Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
How many people kill in the name of atheism (and specifically that)?

Communist Soviet Union, Communist China, and Communist North Korea were or are officially atheist states, I believe. Unfortunately, I'm unaware of exactly how their executions and other executive and military actions are officially sanctioned. But I know the religion of North Korea especially is tightly tied to the actions of the state, and the duties of its military officers, soldiers and citizens. If you were to scratch a North Korean peasant, I suspect that underneath you would find a grumbling animist.
Communist Soviet Union, Communist China, and Communist North Korea were or are officially atheist states, I believe. Unfortunately, I'm unaware of exactly how their executions and other executive and military actions are officially sanctioned. But I know the religion of North Korea especially is tightly tied to the actions of the state, and the duties of its military officers, soldiers and citizens. If you were to scratch a North Korean peasant, I suspect that underneath you would find a grumbling animist.
Being an atheist state is one thing (and certainly in the case of NK you could argue that the cult of personality applies to the same degree of a religion), however that's quite a way from killing based on atheist dogma (mainly because no such thing exists).

These killings were almost entirely based upon maintaining control of the state rather that some fictional atheist dogma.
Well I hope you don´t think I used this as an argument to convince my adversary here. No, I know that´s not going to happen. Please don´t think I would want to try to evangelise here, I really don´t. Read the words good "... I just wouldn´t want to miss it" I wasn´t talking about my own confidence in God, had I sayed "I don´t want to miss it", your point would be understandable.

This is what you said earlier:
As a Christian, of course, I want everyone to be saved. If there is the possibility that the concept of getting saved and live on in the presence of God, I just wouldn´t want to take the risk to miss it. If it´s wrong, well I haven´t really lost anything.
I read the words well. If you hadn't added that last sentence, and your use of the English language had been a little less flawed, I might have accepted your argument. Yes, I trust that your confidence in God is strong and that you no longer have to use the concept of better safe than sorry. But, given the fact that you were not born into a very religious family and you converted at a later age, gives me reason to believe that that very concept has been used on you (or even by yourself to convince yourself about your choices) more than once and that it is so ingrained in your mind that just keeps popping up. I believe you when you say that you are not preaching (not on purpose anyway).

Don´t worry, my confident in God is strong, I have no doubts about His existance or that the bible is the word of God (I have only doubts about the correct translations and canons in some bibles).
I don't get this, what kind of omniscient and omnipotent god would allow anyone to mis-translate His Word?

Ok, you think that about 2 hours a week is a time that when I sume it up at the end of my live I might have wasted it in church instead of doing something else or play with my children? Seriously? Most other Hobbies are more time-consuming than that, so with every Hobby I have I have lost that time for my children. 2 hours isn´t much, IMO and the rest of the time in reading and studying, at house circles etc. my children can still be with me. I can lay the book aside at any time to play with my children.

You missed the point entirely, so your "seriously?" is understandable. This is what I said:
... especially when one is so deeply religious, that his/her entire life revolves around it. From having wasted time in church, where you could have enjoyed your hobby or playing with your children, to the extreme, by having taken someone's head for merely having another or no believe.
This was not intended to be indicative of your life, or have you actually taken someone's head? (of course not). I merely gave a range of religious activities from the innocent (going to church) to the extreme (killing in the name of god). We're still talking about what you said when your religion turns out to be flawed: "I haven´t really lost anything". But I'm taking this a bit broader to any religious person of any religion (so not just you and yours). There is lot more that people only do because of their religion, like growing a beard, wearing a burqa, take away women's right, not using of electricity, go to war, reject evolution theory, the stances on abortion, gays, euthanasia, singing gospels, mass healing, refusing to vaccinate children. Shall I go on?

Good we are getting back on the actual topic. You must understand I can not put all religion under one lid like you guys, I must seperate more, so, Islam. No I don´t think in Islam you have a "better save than sorry concept", fundamentally, to minister is the least important way of spreading the religion, there is a tendency today though, were more and more minstry is done from Muslims, it would apply to them, sure but thats a very new trend and not fundamental in Islam.
Sorry, impossible that Catholic doctrine is right, that would mean, most importantly, that Mary was a intermediary, and I covered that already in earlier post, there´s only one verse in the Bible necessary to clearly refute that.

