I honestly don't understand how you can't see the double standard you are applying (or that the originator applied). So the US is allowed to have 'other' factors affecting its score, but the bottom ones are not? The bottom ones can only be in the state they are because 'Islam/Islamists'?
No other factor could have contributed heavily towards this at all?
Which is odd because you then go on and acknowledge the part placed by the war in Yeman!
I didn't claim there aren't other factors. What I've said is that, all the factors you mentioned are not universal to all those countries, while a very conservative (and in some cases extremist) view of the religion is. If you know of another common factor, you can post about it and explain why it makes sense.
So you based your conclusions without the full data and now seem to be doubling down when presented with it?
I did the opposite, when I saw the post the first thing I did was look for the full, original data set.
First, I did try to get the report but couldn't find it. The reason why I took "conclusions" based on a picture is due to the fact that, unfortunately this is not the first report with similar data. Was this a surprise to you? Is this breaking news, seriously? That these countries rank the lowest in questions related to civil and political rights, human rights, women and girls issues and gender inequality? Or have you ever seen a news article or a report related to these issues where these countries appear with good or average results? If so, please share that.
See above (and the US and Bangladesh)
What's more important? Having a female president or prime minister for 30 years in a row and abismal literacy and health inequality results for the millions of women and girls in the population, or the other way around?
I mean, the more you look at the study the more unexpected things you can find. Rwanda aparently is the 6th best place for gender equality, despite the fact of being ruled with an iron fist and human rights being regularly violated.
1) No, once again I was referring to the originator of the claim, who interestingly didn't specify if they were referring to Islamist's or Islam in general. Which does raise the question of why they did so.
2) I have no ability to read minds
1) He criticizes all religions but focuses on Islam (the religion) and Extremists / Islamists who act on their beliefs against innocent people. As I've posted before, he has no problem with anyone from any religion who is peaceful, as the majority of muslims.
2) Fair enough. Maybe you assume too much then.
Quite why you keep attempting to apply this only to Europe and European victims is quite bizzare, well unless you are deliberatly trying to narrow the goal-posts. Do victims of other locations count less? Given that the largest victim pool for Islamists and Jhihadis are Muslims themselves, its a rather odd thing to do.
I believe most Muslims are peaceful people. The problem is not the peaceful people though. Is the people who want Sharia, who want Jews to be wiped out, who think women should be treated as cattle, who think critics of Islam and Mohammed should be killed, etc. Those are the problem and most of their victims are peaceful Muslims.
My claim is they (muslim radicals / jihadists / extremists) demonstrate the worse type of irrational religiosity at the moment with the largest number of victims.
(it's implied that the victims are mostly muslim, since this occours largely in muslim majority countries)
I also said in the post just before that one that I believe most muslims are peaceful and most victims of extremists are those peaceful muslims. Including in those 13 countries.
But I'm sure, as it has happened several times in this thread, you'll gloss over this and keep going.
To give one example (from one group) would be the abduction of over 20,000 children, the displacement of over 1.9 million people and the deaths of tens of thousands at the hands of the
LRA. A radical Christian (shall we say Chirstianist - and please don;t try and play the 'no true Scotsman' argument) terrorist group dedicated to forced conversion, death to unbelievers, rape (regardless of age) of unbelievers, terrorist attacks, bombings, etc. in an 85% Christian country
A few more quotes:
Christianity has just as many problems as Islam. I just think the impact they have is not the same.
I agree. There's christian based lunacy as well in some parts of the world and it's a problem.
Why would I "try to play the no true Scotsman argument"? Have you seen me using fallacious arguments? Yeah, the LRA and what they did for over a decade is horrendous. Did anyone say, when Kony was everywhere in the news: "hey, but look over there, there are bad people doing bad things up there too!". Probably. Does it make sense? Not really.
This notion that, if there's a problem and someone points to that problem, they're complicit with other problems that exist because they're not talking about all the problems in the world at the same time, even if they're not equally severe, doesn't lead to anywhere. Sure, there are problems in the world. Let's go home.
I won't be addressing christian based terrorism in a thread about Islam. On one hand, because I'm talking about how extremists views of Islam are legitimized by some scolars and political authorities's interpretations of the religious texts in some countries (I'm not only talking about ISIS or the Taliban), which then makes it harder for the people who live in those countries, under that pressure, to get rid of it and improve their quality of life (no parties, no freedoms, no gays, no criticizm of the state and religion, etc, etc, etc). On the other hand, because I'm not aware of religious based lunacy by other states commited at the same scale as in the most conservative islamic ones (the ones in purple
Anything even compared to the banning of internet domains, books, cartoons and movies with criticism of Islam, demanding the death of people (from cartoonists to ambassadors) in other countries for criticizing Islam, emprisonment and killing of gays, atheists, apostates and journalists, compulsory veils/niqabs/burkas for girls and women, different standards for women and men in public and private life, wife-beating being allowed, promotion of material condoning and celebrating the holocaust or holocaust denial by the state (and educational system), denial of Science, support of Sharia, none of very low minimum age for marriage, etc?
