Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
Well, I included that there because Christianity has caused a lot of problems, and has far too strong a hold on western civilisation today, but upon revision Christianity and Islam may be equally big issues with the world today.
Though I do get the impression that everyday garden variety Christian might say "KKK? No, utterly horrific, and not right", while everyday garden variety Muslim might say "Al-Qaeda? No, utterly horrific, and not right. Although..... ".
Though I do get the impression that everyday garden variety Christian might say "KKK? No, utterly horrific, and not right", while everyday garden variety Muslim might say "Al-Qaeda? No, utterly horrific, and not right. Although..... ".
What do you mean with the although?
Though I do get the impression that everyday garden variety Christian might say "KKK? No, utterly horrific, and not right", while everyday garden variety Muslim might say "Al-Qaeda? No, utterly horrific, and not right. Although..... ".
The KKK and Al-Qaeda are not the cores of the problems.
I work with some muslims they have their pros and cons. The biggest cons are obviously when they pretend to use religion and/or skin color as a lame excuse to do what they want. But they realized it doesn't work with me. :)
I work with some muslims they have their pros and cons. The biggest cons are obviously when they pretend to use religion and/or skin color as a lame excuse to do what they want. But they realized it doesn't work with me. :)

If you were a woman probably you couldn't say the same.
Well, I included that there because Christianity has caused a lot of problems, and has far too strong a hold on western civilisation today, but upon revision Christianity and Islam may be equally big issues with the world today.

Your right they are both as bad as each other. I think the islamists are a bit more extreme. They take your life if you oppose them. The Catholic Church only takes your virginity as an altar boy then try to cover it up.
They force them to undergo female circumcision. It is utter lawlessness. Insufferable.

That's more of an African phenomenon that's not shared by the rest of the Muslim world. Even I'm grossed out by it. As for women being treated like turds, well that's been going on since man started agriculture. It's sad to know that the Prophet's first wife was the one who financially supported him, since she was a business woman and as such held much of the power in their household. Unfortunately, those two pages of the history of Islam are stuck together, and what we see right now is culture influencing religion, but with an ironic twist with the culture saying it is following the religion. It's the culture that accepts such ill treatment that needs to change. Islam doesn't really condone violence against women. People like to say "oh it says men are allowed to beat her" and yes it does but they also forget that Islam also said to beat them with only a feather. It's sad to see other Muslims forget that part too.

The yahoos that go around doing this and that under the pretext of Islam, simply don't know what the Hell they are talking about. Likewise with Malaysia. Allah simply means God in Arabic, and in reality does not really have a specific name. Arabs since and before Muhammad referred to God as Allah before but now it's an issue?
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The yahoos that go around doing this and that under the pretext of Islam, simply don't know what the Hell they are talking about. Likewise with Malaysia. Allah simply means God in Arabic, and in reality does not really have a specific name. Arabs since and before Muhammad referred to God as Allah before but now it's an issue?
It's only an issue right now because they need something to divert the attention from all the corruption that's going on. ;) And the sad part is that it's working, the ignorant masses buy into all this nonsense, corruption gets swept under the rug. And the beat it goes on and on and on.

It's so easy to control people with religion. Feels like I'm living with idiots over here.
As Hitler once said. "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future."

Translation: Pretty much drum your beliefs/religion into them early and you can control them. once you have a brainwashed society of hate the infidel it a pretty big downward spiral from there on out. Also with their high birth rate average 7.1 children per family or something its sad to know eventually there will be more muslim extremists and they will/could be a superpower in the future. Not looking forward to that.

I must stress that most muslims are fine and law abiding citizens i am soley talking about the extremists here.
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As Hitler once said. "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future."

Translation: Pretty much drum your beliefs/religion into them early and you can control them. once you have a brainwashed society of hate the infidel it a pretty big downward spiral from there on out. Also with their high birth rate average 7.1 children per family or something its sad to know eventually there will be more muslim extremists and they will/could be a superpower in the future. Not looking forward to that.

I must stress that most muslims are fine and law abiding citizens i am soley talking about the extremists here.
Big overstatement, at least for European countries.

And mostly those doomsday theories have their flaws because in Western countries, Muslims' fertility rates are actually decreasing towards the magic 2.1 number, after which the population no longer replaces itself. Despite that, something should obviously be done about their kids' education, because any number of radicalized fundie youngsters is unsustainable.
Indeed, women are still treated like s*** by them.

Depends on country. Saudi Arabia for instance are a lot more restrictive with womens rights than Iraq for example.

They force them to undergo female circumcision. It is utter lawlessness. Insufferable.

Not every country, and not in arabic ones.

Big overstatement, at least for European countries.

And mostly those doomsday theories have their flaws because in Western countries, Muslims' fertility rates are actually decreasing towards the magic 2.1 number, after which the population no longer replaces itself. Despite that, something should obviously be done about their kids' education, because any number of radicalized fundie youngsters is unsustainable.

So muslim automatically equals "radicalized" now?
I don't dislike American Muslims as they are a minority and I do not have anything against minorities as long as they do not tell me how to live my life. I would have a problem if US Muslims attempted to enter government and institute sharia law but this does not seem very likely at all much like space aliens aren't likely to invade.