About Jews, they aren´t really wrong. How can I put that understandable? (I probably can´t) .... The concept of grace through faith has worked for people in the OT, it´s not a protestant invention. But, the Jews missed the Messiah, they are still waiting for him. Messiah will come again, some Rabbis even state that there are two comings of Messiah, a suffering- and a triumphant Messia. Prophecy says they will seek Messiah when they come home to their land from the scattering (Not from Babylon, from all over the world), so before they had a problem with Messiah (they rejected Jesus), but seek (an awakening) him at the end. Their chance to convert is far higher than that of a european Catholic, that doesn´t mean that there aren´t any Catholic converts (praying to Jesus only, not to Mary). In the west, there is no awakening, instead a great apostasy, as Jesus foretold.
I feel perfectly well in my "version", as you call it.
You missed the point. Again. I used those few well-known religions just as an example, there are so many many many more religions. I understand that there are even hundreds (of not thousands) of variations of the Christian religion alone. What can possibly make you so confident that you are following the right one, out of all those others? When you were in the process of being converted, did you consider all of them? All of those hundreds/thousands of other religions? There are billions of people who will say that you are as wrong as I am in your/my believes. Why not start playing it safe again and start praying to Allah, Shiva and Zeus too? (I know that you and your kind see this argument as some kind of atheist joke, but it is not intended that way).
I'm late to this party, but I'll throw my basic opinion in: I think Islam is now where Christianity was 500 years ago. Backwards, averse to science because of the danger it poses to their religious political power, and striving to expand further in the world in order to project that power. Both Christianity of 500 years ago and Islam today thrive on keeping their believers uneducated, fanatical, and under control.

I can only hope that in another 500 years, humanity has rid itself of this self-imposed curse that we call religion.

Which is ironic because 500 years before that, the Middle East was a hotbed of scholarly activities and science; at that particular point in time places such as Iraq and Persia were not theocracies and were open to new writings and ideas, while Christian folk were busy slaughtering the native populations of Celtic and Nordic Europe in the name of 'the good lord'.

Unfortunately for Arabia, they began to take their religion a bit more seriously and have sadly never looked back. For Christian Europe, once the enlightenment happened, science, liberty and knowledge has flourished and rejection of orthodox dogma is one of the greatest things to have ever happened.
This is what you said earlier:
I read the words well. If you hadn't added that last sentence, and your use of the English language had been a little less flawed, I might have accepted your argument. Yes, I trust that your confidence in God is strong and that you no longer have to use the concept of better safe than sorry. But, given the fact that you were not born into a very religious family and you converted at a later age, gives me reason to believe that that very concept has been used on you (or even by yourself to convince yourself about your choices) more than once and that it is so ingrained in your mind that just keeps popping up. I believe you when you say that you are not preaching (not on purpose anyway).
I don´t want to use my flawed English as an excuse. It can cause misunderstandings between us because 1. I can´t express myself the way I could in my own language and 2. I could miss your points, from not understanding your syntaxes. Unfortunately I also don´t have the time I would need to avoid both problems.

No, I don´t think the concept of "better safe than sorry" was used on me (or by me), not even once actually. I have always been a person that would question everything and I think that that is actually the reason it took me so long to find God. I have struggeled with Him and went through a lot of pain in questions like the apparent cruelty in the OT, I had read the Talmud and (Bible-)commentaries without getting an answer. It was eventually a discussion with an atheist, who used similar argument as are used here aswell, that made me look deeper into the text and listed all the apparent contradictions, mistakes and flaws. To find out there are answers to all this. Let me give you one example, many people think the New Testament has a contradiction about the exact time Jesus was cruzified. Mark speaks about the third hour, but John about the 6th hour when Jesus was before Pilate. Mark wrote in the Jewish times of day, while John wrote in the Roman times of day. The Passover is in the jewish month of Nisan so the third hour could be about 9am (3rd hour jewish / 9th hour roman). Just one example to tell you it were those kinds of things, I could go on with prophecy and such, that "convinced" me.

