fuji on RS in a Super GT car. Mind you I am not driving all balls to the wall, screeching my tires on every turn or braking guys are trying to compare your digital driving to real life driving. Look when you are playing a game you will drive and push the car well beyond the limits you would ever try in real life. So if you factor in lack of fear plus realistic tire wear would equal you guys tearing your tires asunder.

Regardless of the flaws the game has, the biggest flaw is the human input. I guarantee if you drove your car much smoother and didn't late brake into every corner and punish the tires to their limits the entire time you would notice that tire wear isn't much of an issue. Learn to drive, before you can learn to race effectively. You guys haven't wondered why PD haven't changed the rate of tire degradation, it's because it based on how you drive not the degradation calculations. You guys basically want them to change the tire degradation formula to match your fearless driving would that make sense?

I'm wondering if any of you are actually drawing the connection between your lack of fear playing the game and how quickly you wear your tires down...I'm guessing not not many of you actually draw the connection based on the comment complaining about it. Just like the vast majority of people online don't know that cold tires have less grip and degrade at an accelerated rate if you slide around before you get them up to temperature.

Bit harsh dont you think. didnt realise you were a driving pro and an expert in tyres. Yes a huge factor is driving style but i believe that GT5 are not in the position to get tyre degradation realistic enough as the product is for the mass market so needs to reach out to different people. GT5 does not provide the gamer to look at any real engineering data to help determine car setup and performance (tyre load indicator is the biggest load of rubbish ever, it tells me the obvious, i.e the weight is shifted the the outside when turning and when wheel spinning traction is lost. it doesnt provide any real information to help improve my driving).
I think the tire wear is just fine the way it is now. You know how long your different tire types will last, so pick the one's that work best with your strategy to win the race.
I think the tire wear is just fine the way it is now. You know how long your different tire types will last, so pick the one's that work best with your strategy to win the race.
I don't think that's what the issue is here. The problem is that tires, no matter the type, all seem to degrade unrealistically quickly.
I think the tire wear is just fine the way it is now. You know how long your different tire types will last, so pick the one's that work best with your strategy to win the race.
It's not... Trust me, it's not! I do track days in my 7 on the same tires I use daily and it barely effects my replacement time...

Tire wear needs a serious looking into, I can't believe "The REAL driving simulator" has let it go on like this for so long!