He didn't? Who's been bombing Gaza for the past years? Who's been pumping 33 times more opium out of Afghanistan since 2007? That would in fact be Obama.
Opium production boomed after the Taliban were driven out because A.) it's a lot more cheaper to produce that than other crops and B.) poverty begets desperation.
The Taliban themselves were involved in the opium trade for the vast amount of money they can rake in. Now with them out of the way, with a government in Kabul that's as useless as a broken toilet, and a US populace that is more or less forgetting that we have fought a war there for over a decade, the plight of the average Afghan farmer is not going to be heard over the Sochi Olympics.
It's sad that the same farmer cannot also afford to bring his crops to market because transportation is not available or provided to them, whilst drug cartels are more than happy to provide transportation to market.
Yes, America has a hand in this, but a very indirect one. I have a very hard time seeing Obama signing paperwork and giving orders to Afghanis to grow more Opium. If Afghanis are anything, it's that they are very resilient and will oppose the foreigner to the bitter end. Alexander the Great saw that same resilience. So too the British. And now we are.
And Obama wasn't sworn in until 2009 by the way, so if you want to direct any criticism for the year 2007-2008 send it to George W Bush.
Obama being a terrorist is also subjective matter. To us he's our president, but to others, such as yourself, he's a terrorist. Likewise, Osama bin Laden was a terrorist, but to others he was a hero resisting the American infidel.
In short, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Now as for religion causing much of the world's problems, I can say yes it has, but it also inspired many people to do great things in this world too. For some reason people forget about Mother Theresa*, Pope John Paul II*, Gandhi, Muhammad Yunus, etc. and their accomplishments when it comes to this argument.
I can't say that it is religion alone that drives man to kill man. If religion didn't exist I'm more than certain that man will inevitably find other reasons to kill and maim the other. Politics, economy, nationalism, philosophy, and maybe even love for a woman. Man is just a creature that can be very violent.
Edit: Let's put an asterisk next to Mother Teresa name, after seeing what Scaff, Carbonox, and Liquid said about her. Same goes to the Pope I guess.
Replace her with Martin Luther King Jr if you prefer. Replace the Pope with Slash if you prefer. Sa sa sa SLASH!!!