I don't get this, what kind of omniscient and omnipotent god would allow anyone to mis-translate His Word?
I have to turn that argument around, given that the masoretic hebrew text and the over 5000 NT manuscripts have survived so long is astonishing by itself. But findings like the Qumran scrolls show the masoretic text is authentic, and is an even more old fashioned writing style than some of the writings of Qumran (the jewish sect that lived there have probably tried to modernize the text). And to have that many NT manuscripts from that time is extraordinary if you compare to Plato (7 manuscripts) or Ceasar´s Gallian war (5 m.). It´s logical there have been made mistakes in translations, but since there are so many manuscripts still here, it is known and gets more and more accepted that the majority text is the one to go. That´s why bibles like the KJV, which used the majority text, are getting more and more popular even among catholics and other denominations.

You missed the point entirely, so your "seriously?" is understandable. This is what I said:
This was not intended to be indicative of your life, or have you actually taken someone's head? (of course not). I merely gave a range of religious activities from the innocent (going to church) to the extreme (killing in the name of god). We're still talking about what you said when your religion turns out to be flawed: "I haven´t really lost anything". But I'm taking this a bit broader to any religious person of any religion (so not just you and yours). There is lot more that people only do because of their religion, like growing a beard, wearing a burqa, take away women's right, not using of electricity, go to war, reject evolution theory, the stances on abortion, gays, euthanasia, singing gospels, mass healing, refusing to vaccinate children. Shall I go on?
Please don´t :D I would start to discuss every single subject with you, why they grow a beard, why they wear burqas but fight for their rights relying on Hadicha. Why I wouldn´t go to any war, am against abortion, don´t have nothing against homosexuals, why I condemn any euthanasia, why mass healings are unbiblical etc.

You missed the point. Again. I used those few well-known religions just as an example, there are so many many many more religions. I understand that there are even hundreds (of not thousands) of variations of the Christian religion alone. What can possibly make you so confident that you are following the right one, out of all those others? When you were in the process of being converted, did you consider all of them? All of those hundreds/thousands of other religions? There are billions of people who will say that you are as wrong as I am in your/my believes. Why not start playing it safe again and start praying to Allah, Shiva and Zeus too? (I know that you and your kind see this argument as some kind of atheist joke, but it is not intended that way).

In the process to my conversion, yes, I considered every other Christian teaching! I already posted about my knowledge of the Qur´an, I considered that aswell.

Tribal religions are indeed interesting, the "Karen" in Thailand and Myanmar have a teaching about how "Ywah" or "Eevah" is the one creator god and that he once sent a flood which few survived, then he scattered the people to all over the world and give them different languages. And they say how their tribe once had a book, but the ancestors lost it. Sadly, the Karen were all analphabets, still today many of them are. Similar things are known from chinese tribes, in Africa, South America. I just find the similarities interesting, that´s all.

Why not praying to other gods too? Because I don´t believe they are more than wooden or stone statues or figures, cubes or whatever. I don´t believe in their existance because they haven´t send a book which contains prophecy like the weeks of years of Daniel, that are precise and proven to be written before the events happened. A Qumran scroll of Isaiah, pretty much complete, same content as the masoretic text of the Tanakh (OT) dated back to the 2nd century BC, and has prophecy about the Messiah in it that Jesus clearly fulfilled much later, anyone can see the scroll and read it on the website of the israeli Museum. If another religion could bring me anything that comes only close to that, I would have to look at it. Only, there is nothing like that.
A Qumran scroll of Isaiah, pretty much complete, same content as the masoretic text of the Tanakh (OT) dated back to the 2nd century BC, and has prophecy about the Messiah in it that Jesus clearly fulfilled much later, anyone can see the scroll and read it on the website of the israeli Museum. If another religion could bring me anything that comes only close to that, I would have to look at it. Only, there is nothing like that.
One observation on this is that is relies on the NT being 100% correct, and as its the only source of 'proof' that the prophecy happened that a bit of a problem.

