Tough questions to ask somebody like myself, but I will do my best to answer them completely and with as much explanation as possible. I will break each one down as you asked them, and again ask that you forgive an incomplete explanation due to my lack of knowledge. Brace yourself: a wall of text is coming.
- Muslims who take Shariah more seriously/interpret differently
I believe this leads right back to understanding the core idea of Shariah and actually links very strongly towards your statements about a Pope. Without that core leadership (whether we agree that the pope is doing good or bad for the world) you cannot have the law or laws of that faith applied. In that sense, Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was the leader for Humanity from that time, in the eyes of Islam, and was the leader of the Muslims for certain. After him there was always ONE leader, often with council, many times chosen by a mix of succession and vote (yes, democracy in Islam does exist) who would provide that overall judgement if and when needed. Now, such leadership does not exist. In addition to that, the leadership that does exist in Islamic countries leaves much to be desired at times. The most we have are ranks of Mufti, who are the highest of the Islamic scholars, and who judge in groups of specialists, depending on situation. However, they only preside on matters that can be attended to, such as marriage, divorce, some financial matters, et cetera. The rest falls to the law of the land, and indeed the aforementioned topics also do often fall into that category too. But putting that aside for a moment, I'd like to put forward a few key points of Shariah being 'a way of life', and I'd like you to compare them to laws and culture you know and abide by.
1) Preservation of human rights - the right to faith, life, children, property, intellect.
2) Encouragement of work and trade
3) Protection of contracts (writing them down, fulfilment, concessions)
4) Acquisition of items to enhance/provide comfort in life
Now to take words directly quoted from the Qur'an, backed up by Hadith:
'And speak good words to all people.' - Qur'an, on treating everybody kindly.
'The servants of the Lord of Mercy are those who walk humbly on the Earth, and who, when the foolish address them, reply "peace"' - Qur'an, on being humbled by the world and about spreading peace, even when being addressed badly.
'God loves those who seek to purify themselves' - Qur'an, on self improvement and reflection.
'The believer does not defame, abuse, disparage nor vilify' - Hadith, on being unkind and unfair.
'The world is green and delightful and God has put you in charge of it and is watching how you behave' - Hadith, on caring for the environment and everything within the Earth.
'Make things easy on people and do not make them difficult, and cheer people up and do not put them off (by your behaviour)' - Hadith on being helpful in society.
I can go on for quite a long time on that. But I am sure you can agree that those sound pretty much the same as any other progressive country. Nothing really different at all. Shariah also includes rights of women, children, orphans, elderly, charity, animals etc.
If we start taking a look at it from this angle, then the 'Shariah' that people think - stoning, death penalties, flogging, whatever else - does not seem to exist. Why is this? Because this part is a tiny part of Shariah, and in actual fact there is so much more to even that and there are millions of people, Muslims and otherwise, who just do not understand this. Nor do they understand how progressive Shariah itself is, especially when it was first put in to place, centuries ahead of any law we now hold dear. Even the leaders who want 'Shariah' only go for the extremes. And that is just plain wrong.
- Scholars who defend the extreme positions
This has become a big problem as of late. I am thinking of people like that hook man (I cannot remember is name) and others like him. These people are, and I will be totally frank here, hiding their evil behind a cloth of faith. These are not good people. These are not helpful people. And if I were an outsider as many who are reading this are, I would look at these people and say, 'Yup, that's not a faith for me. That is just sick'. And rightly so! I do not look at these people, or ISIS, or the Taliban for a single second and say to myself that there may be some merit in what they are saying. Because if my faith has had such an emphasis on freedom, safety, protection, kindness, peace and love, how can it also have such an emphasis on killing people? The logic does not compute at all to me. So my view is that there is more going on in this than just sects. If one sect says 'Ramadhan Prayers have 20 measures', and another sect says 'Ramadhan prayers have 8 measures' I see no problem here. Both are saying there is prayer, and when asked for basis you will actually see valid reasons for both, backed up numerous times. Now if one sect says 'Live and let live', and another sect says 'Force people to live this one way, and that is it' then I see an issue. Ask the first sect why they say 'Live and let live' and you will see a plethora of evidence stacked for this argument, starting with the most simple of lines, 'There is no compulsion in religion' [Qur'an]. If you ask the second sect, they'll give you one or two skewed analogies and use that as the reasoning. This is fundamentally what they are doing wrong. They are cherry-picking certain parts and then skewing them further to reinforce and progress their more twisted ideologies.