US conservatives on the other hand want to institute some biblical law (old testament) certainly and throw gays in with bestiality, pedophilia, polygamy, etc, etc. Numerous examples of this exist among conservative hate groups, conservative writers, "expert contributors", and even some republican politicians themselves. I consider both democrats and republicans in my country to be a threat to my freedoms. I dont plan on moving to the UAE any time soon so their way of government is not a huge concern for my own selfish interests.
Indeed, women are still treated like s*** by them.
Depends on country. Saudi Arabia for instance are a lot more restrictive with womens rights than Iraq for example.
Muslims are very, very different in various places.
In my country (well, in my part of the country), I don't normally hear about Tatars or Bashkirs treating their women like ####. Their women don't wear hijabs or cover their heads with anything like that. They're not even clothed any different from ours. Maybe, in the family, husband has higher authority than the wife. And possibly they have some dating restrictions for young people (no sex before wedding, etc). But nothing more different from a normal Christian or Jewish family. A woman wearing hijab is a rarity in my area (but Muslims themselves are not).

Caucasus region is a bit more complicated though.
Big overstatement, at least for European countries.

And mostly those doomsday theories have their flaws because in Western countries, Muslims' fertility rates are actually decreasing towards the magic 2.1 number, after which the population no longer replaces itself. Despite that, something should obviously be done about their kids' education, because any number of radicalized fundie youngsters is unsustainable.

Fully agree with your last sentence.
Here in MN we have the Somalis , anyways they have caused some trouble crime wise but it's mainly a Minneapolis thing. I see alot of them working in the hospitals as nursing assistants, the medical industry here in MN is very big, probably 60% of people in my town work in the health care field. Salesman go into the medical supplies, engineers work the buildings, etc, etc. Anyways I've met a few and they dont seem bad but of course there's also the Somali crime issue.... Anyways I guess they are Muslims but should I be biased against them personally I dont think so as they are just doing what they've been taught and they seem decent enough people who just wanted to escape and they don't realize they live in a 1st world country that has laws enforced & when people complain to the police the police respond.
I'm Indonesian and i'm Muslim.

In here, its pretty much like in America. Just replace everything Christian to Muslim:sly:

Also, we know that terrorism is actually a sin and we hated them so much for ruining Islam's name. They just thugs with Islam in name only, they just have enough oil to spend on weapon and such.

Also, women rights are even promoted here. They just wear headscarf and thats it. Even if they didnt they just accept it what it is.
I'm Indonesian and i'm Muslim.

In here, its pretty much like in America. Just replace everything Christian to Muslim:sly:

Also, we know that terrorism is actually a sin and we hated them so much for ruining Islam's name. They just thugs with Islam in name only, they just have enough oil to spend on weapon and such.

Also, women rights are even promoted here. They just wear headscarf and thats it. Even if they didnt they just accept it what it is.

That's not a positive thing. :odd:
That's not a positive thing. :odd:
No. But I see many people treat Muslims as entirely different and dangerous groups. While the reality is actually has pretty much the same pros and cons as....every religion actually.
No. But I see many people treat Muslims as entirely different and dangerous groups. While the reality is actually has pretty much the same pros and cons as....every religion actually.

In my opinion, fundamentalists find their actions as justified in the bible/quran as moderate religious people who condemn them. You can do pretty much whatever you want in the name of god or allah and find a justification in the holy book of your religion.

I wouldn't compare the harm that Islam and Christianity have done to the world to a religion like Jainism for example. It's ludicrous. I'm not saying that Jainism is cool. But the "cons" are incomparable.
In my opinion, fundamentalists find their actions as justified in the bible/quran as moderate religious people who condemn them. You can do pretty much whatever you want in the name of god or allah and find a justification in the holy book of your religion.

I wouldn't compare the harm that Islam and Christianity have done to the world to a religion like Jainism for example. It's ludicrous. I'm not saying that Jainism is cool. But the "cons" are incomparable.
But really, when theres is a religion, any of them, some of them are only do it as an excuse for their own or group benefits. They not even religious. I had heard some "fundamentalists" caught up in awkward situations such as when they on prostitution, place all fundamentalists condemned ( i think its from Al-Qaeda ), or caught up in gang wars.

Kinda ironic since most of "Fundamentalists" actions are technically sinful. Thats why even if i religious, i'm staying away from those religious trolls.

Anyway, happy Ramadhan for Muslims out there. May peace brings for entire people whatever the religions are.
I'm Indonesian and i'm Muslim.

In here, its pretty much like in America. Just replace everything Christian to Muslim:sly:

Also, we know that terrorism is actually a sin and we hated them so much for ruining Islam's name. They just thugs with Islam in name only, they just have enough oil to spend on weapon and such.

Also, women rights are even promoted here. They just wear headscarf and thats it. Even if they didnt they just accept it what it is.

Respectfully disagree
Indonesia sometimes have crappy laws like this (ussually just on province level, almost nonexistent in Jakarta though). That kind of law ussually either have a backlash, reconsidered, or even not effective on the process and as a result it never reach the masses. (Indonesia cant jailed or making fun with non-hijabs. That would be violation of human rights even for our constitution).

Though that said, Aceh is the only province to already bypass such a thing. That province is the only one that have ridiculously strict "Sharia" law (their province goverment sometimes made up).