Using the NT to prove the OT is unfortunately not going to convince a lot of people, me included. You see Jesus didn't 'clearly' do anything (unless you blindly accept the NT as 'proof' on its own) as the only source of proof you have is the NT itself. Without independent evidence Jesus didn't 'clearly' do anything.

As for Daniel's 70 weeks of years, its a rather blatant case of a prophesy not fitting the evidence so lets 're-interpret it'.
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Communist Soviet Union, Communist China, and Communist North Korea were or are officially atheist states, I believe. Unfortunately, I'm unaware of exactly how their executions and other executive and military actions are officially sanctioned. But I know the religion of North Korea especially is tightly tied to the actions of the state, and the duties of its military officers, soldiers and citizens. If you were to scratch a North Korean peasant, I suspect that underneath you would find a grumbling animist.
What I can tell about USSR is that it was a secular state, where the Constitution guaranteed the separation of church and state. It never had state atheism (like Albania has today), unlike the English Wiki page says.
However, the religion was prosecuted by the authorities before World War II, especially in the '30s (the demolition of Christ the Savior Cathedral in 1931 was the most significant event). But during the WWII and after it, the religions never were struggled anymore.
One observation on this is that is relies on the NT being 100% correct, and as its the only source of 'proof' that the prophecy happened that a bit of a problem.

Using the NT to prove the OT is unfortunately not going to convince a lot of people, me included. You see Jesus didn't 'clearly' do anything (unless you blindly accept the NT as 'proof' on its own) as the only source of proof you have is the NT itself. Without independent evidence Jesus didn't 'clearly' do anything.

As for Daniel's 70 weeks of years, its a rather blatant case of a prophesy not fitting the evidence so lets 're-interpret it'.

How about Josephus as independent evidence?

70 weeks of years...

The only thing blatant is this hilarious interpretation by the wikipedia authors, very amusing.

1 year-week = 7 years. 7x70=490 years

Decree for the rebuild of Jerusalem (Neh.2) (month of) Nisan 445 BC

Jesus appearing as Messiah (anointed one) Palm Sunday (Joh 12) Nisan 32 AD (15th year of Tiberius [Luke 3,1] Tiberius from 14 AD; 15+3 [Luke 13,6-9] = 32 AD)

7+62 year-weeks = 69 year-weeks

1 year-week = 7 years of 360 (!) days (Rev 11,2-3; 1260:3,5=360)

69x7x360d = 173.880 days

1. Nisan 445 BC = March 14th 445 BC
10. Nisan 32 AD = April 6th 32 AD

exactly 173.880 days between the two dates

The prophecy goes on, there is a time X between the 69th and the 70th year-week, the 70th hasn´t begun yet.
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How about Josephus as independent evidence?
He wasn't born until 37AD and his references to Jesus (two in total) were written around 93 to 94 AD, oddly he made no reference to him in his earlier works.

He was neither a contemporary of Jesus, nor eyewitness and as such its not evidence of Jesus fulfilling prophecy at all.

70 weeks of years...

The only thing blatant is this hilarious interpretation by the wikipedia authors, very amusing.

1 year-week = 7 years. 7x70=490 years

Decree for the rebuild of Jerusalem (Neh.2) (month of) Nisan 445 BC

Jesus appearing as Messiah (anointed one) Palm Sunday (Joh 12) Nisan 32 AD (15th year of Tiberius [Luke 3,1] Tiberius from 14 AD; 15+3 [Luke 13,6-9] = 32 AD)

7+62 year-weeks = 69 year-weeks

1 year-week = 7 years of 360 (!) days (Rev 11,2-3; 1260:3,5=360)

69x7x360d = 173.880 days

1. Nisan 445 BC = March 14th 445 BC
10. Nisan 32 AD = April 6th 32 AD

exactly 173.880 days between the two dates

The prophecy goes on, there is a time X between the 69th and the 70th year-week, the 70th hasn´t begun yet.