- Women
This one is great simply because I am very strongly pro equity, understanding and the rights of women, AS a Muslim should be. Women's rights are complicated nowadays, but they really should not be, and in the early days of Islam (with Shariah as overseen by Muhammad (pbuh)) the rights were progressive, forward thinking and fair, without a doubt. Let me do my best to explain and maybe change your thoughts upon Islam. Honour killings - forbidden. I say this without a shadow of a doubt, but to help me explain my point I will quote Dr Jonathan Brown: 'Shariah law has a clear position on honor killing, drawing directly on rulings made by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: a husband who kills his wife and/or her lover has committed homicide like any other case, even if the husband caught the two in the act.' It's just wrong...
With regards to testimony, this is a very misunderstood subject (and I will admit I do not have a fully comprehensive understanding of it either, but I will try my best). The verse where the Qur'an states this is a verse referring to financial transactions. The verse does not state that a two women equal one man, because one man on his own cannot be a witness either. It has to be two men, too. This is where the misunderstanding comes starts. People say that if we remove one man, he is replaced by two women. But there was a logic to this, which has nothing to do with intelligence, integrity or anything. It was merely to do with the natural tendency, due to extra stress and strain that is present in a women (periods, pregnancy, child strain, other stress that men cannot even imagine) that may lead to a woman making a small mistake, or forgetting just for a moment. That is all. In fact, if a woman was to testify against ten men, in Shariah the testimony of those ten men can be thrown out immediately if the judge deems the woman is telling the truth. By that token, it means if one man and two women were witness to a transaction and it later went to court, it does not take BOTH the women to counter the man. One is enough. It also means that two women are not always required, and indeed when you look further into this there are many, many examples where the testimony of a single woman is more than enough, no matter how many men testify (as we know, men can lie pretty easily). The rights of a women is completely protected here, since the 1400s.
Inheritance. An interesting topic on its own, and I will agree that when taking it on face value it is very unfair. In fact, when studying women's rights this was one of the first things I looked at, because I had heard about it a few times. In learning about this, I found out that this in itself is a protection of the rights of a women, not because it gives half a share, but because that half a share is hers, and hers alone. What I mean by that is that anything a women inherits, or earns from work, or is gifted, belongs solely to her, unless she chooses otherwise. In Islam, during a time where women had no rights anywhere, a woman was deemed to be responsible for her own affairs and was her own person. A man, however, had more responsibilities to other people. This included every single person in his family, as well as others depending on circumstance. So the inheritance rule was such that the male received (and this is not always the case, as it is far more complex) twice as much as the female. The rule generally comes down to either the female receives half and the male half, or the female a bit less than half, or a lot less, depending on circumstance again. The difference however is that the male is then responsible for redistributing his share further with his obligations, whilst the female does not have any obligations to do this, except of her own free will for which she is rewarded. If a male then fails to fulfil his obligations, he is making grave errors. This is why it is the way it is, not to devalue a woman at all. If anything, the woman is reminded that everything she has is for herself, not anybody else and that is her right in Islam.
Marriage contracts not including the girl. Not true. Whilst it is true that the key part of the ceremony (which by the way only lasts a moment or two) usually does not have the woman present, it is not always the case. My cousin got married and she was present for those two moments as well. In fact, I was a witness (no idea how, I guess I just happened to be closest) to that myself. The woman has EVERY right to say no, has EVERY right to lay down as many conditions on the marriage she wants, and has EVERY right to choose the person she wants. However, to protect her rights (and this happens in all weddings actually), the girl is handed over by the father, or uncle, or whoever. Usually the person who gives the boy a very stern talking to and threatens to break every bone in their body should they find that the girl is ever mistreated. It is literally looking out for the girl. I have never heard of a marriage (except on the news) where the contract was between the man and the guardian of the girl, and the girl not involved. Not once. In fact, in Islam such a marriage would be regarded as forced and would be null and void. Speaking of contracts...
The four wives issue. This was a stipulation for the purpose of children, and having more people being born and raised to live in a better, larger and more diverse society. This does NOT mean a man can go around marrying four wives. There are very, VERY strict terms regarding this. And I mean EXTREMELY strict. The first condition is that the wife has to give permission. No permission? Not allowed at all. Secondly, even IF you have permission, you have to treat each wife with completely equality. Every single right must be fulfilled of the woman. If you are not capable of fulfilling just one of them, you are again not allowed. Beyond that it gets more and more complex. I would not for a second think of having more than a single wife... if I get married...
Divorces. Sadly something that happens more and more nowadays. If only people married with clear cut ideas of life and worked at it before calling it a day. The rules for divorce do not favour men, as it seems. It just seems to be something that has happened over the last couple of hundred years or so. In fact, during the time of the Prophet, a woman came up to him and asked whether she was allowed a divorce. The Prophet asked why, and she simply said that she cannot live with her husband and did not want to be married in the first place. The Prophet granted one immediately. That is it. No fuss, no hassle, no faffing around.
