Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
CBS news reports on the "28 pages" censored from the 9/11 commission report.

In a general sense, this story will help people to understand how it is that extreme Islamic terrorism is such a problem in the world today.
"...Wahhabism, the ultra conservative, puritanical form of Islam that is rooted here and permeates every facet of society. There is no separation of church and state. After, oil, Wahhabism is one of the kingdom's biggest exports. Saudi clerics, entrusted with Islam's holiest shrines have immense power and billions of dollars to spread the faith. Building mosques and religious schools all over the world that have become recruiting grounds for violent extremists."
I believe both Arabs and Muslims are more than capable of making the world better, whether they choose to or not is no different than any other.

As long as there are Christians and Jews, it's not going to happen.
Off course it will eventually happen, when the false messiah lays claim to the one world government and religion system.

Don't know if any muslims read this, but clearly God told us that this son who was not the chosen of Israel, would cause upon the world much problems, even until the time of the end:

And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

Many muslims believe Muhammed is of Ishmael's lineage, and I believe so as well.
I just find this incredible that in my lifetime, I see Isis killing the muslim apostates, the Jew and the Christian, just as they are commanded to do so in the quran. Before my life, muslims were killing one another since Muhammed was killed at the hand of a jewish slave girl. I find it sad that this holy man of Allah could not complete his mission and choose a successor, but in turn caused the death of many innocent muslims.
Don't know if any muslims read this,
Yeah. Thanks for the read though. I know you're don't really have time to be in here so be it.

I see Isis killing the muslim apostates, the Jew and the Christian
Im pretty sure ISIS will kill pretty much anyone who'se not in their group. That includes many moslems which have been killed more than any others. Just not as publicized.

Muhammed was killed at the hand of a jewish slave girl.
I never heard of that from any religions. Source?
I never heard of that from any religions. Source?

In this article, I tried to present my analytical view about the followers of Muhammad and the tradition about Muhammad’s death, widely propagated by Muslims that a Jewish woman at Khaibar had poisoned him. The story goes like this: a Jewish woman, captured in Muhammad attack of Khaibar, was put on the duty for preparing the meal, and she had put poisoned meat in Muhammad's and his companions' meal to take revenge for the murder of her husband, sons and brothers by Muhammad and his Jihadi companions.
I see a lot of people are referring to Hadiths for their own agendas. The Wahhabis follow all parts of the Hadiths like the Saudi government, and people who for some reason want to make Islam look bad use all of the Hadiths. One thing everyone has to take into account is that the Hadiths are a narration of the prophet Muhammad ﷺ. These narrations are written by multiple people. However, as Muslims, we believe that the Quran is the 100% confirmed word. Hadiths are traditions and advice and stuff, and it all depends on the author and strength of the Hadith.

I would like to add on by saying that if you're going to talk as if you are an expert on Islam, read the Quran and judge for yourself. It is a very bad idea to take other's opinions as your own steadfastly. Especially if it is from a source that is obviously biased.
I see a lot of people are referring to Hadiths for their own agendas. The Wahhabis follow all parts of the Hadiths like the Saudi government, and people who for some reason want to make Islam look bad use all of the Hadiths. One thing everyone has to take into account is that the Hadiths are a narration of the prophet Muhammad ﷺ. These narrations are written by multiple people. However, as Muslims, we believe that the Quran is the 100% confirmed word. Hadiths are traditions and advice and stuff, and it all depends on the author and strength of the Hadith.

I would like to add on by saying that if you're going to talk as if you are an expert on Islam, read the Quran and judge for yourself. It is a very bad idea to take other's opinions as your own steadfastly. Especially if it is from a source that is obviously biased.
So, in effect, you're saying I shouldn't listen to a word you say.
These narrations are written by multiple people. However, as Muslims, we believe that the Quran is the 100% confirmed word. Hadiths are traditions and advice and stuff, and it all depends on the author and strength of the Hadith.

I can understand what you say about 100% however I don't know what you mean by 'strength of the Hadith?
So, in effect, you're saying I shouldn't listen to a word you say.

Imagine you're reading one of those bibles that has the text on the right-hand page and an explanation of the text on the left-hand page. Hadith are (sort of) like that, they're narratives by respected Islaamic figures that aid people in interpretations of the text. That respect is subjective, of course, part of the division in Islaam is down to who believes which interpretations - there are modernist and orthodox camps just like in most major religions.

You really should read the Koran, it's fascinating and strangely familiar to anyone brought up in an even remotely christian environment.

I'm guessing it has "strength" if it appeals to @MisterWhiskers' agenda.

That's the core, really, one can pick the most appropriate hadith for one's purposes.
I can't really be bothered with all that, I have two thoughts, one is of my very personal god and the other of the religion I try to follow.

I've checked other things out in the past and as a simple man I have what I like 👍
I see a lot of people are referring to Hadiths for their own agendas. The Wahhabis follow all parts of the Hadiths like the Saudi government, and people who for some reason want to make Islam look bad use all of the Hadiths. One thing everyone has to take into account is that the Hadiths are a narration of the prophet Muhammad ﷺ. These narrations are written by multiple people. However, as Muslims, we believe that the Quran is the 100% confirmed word. Hadiths are traditions and advice and stuff, and it all depends on the author and strength of the Hadith.

I would like to add on by saying that if you're going to talk as if you are an expert on Islam, read the Quran and judge for yourself. It is a very bad idea to take other's opinions as your own steadfastly. Especially if it is from a source that is obviously biased.

Though it's the same story for the quran. If muhammeds followers recited the revelations muhammed said he received, then what happened when those reciters died in battle? Who then wrote the quran?
Are you aware that the first published quran was in 1924? No real word of God will not start with the beginning of time, and surely, no word of God will end speaking about satan.