You totally and utter missed the point on that one.

When you have a source that has to change the prophecy to try and make it fit (oh no god didn't mean that - what he means is this - an angel told me he was wrong - honest) it undermines the claim to a very large degree. When you have to 'cut and paste' facts to try and make the data fit the prophecy it undermines the claim to a very large degree. When you still can't make the data fit and you then have to say 'its not quite finished yet, just wait for this to happen, then your both cherry-picking and mixing it with hindsight and it undermines the claim to a very large degree.

When your doing all three (which is what is happening here) you are deeply into the area of utter nonsense.
...It was eventually a discussion with an atheist, who used similar argument as are used here aswell, that made me look deeper into the text and listed all the apparent contradictions, mistakes and flaws. To find out there are answers to all this. Let me give you one example, many people think the New Testament has a contradiction about the exact time Jesus was cruzified. Mark speaks about the third hour, but John about the 6th hour when Jesus was before Pilate. Mark wrote in the Jewish times of day, while John wrote in the Roman times of day. The Passover is in the jewish month of Nisan so the third hour could be about 9am (3rd hour jewish / 9th hour roman). Just one example to tell you it were those kinds of things, I could go on with prophecy and such, that "convinced" me.
All of this? (just did a little Google)

I have to turn that argument around, given that the masoretic hebrew text and the over 5000 NT manuscripts have survived so long is astonishing by itself. But findings like the Qumran scrolls show the masoretic text is authentic, and is an even more old fashioned writing style than some of the writings of Qumran (the jewish sect that lived there have probably tried to modernize the text). And to have that many NT manuscripts from that time is extraordinary if you compare to Plato (7 manuscripts) or Ceasar´s Gallian war (5 m.). It´s logical there have been made mistakes in translations, but since there are so many manuscripts still here, it is known and gets more and more accepted that the majority text is the one to go. That´s why bibles like the KJV, which used the majority text, are getting more and more popular even among catholics and other denominations.
In my book, a god would make sure that its texts are 100% accurate and that there cannot be any debate at all. We're not talking about politics here, where a majority can be enough.

Please don´t :D I would start to discuss every single subject with you, why they grow a beard, why they wear burqas but fight for their rights relying on Hadicha. Why I wouldn´t go to any war, am against abortion, don´t have nothing against homosexuals, why I condemn any euthanasia, why mass healings are unbiblical etc.
Some of these subjects do deserve their own thread. And I always love the double negative. ;)

Why not praying to other gods too? Because I don´t believe they are more than wooden or stone statues or figures, cubes or whatever. I don´t believe in their existance because they haven´t send a book which contains prophecy like the weeks of years of Daniel, that are precise and proven to be written before the events happened. A Qumran scroll of Isaiah, pretty much complete, same content as the masoretic text of the Tanakh (OT) dated back to the 2nd century BC, and has prophecy about the Messiah in it that Jesus clearly fulfilled much later, anyone can see the scroll and read it on the website of the israeli Museum. If another religion could bring me anything that comes only close to that, I would have to look at it. Only, there is nothing like that.
You will find that (some) Muslims also believe in the prophecies in their holy book. If I'm not mistaken, there is even some discussion on that in this very thread. Why are they wrong about theirs and you right? And another question: Why were you looking for god? Your search sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me.
He wasn't born until 37AD and his references to Jesus (two in total) were written around 93 to 94 AD, oddly he made no reference to him in his earlier works.

He was neither a contemporary of Jesus, nor eyewitness and as such its not evidence of Jesus fulfilling prophecy at all.
Why is it odd Josephus didn´t mention Him in earlier works?

All contemporaries and eyewitnesses who wrote about Him, their writings are in the biblical canon. The one who made research to collect statements from other eyewitnesses, his writing is also in the biblical canon.

