Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
I'll let you know if I've been threatened with violence. Until then, the picture stays up unless a mod asks me to spoiler or remove it. Its source is the very wiki article you posted. I've no desire to invest in any provocative t-shirts though.Monty Python's Life Of Brian is as much of an example as I need.
Oh that's nursery level stuff compared to this :cheers:
Religion is not like food. Religion is a drug. Perhaps - perhaps - some religions are like marijuana, but I'm going to stick with opiates for most of them. Other religions are like crack or fentanyl.

You're welcome to ingest whatever intoxicant makes you feel good, even if it kills you.

You are NOT welcome to make others ingest your drug of choice, or tolerate your presence while you're using.
Ah, I was using it as an analogy in a diff context. Strawberries undoubtably do less harm than burgers, but they each have different characteristics. You'll feel more full with a burger, say, or it makes you feel better.

Religion in this way can affect people/societies like that. Look at what Christianity (more specifically evangelicalism) is doing this election cycle. Bahai concepts wouldn't guarantee that it wouldn't develop similarly if it got into a position of strength, however its embrace of the other religions is a buffer. The Abrahamic ones are very supremacist by design, and we're seeing it play out in the Mid East with the tribal nature spreading across the world.
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I have a very angry view of Islam, wouldn't you? Why not?
I have no issue with any religion. People are free to believe what they want. From a point of personal experience all the Muslims I’ve interacted with have been fantastic and wonderful people. Warm, caring and generous.

They have views which clash with my own of LBGTQ+ people. However we work along side many different people. Would it surprise you that my good friend who I’ve worked with on the daily for the last 8 years or more has gay friends in work and on social media along with his family and friends who are out in Pakistan. At no point have those people we worked with ever been on the end of a religious rant about what is correct in their eyes etc.
It's like you didn't experience the Qatar World Cup
Sorry but I don’t watch football. It’s not my bag as they say. I did a quick Google and while it’s a shame a Muslim country is still behaving in this manner to minorities etc. it’s not unsurprising and given how hardline some countries can be, especially when religion is involved.

This isn’t specific to Islamic Nations though.
Ah, the algorithm strikes again.
Not sure what that means. Is AI running Law enforcement?
Not in my case.
That’s great to hear, nothing worse than getting wound up, when a simple self awareness and human kindness can mitigate it.
Sorry but I don’t watch football. It’s not my bag as they say. I did a quick Google and while it’s a shame a Muslim country is still behaving in this manner to minorities etc. it’s not unsurprising and given how hardline some countries can be, especially when religion is involved.
Theocracies are horrible.
Not in terms of the headline-grabbing backlash to it at the time. See also The Last Temptation Of Christ.

The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ

I doubt this book received the backlash of the two movies I mentioned.
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If my friends wanted Mohammed to not be depicted in any way, shape or form, surely as a none believer it’s my responsibility to not do that? Isn’t that what being a good friend, neighbour or human being is?
Because as a religious law, that's a rule for them, not for you, or any other person in the world that doesn't worship said warlord.
Because as a religious law, that's a rule for them, not for you, or any other person in the world that doesn't worship said warlord.
As a decent human being though, why would I won’t to cause upset to people for no reason?

If I had a reason to depict Mohammed then I’d have no issue. Context has a huge impact of the where and why I guess.

doubt this book received the backlash of the two movies I mentioned.
Probably not. They were before the book and times and attitudes have changed quite a bit since.
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As a decent human being though, why would I won’t to cause upset to people for no reason?

If I had a reason to depict Mohammed then I’d have no issue. Context has a huge impact of the where and why I guess.
You should generally treat people with courtesy, yes.

That doesn't mean that people get to force their version of acceptability on you.
You should generally treat people with courtesy, yes.

That doesn't mean that people get to force their version of acceptability on you.

I agree, with you 100%, at no point should anyone force anyone else to accept anything. Especially things like religious doctrine.
As a decent human being though, why would I won’t to cause upset to people for no reason?

If I had a reason to depict Mohammed then I’d have no issue. Context has a huge impact of the where and why I guess.
I just find that the whole beauty of non-belief is complete exemption from rigid laws and moral standards that religions like to enforce.

While drawing Mohammed is something most people would have to go out of their way to do to begin with (and probably wouldn't show it off much in public anyway), I'd find it iffy to unconditionally agree to such a demand as it could embolden more of the same down the line that would start affecting daily life, like "don't consume alcohol or pork because it also goes against my standards and I just decided it offends me the same as Mo cartoons".
That doesn't mean that people get to force their version of acceptability on you.
What constitutes force here? @Sprite didn't imply as much, but would individuals conditioning association on adherence to standards, however arbitrary (like not depicting Mohammed or consuming alcohol or pork), and terminating association on noncompliance constitute force? Why or why not?

I will say I have no strong desire to depict Mohammed (I'm not a fan of pedophiles), but I do drink. I've actually opted to not drink in others' presence, only it was due to acknowledgement of and respect for their recovery efforts rather than any specific delusion. Now if I want to eat pork and someone asks me not to eat pork or they'll cease association with me, well...bye.