Joseph Smith and muhammed both said that they were visited by an angel, whom no one was able to witness. So their followers are taking their word for it, meaning, today, someone can do the same thing, and people will just take their word for it. You may be interested to see what the bible says about such things, as the bible always, seems to have an answer for future events to come.

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be under a divine curse! 9As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you embraced, let him be under a divine curse!

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

You know how muhammed died, and you can google to see how Joseph Smith died.

muhammed didn't have time to prevent a mess within islam that has been raging since his death. How can his god allow for devout muslims to kill one another. How can a god of peace allow for this for 1400 years and counting?
Does one really need to be an expert to understand this?

Do you disagree with all the hadiths?
Though it's the same story for the quran. If muhammeds followers recited the revelations muhammed said he received, then what happened when those reciters died in battle? Who then wrote the quran?
Are you aware that the first published quran was in 1924? No real word of God will not start with the beginning of time, and surely, no word of God will end speaking about satan.

Joseph Smith and muhammed both said that they were visited by an angel, whom no one was able to witness. So their followers are taking their word for it, meaning, today, someone can do the same thing, and people will just take their word for it. You may be interested to see what the bible says about such things, as the bible always, seems to have an answer for future events to come.

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be under a divine curse! 9As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you embraced, let him be under a divine curse!

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

You know how muhammed died, and you can google to see how Joseph Smith died.

muhammed didn't have time to prevent a mess within islam that has been raging since his death. How can his god allow for devout muslims to kill one another. How can a god of peace allow for this for 1400 years and counting?
Does one really need to be an expert to understand this?

Do you disagree with all the hadiths?
Every single thing you have mentioned here can be applied to Christianity by Jew's and to Jew's by the various faiths it evolved from.

Your dismissing Islam as having no proof but failing to understand that you have no more for your own .
Joseph Smith and muhammed both said that they were visited by an angel, whom no one was able to witness.

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light entity of electromagnetic particles and waves, of smokeless fire.
Muhammed at least admitted he may have been deceived by the Djinn. Certainly Smith was deceived by "Moroni", perhaps also a Djinn.
Joseph Smith and muhammed both said that they were visited by an angel, whom no one was able to witness. So their followers are taking their word for it, meaning, today, someone can do the same thing, and people will just take their word for it. You may be interested to see what the bible says about such things, as the bible always, seems to have an answer for future events to come.

What does the bible say about the angel who visited the young Mary, unwitnessed? At least she was able to explain her pregnancy away although I don't recall what became of the bastard.
Organisers of a bomb drill in central Manchester have apologised after the pseudo-perp shouted "Allahu Akhbar" during the attack. In the organisers' defence they were following a script that mirrored recent events across the globe.

It's still worth remembering that previous bombings of Manchester have always been carried out by white christians. BBC.
Organisers of a bomb drill in central Manchester have apologised after the pseudo-perp shouted "Allahu Akhbar" during the attack. In the organisers' defence they were following a script that mirrored recent events across the globe.

It's still worth remembering that previous bombings of Manchester have always been carried out by white christians. BBC.
It's practically a drill for an incoming IS attack. What do IS terrorists yell before they blow themselves up or start shooting?... I can't believe the politically correct brigade finds this offensive as it's basically a case of simulating reality.

And then that reference to 'but there used to be white christian terrorists too" :rolleyes:. Bloody Stockholm syndrome everywhere in the EU.
It's practically a drill for an incoming IS attack. What do IS terrorists yell before they blow themselves up or start shooting?... I can't believe the politically correct brigade finds this offensive as it's basically a case of simulating reality.

Reality in Manchester has always been very different though, I suspect this event would have caused less offence in other places.

And then that reference to 'but there used to be white christian terrorists too" :rolleyes:.

How's your knowledge of terrorist bombings in Manchester? Not great, obviously.

Bloody Stockholm syndrome everywhere in the EU.

You can not be serious. Everywhere in the EU sympathises with ISIS? Shut the front door.
Reality in Manchester has always been very different though, I suspect this event would have caused less offence in other places.
How's your knowledge of terrorist bombings in Manchester? Not great, obviously.
It's not relevant to the threat of Islamic terrorism England is facing at this moment. The Germans used to bomb London too maybe they should have put a reference to that then.

You can not be serious. Everywhere in the EU sympathises with ISIS? Shut the front door.
Did i say the EU sympathizes with IS? No. But we've become so darn political correct, that we can't even call a horse a horse anymore, in case we would offend someone.
It's not relevant to the threat of Islamic terrorism England is facing at this moment. The Germans used to bomb London too maybe they should have put a reference to that then.

London isn't Manchester and the Nazi Luftwaffe are no longer active. Manchester is actually in Manchester (oddly enough) and the IRA are still active.

Did i say the EU sympathizes with IS? No.

Yes, you did;

Bloody Stockholm syndrome everywhere in the EU.

Who else were you suggesting that you and I were sympathising with?

I guess he could have shouted... "THEY'RE ALWAYS AFTER ME' LUCKY CHARMS!"

Brilliant :D
Who else were you suggesting that you and I were sympathising with?
Muslims, as to not offend them by portraying them as the terrorists. This during a drill which is clearly meant to simulate a terrorist attack by Islamic state, who, as coincidence has it, already made thousands of victims world wide in the last 2 years using... terrorist attacks, and shouting: "Allahu Akhbar".
Muslims, as to not offend them by portraying them as the terrorists. This during a drill which is clearly meant to simulate a terrorist attack by Islamic state, who, as coincidence has it, already made thousands of victims world wide in the last 2 years using... terrorist attacks, and shouting: "Allahu Akhbar".

That isn't how Stockholm Syndrome works.