You totally and utter missed the point on that one.

When you have a source that has to change the prophecy to try and make it fit (oh no god didn't mean that - what he means is this - an angel told me he was wrong - honest) it undermines the claim to a very large degree. When you have to 'cut and paste' facts to try and make the data fit the prophecy it undermines the claim to a very large degree. When you still can't make the data fit and you then have to say 'its not quite finished yet, just wait for this to happen, then your both cherry-picking and mixing it with hindsight and it undermines the claim to a very large degree.

When your doing all three (which is what is happening here) you are deeply into the area of utter nonsense.

The one(s) who had to change the prophecy to try and make it fit his/their view is/are the author(s) of the wikipedia entry.

from the article:
After the 62 sevens the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed" (verse 26). The ruler "will confirm a covenant with many for one seven, he will put an end to sacrifice and offering, and at the Temple he will put up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him" (verse 27). This is a broad outline of the oppression of the Jews by Antigonus (the "ruler who will come")
*[Wrong: it´s "the people of the ruler who will come" which means the romans who destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple 70 AD, Vespasianus, the emperor wasn´t in Jerusalem, he was in Rome.]
and his allies the Hellenizing Jews (the "many" with whom he "will confirm a covenant")
*[Wrong: "the many" is always a term for the people of Israel; all tribes combined, that can never be only hellenized Jews especially not at such an early phase.]
, from the murder of Onias the high priest (the "anointed one" who is "cut off")
*[Wrong: the "Anointed One" is a term for the Messiah, which is Jesus Christ]
in 171 BCE, to December 168, when sacrifices in the Temple were ended and replaced with a pagan altar, the "abomination that causes desolation".
*impl. by me

The (almost) correct exegesis is even mentioned in the same article:

I hadn´t noticed that before, if I did it would have spared me to translate everything from my german source into English (if I had just copy/pasted it, the part of the post would be in German :boggled:

The data does fit, no matter how you try and fight it. "Utter nonsense" or not, when you hear about a new Temple being built in Jerusalem (and in a way they are already preparing that) you might want to think back on this here. Now don´t come with self-fulfilling prophecy theories on this, the Jews in Israel do want a 3rd Temple but they certainly don´t care about fulfilling this prophecy.

All of this? (just did a little Google)
My list was certainly somewhat smaller than this. Shall we go through every point? :D

In my book, a god would make sure that its texts are 100% accurate and that there cannot be any debate at all. We're not talking about politics here, where a majority can be enough.
Exactly what Mohammad must have thought!

Some of these subjects do deserve their own thread. And I always love the double negative. ;)
Haha, sorry about that. I have nothing against homosexuals, of course.

You will find that (some) Muslims also believe in the prophecies in their holy book. If I'm not mistaken, there is even some discussion on that in this very thread. Why are they wrong about theirs and you right? And another question: Why were you looking for god? Your search sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me.

Hmm, I post the question in the 'Do you believe in God' threat about prophecy in the Qur´an, the guy I asked answered "What do you mean?". I haven´t read all of this thread, though. Only prophecies I´m aware of all concern the paradise ...

If I explain a prophecy that is still ongoing, like the seventy weeks of years, and talk about actual events that will happen like, here on earth, is something different to a prophecy about a life after death. I doubt anyone can decide to just die and simply come back to see if he can prove or disprove that. Even if someone claims he did that, we would all have to be able to do the same in order to see it for ourselves... anyone like to try?

Oddly, the Hadiths are pulled forth when Muslims claim prophecies, there is something about how women will be dressed unaccordingly and arabian cities will have buildings so high they reach the sky (something like that)... ok, but women have dressed sparsely and high buildings existed before this was written. Another one says the sun will rise in the west and that animals and objects will start to talk.

Search for God - self fulfilling prophecy:

Well if the initial thought was, i must find my god, and eventually found it at some point, one can call it self-fulfilled.