Custody of children. I do not know much about this at all, but as far as I know, the custody goes straight to the mother, not father by default.
The relationship issue. This is a whole different topic unto itself, but this applies both to male and female. It's incredibly complicated and also one I do not fully understand. What I do know is that the general idea is a Muslim should marry a Muslim. That being said, one of my aunts married an English Christian (who became Muslim) and he is a wise and sincere man. One of my cousins married an Italian Christian who became Muslim. And she is lovely and funny. Neither of them have a Muslim background, but they are accepted and loved just the same and we all get on really well. So it is not a background issue, or anything like that, but there are complexities. I may have to get back to you on that one.
- Children
Child marriage. I think I know exactly where this one comes from. To be clear, I do not believe Islam supports child marriage, nor does a first period and child go in the same sentence. In Islam (and in fact until the last century almost all law) a child can be married when they reach the age of adulthood. For a girl, this is when she starts experiencing regular periods. Note, not first. Regular. With that said, over the centuries this age has changed a lot. Centuries ago it could have been as young as 11-12. Now it may not be until 14-15, maybe 16. These girls were far more mature at a younger age than girls now, I am sure. This DOES NOT mean that the girl was to be married off, or asked to find a husband. It just meant that if they can bear a child, that part of them has reached maturity. The girl still has to be mentally mature, emotionally mature, basically needs to have grown up. Now I believe this stems from one Hadith saying that the Prophet married Aisha when she was six, and she moved in with him for the first time when she was nine. Now this presents a real problem, and I for one take issue with one or two scholars who openly argue that since this is in the Hadith it must be bang on correct. However, there are a couple of problems with this. The two quotes that are mentioned seemed to contradict other quotes that are also mentioned. Because this had nothing to do with law as such and was just academically interesting from a historical context, the same tests for authenticity may not have been applied. So scholars have been working on this since the 1920s to see what exactly was what. Was it six and nine? Or was it sixteen and nineteen? To do this, they have had to for years look at every historical incident involving Aisha to try and determine her age from all the things she has been quoted to have said, remembered or written down. Through all of this, it was worked out initially that Aisha must have been at least TEN when she was not married, but betrothed, and then around fifteen at the time of marriage. Which seems to make a little more sense. The marriage at least. Culture could have been to have a betrothal many years before, of that I am not sure. Beyond the 1930s yet more research has been conducted and they have placed estimates that Aisha was some five years older still, given other work and historical quotes. So that places her at maybe nineteen when she become the wife of the prophet, which is well outside of what anybody would deem a child now. But I think it is this incident, and this confusion (which I believe to this day is still being worked upon) that leads to people saying Islam supports child marriage. It does not. No child marriages. No forced marriages. No marriages without a girl or boy consenting.
Girls being told they are lesser beings. This is flat out wrong. Woman are protected in Islam. They have rights, liberties, freedoms. They are not lesser than men. Different? Sure. Anybody can accept that men and women are totally different. But they are not lesser. They have strengths men do not have. They have skills men will never have. They have talents exclusive to them. Without women, nothing could function and anybody who says they are second class citizens have missed the point of Islam completely.
Evolution. This is a massive discussion of itself. I have done a lot of study on the subject, keeping an open mind and I whilst I agree with some aspects of it, there are other aspects I personally find extremely flawed. Do I think that evolution has no place in any science and did not happen at all? Not at all. I am 100% certain that there are evolutionary aspects that took place and are well evidenced, well categorised and make total sense. Do I believe in the tree of life and that humans evolved from apes, or primate creatures? No, I do not. Aside from the Qur'an refuting this flat out - 'We created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you may come to know one another' - I have read numerous papers both for and against this concept and I am led to believe that there is a flaw in the logic that needs to be explored first. I also firmly believe that when the study of evolution is completed it will be something that will be different to what we see now and will be far more in depth too. But again, this is a whole different discussion that dives into science in a way that would be far too much for this post!
- Homosexuality/Belief in anything outside of Islam
In terms of Islam, the feelings of being attracted to the same sex is not a sin. The acts of it are however. Now this does not mean that people are stoned to death etc, or should be killed. Let me just post this from Mufti Menk, regarding the massacre in the gay nightclub in Orlando in 2016.
We may not agree with homosexuality, in the same way we do not agree with Judaism, Christianity, or whatever. BUT we DO NOT kill. That is not what a Muslim does. I will not discriminate against anybody, because a Muslim should not discriminate, no matter what. This Mufti hits the nail on the head. My best friend is a Christian. I know a few Athiests. One person I used to converse with often is gay. I never wish any harm upon any of them, only peace.
I hope that starts clarifying things, and again I ask you excuse any incomplete explanations, and of course God knows best in all things.
p.s. You think your message was long? Hah. This took me three hours to write!