You sound pathetic as much as an average Nichi Vendola comment. Over lame and beyond.
Because clearly wondering about the "how"s and "why"s is
over lame and beyond, Buzz Lightyear. It's far easier to say that "
hurrdurr all muslims are evil" and repeat the same, old, trite words that some moron packaged for you, right? You should really get into politics, since it appears that generalization and exaltation of ignorance are your thing. I reckon you'd probably get into Parliament.
Damn, I should really quit university and become an armchair internet expert in sociopolitical questions such as you. Alas I've already known the wonderous sensation of sometimes using my brain in the pursuit of knowledge, therefore I will have to cease any further communications with you least I end up bursting a blood vessel. So, please, avoid overtiring yourself with thinking of other insults to use towards me, because they will be ignored.
As for Vendola, which is a curious character many here would know: he's a verbose moron who thinks he's left-wing while it would be a compliment to call him a centrist. He also happens to be the only high-profile Italian politician who's a declared male homosexual, which in Italy almost equates to say that you're an extraterrestrial or something - not that the rest of the Western world is much different under that regard, mind you)
Maybe it was a terrorist attack...
Oh, trust me. If it was a terrorist attack rather than the product of good ol' greed an shortsightedness, we would already know.
The investigators working on the case have declared that they currently believe the ferry's vehicle bay was simply too crowded, and that the fire estinguishing system was either not working or simply overwhelmed by the rapidly-spreading fire. But of course, we'll only know more when they'll be able to explore the vessel - and you may even be right. But even if that's the case, it doesn't mean that a)the terrorists must be Muslims and b)that they're linked to the Muslims onboard.