But it was, can there be a god or not? Starting from a neutral point, and most of the time in my life I was agnostic and had periods I defiened myself atheist. In Kuwait, I read the Qur´an and had, logically, talked to many Muslims, but never really became religious. That was before the debate with the atheist, (still good friend of mine) which I talked about in a former post.
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The heady, intoxicating fragrance of Scofield Zionist Dispensationalism! Beautiful, carefully tailored lies.
Why is it odd Josephus didn´t mention Him in earlier works?
Given that all his works cover the history of Judaism its a pretty big miss.

Apparently Christianity was so important that Jesus gets two mentions and John the Baptist one in his entire body of work.

Oh and contrary to your claim not a single word of what he wrote substantiates the claim that Jesus's prophecies were 'clearly' achieved.

At best the following can be taken from his work, that a man called Jesus existed, that he was baptized and then crucified, nothing more and nothing less (and even that is not universally accepted).

All contemporaries and eyewitnesses who wrote about Him, their writings are in the biblical canon. The one who made research to collect statements from other eyewitnesses, his writing is also in the biblical canon.
Citations please.

The one(s) who had to change the prophecy to try and make it fit his/their view is/are the author(s) of the wikipedia entry.
And still you miss the point by a mile.

The initial Prophecy (from the book of Jeremiah) was re-written in the book of Daniel. Hence:
"When you have a source that has to change the prophecy to try and make it fit (oh no god didn't mean that - what he means is this - an angel told me he was wrong - honest) it undermines the claim to a very large degree."

Nothing in Jeremiah mentions an interrupted period of time, and at best (and its a stretch) Daniel hints at it. Hence:
When you have to 'cut and paste' facts to try and make the data fit the prophecy it undermines the claim to a very large degree.

When its still not finished and your already declaring it as a proven prophecy then:
When you still can't make the data fit and you then have to say 'its not quite finished yet, just wait for this to happen, then your both cherry-picking and mixing it with hindsight and it undermines the claim to a very large degree.

Which in closing leads to:
When your doing all three (which is what is happening here) you are deeply into the area of utter nonsense.

What astounds me the most is that the second its a prophecy from another faith you engage critical thinking, but Jewish/Christian ones get the most absurd of passes.
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My list was certainly somewhat smaller than this. Shall we go through every point? :D
I know that there are Christians who are afraid to look into these contradictions. Afraid because of what they might lose if these were to take away their faith, things like their current social life and family. They prefer ignorance over uncertainty. I don't think you are like that and should be quite willing to look into a few of these (alleged) contradictions and provide your opinion on them. But I encourage you to have at least a look at all of them, so you can better understand why some of us claim that the Bible is full of contradictions.

I would say that Jesus' last words before he died, are pretty important, so can you at least comment on these:
MAT 27:46,50: "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, eli, lama sabachthani?" that is to say, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" ...Jesus, when he cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost."

LUK 23:46: "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit:" and having said thus, he gave up the ghost."

JOH 19:30: "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished:" and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost."
Translation errors maybe?

If I explain a prophecy that is still ongoing, like the seventy weeks of years, and talk about actual events that will happen like, here on earth,...
Why would you even bring up a prophecy that has yet come to pass? It only has meaning to a person who believes the words to be true, but to an atheist or even someone from another religion, it is totally meaningless. I ask you to explain why it is meaningless to us.

Search for God - self fulfilling prophecy:
Well if the initial thought was, i must find my god, and eventually found it at some point, one can call it self-fulfilled.
But it was, can there be a god or not? Starting from a neutral point, and most of the time in my life I was agnostic and had periods I defiened myself atheist.
Yes, that was a good starting point and indeed, that makes it a not self-fulfilling prophecy.👍

When you found god, did you also turn into a creationist, or even a young-earth creationist? And why, or why not?

Saying a religion is responsible for terrorism is kind of stupid in my opinion.
Killing in the name of religion happens a lot more often than killing in the name of atheism.
Yes but that's like saying, I'm killing in the name of ponies. Do we generalise that to all people who like ponies?