Uganda, sure, they have stupid anti-lgbt laws because they have a large population of fundamentalist christians. Anything else? Russia? Yeah, they have some ridiculous anti-lgbt laws based on their orthodox christian lunacy too. We're talking about religious based lunacy here. I'm just saying this before we start bringing China and North Korea to the mix.
No thanks, I will continue to use other examples as a counterpoint, the question you should ask yourself is why do you want to ignore comparisons?
I'm not "ignoring" anything. I've addressed those examples. This is how I see it:
Me: There's a tornado and these are the problems that have been seen and reported.
You (and and few other people): But look, there's also a whirlwind over there. Why aren't you talking about it.
Me: It seems to me that the tornado is worse and more dangerous.
You: That's a double standard. Why are you ignoring the whirlwind?
Me: Because whirlwinds are not as crazy and don't affect as many people.
You or someone else: *posts another whirlwind*
Me: sigh
See what above, you haven't answered my question at all?
Yes I did. You skipped it and replied to the sentence bellow it:
You: "Remind me again how the world ended up with religious extremists in the likes of Saudi, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan?"
Me: "By having a religion that implies, or demands depending on the interpretation (this problem again) conquering, expanding and total dominion over everyone."
If you have a religion like that, you'll end up with religious extremists in the likes of Saudi, Iran, Iraq and Afeghanistan. You're only focusing on these 4 because those are the countries involved in wars with western states recently.
But there are others, with the same laws and beliefs, impacting many millions of people, especially girls and women, of course: Pakistan, Qatar, UAE, Kwait, Egypt, Lybia, Algeria, Somalia, Sudan, Mauritania, Nigeria, Malasya and Indonesia, and others.
All these have Sharia as the law of the land (Nigeria, Malasya and Indonesia only in parts of the country). All of them can stone an adulterer to death or lashing someone who doesn't dress like the law demands. All of them condemn gays, atheists and apostates to death or emprisonment. All of them can cut your hand for a robbery, if they so desire. All of them riot if criticism of Islam is made public. Some of them have or have had periods of blocking internet to content they deem anti-islam. Some of them have banned books about religion, politics or other subjects not allowed by Sharia. You'll find recent examples from all of this on google.
I'm not talking about the 15th and 16th Centiry either, are you under the impression that the indigenous populations of South America (feel free to add in Central and North America and Australia as well) have parity?
I don't even know what's the purpose of that question, to be honest. What does parity (in numbers I suppose) have to do with religious motivated lunacy. Are you saying that, because they were fewer in number, they couldn't possibly retaliate, today, say, in the middle of Paris or London or Sidney (since you brought up Australia)?
Ah so because they are not exact parallels then they are not valid, got you!
Hmmm... If you have a patient with pneumonia and one with a constipation, who will you focus on first? They may be a consequence of the same thing, and may lead to the same death, but they're not the same.
Once again why are you limiting the impact to Europeans?
"This notion that, if there's a problem and someone points to that problem, they're somewhat complicit with other problems that exist because they're not talking about all the problems in the world at the same time, even if they're not equally severe."
And see above for the several times I've stated peaceful muslims are the primary victims of this lunacy.
How? It's not the state, based of an extremist view of a religion, forcing millions of citizens to obey. That shaman dude I saw, was living in a very small village and he wasn't forcing other people to do the same. It looked like what we would be doing some thousands of years ago. I looked it up and they're called the
Aghori. They're a small population (70.000) with stupid, backwards beliefs and behaviours. From what I've read and watched though, they don't impose it on anyone else, don't practice violence and don't have a system of law to judge non Aghori people. Which means, they're one of the craziest religious groups on the planet but they keep it private, don't proselytize. Most Hindus don't really like them.
But not in Bangladesh (according to your own sources data) - well until you apply a different standard to it in comparison to the country directly below it.
The reason Bangladesh was so high up on this study is because it has female leaders since the 80's. I don't believe having a man or a woman as president mens the country gets better or worse. It's the politics those men and women implement. And when you look at the politics and the progress, you see that Bangladesh is not above the US in anything, even if the US is pretty low compared to pretty much every other western country, in basic social matters like health and education.
Ah you think cherry picking a single religion allow you to absolve other religions of extremism! Its a brave, but ultimately flawed argument to take.
"Absolving" is a brave word to use too. I'm not absolving or dismissing anything. I've addressed it multiple times. What do you wan't me to do? Say some of these lies:
All religions are equal.
All religions allow violence in the exact same numbers today.
All religions fuel violence for the exact same reasons.
All religions have the same impact in governments around the world.
All religions are equally bad at every single point of the past and present.
All religions give motives to ban, kill, arrest people for imaginary crimes or criticism.
All religions preach peace and peace only.
None gives any reason for any believer to be violent.
Well, you won't lead me to say that because all of that is false. Just put Jainism and any abrahamic side by side and compare them on any of these points.
You didn't address the point I made btw. Are fundamentalist jains (or even normal jains) violent in any way? If not, why?