Be careful when using the word ponies! :P

But anyhew. Religion causes a lot of problems around the world. Atheism doesn't seem to have that stigma.

Has anyone ever been killed in the name of I DONT BELIEVE IN A GOD!!! ?
Be careful when using the word ponies! :P

But anyhew. Religion causes a lot of problems around the world. Atheism doesn't seem to have that stigma.

Has anyone ever been killed in the name of I DONT BELIEVE IN A GOD!!! ?

You could say that Hitler did as he wanted nothing but a pure race of people who were white, blond and blue eyed. He also opposed the churches at the time.
You could say that Hitler did as he wanted nothing but a pure race of people who were white, blond and blue eyed. He also opposed the churches at the time.

First part of your post doesn't involve religion what so ever.

Him opposing Christianity does. They stood in the way of him gaining absolute power. But as a proper dictator he praised them in public. But that still doesn't say that Atheism drove him to kill everyone. His racial profiling did. He saw white, blond, blue eyed people as the master race. And that has, again, very little to do with religion.
First part of your post doesn't involve religion what so ever.

Him opposing Christianity does. They stood in the way of him gaining absolute power. But as a proper dictator he praised them in public. But that still doesn't say that Atheism drove him to kill everyone. His racial profiling did. He saw white, blond, blue eyed people as the master race. And that has, again, very little to do with religion.

The point being, if a Jewish person fitted the Aryan race would they be kept alive? No, no they would not.

End of the day, killing people and claiming to do it in the name of something or not still makes you a terrorist.
Let's take a look at a well known figure such as Obama, Obama said that he wanted to extend his arms out to the middle east and stop all war and conflict between them. So then why did he, just 2 days into his presidency drop bombs over the youths in Pakistan? Goes to show that not all terrorists wear a turban and run around mountains.
The point being, if a Jewish person fitted the Aryan race would they be kept alive? No, no they would not.


End of the day, killing people and claiming to do it in the name of something or not still makes you a terrorist.
Let's take a look at a well known figure such as Obama, Obama said that he wanted to extend his arms out to the middle east and stop all war and conflict between them. So then why did he, just 2 days into his presidency drop bombs over the youths in Pakistan?

Obama goes to church.

Goes to show that not all terrorists wear a turban and run around mountains.

No one said that.

Obama goes to church.

No one said that.
I guarantee I could find you a quote of someone saying that.

Obama goes to church, what does that justify? I can go to the synagogue, does that make me Jewish? I can go to the mosque, does that make me Muslim? I can go to the Church, does that make me Christian?
I guarantee I could find you a quote of someone saying that.

Don't bother.

Obama goes to church, what does that justify? I can go to the synagogue, does that make me Jewish? I can go to the mosque, does that make me Muslim? I can go to the Church, does that make me Christian?

I sense a bit a rage against Obama here. Calm down a bit and let's talk about Islam.
Not all muslims are terrorists. Nor are all other religious followers. So we can skip that now.
Don't bother.

I sense a bit a rage against Obama here. Calm down a bit and let's talk about Islam.
Not all muslims are terrorists. Nor are all other religious followers. So we can skip that now.

I'm not Anti-Obama or anything I just used him as an example of a Athiest Terrorist justifying the picture I posted earlier. I could give more examples if you wish.
I'm not Anti-Obama or anything I just used him as an example of a Athiest Terrorist justifying the picture I posted earlier. I could give more examples if you wish.

You missed my explanation. Bare with me here.

Plenty of wars started in the name of "insert deity of choice here". Plenty of bombs have gone of in the name of "insert deity of choice here".

How many of those examples can you find in the name of atheism?

Obama is a terrorist is what I am saying.

You missed my explanation. Bare with me here.

Plenty of wars started in the name of "insert deity of choice here". Plenty of bombs have gone of in the name of "insert deity of choice here".

How many of those examples can you find in the name of atheism?

Trying to generalise an act of terrorism to atheism is virtually impossible to due the vast number of sub groups that are present within atheism.