Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
Oh, trust me. If it was a terrorist attack rather than the product of good ol' greed an shortsightedness, we would already know.

The investigators working on the case have declared that they currently believe the ferry's vehicle bay was simply too crowded, and that the fire estinguishing system was either not working or simply overwhelmed by the rapidly-spreading fire. But of course, we'll only know more when they'll be able to explore the vessel - and you may even be right. But even if that's the case, it doesn't mean that a)the terrorists must be Muslims and b)that they're linked to the Muslims onboard.

Hehe that was what I meant. That they are Muslim means absolutely nothing, but such titles do attract the readers...
Another attack in France by a radical.

In Nantes a car drove in people shopping for Christmas. Witnesses say that the guy was screaming Allah Ackbar when he drove into the people. After that he tried to commit suicide with a knife but he failed. 6 people are injured, the perp is also in the hospital.

Peaceful religion my ass. Things are getting seriously out of hand.

George W Bush got permission from God to invade Iraq. Does that make Christianity a violent religion?
George W Bush got permission from God to invade Iraq. Does that make Christianity a violent religion?
If it were happening several thousand times a year, I'm pretty sure most of us would decry Christianity just the same.
If it were happening several thousand times a year, I'm pretty sure most of us would decry Christianity just the same.

Yes because ki

Yes, because killing terrorists, mass rapists, killers and thieves with missiles is the same as blowing up civilians out shopping for socks and rutabagas.

Well, since the US is labelling any male above 150 centimeters in height as a combatant...
Yes, because killing terrorists, mass rapists, killers and thieves with missiles is the same as blowing up civilians out shopping for socks and rutabagas.
If they're being killed without trial, then they are civilians.

As are teenage US citizens, executed by drone strike in a cafe (along with nine other civilians) in a country with which the USA wasn't at war - but it's okay because his dad was a US citizen accused of being a terrorist and executed by drone strike without trial while having breakfast in a country with which the USA wasn't at war.

Ah, but that's good ol' Panarabism more than Islamism. At least the Gulf nations are now just content with striking Israel from their schoolbooks maps. And...

Yes, because killing terrorists, mass rapists, killers and thieves with missiles is the same as blowing up civilians out shopping for socks and rutabagas.

Killing terrorists, mass rapists, killer, thieves (the last three categories being present in every country in the world, and arguably so is the first) and, generally speaking, something between 150,000 and 1,000,000 civilians in Iraq alone. US DoD extimates put the civilian casualties count at 66,000. And according to a Lancet study that I'm quite inclined to consider rigorous in its following of proper methodology at least 200,000 civilians were killed by Coalition forces.

So, if we're having a bodycount contest between the Western world and Islamists groups, I'd say we still have a solid lead, despite the ISIS doing their hardest to bring some precious points home!
These anti-Muslim marches are dangerous territory. I can sympathize with many agenda points stated by PEGIDA, however I will not stand for religious discrimination that far right wings preach. I'm extremely annoyed by the public annoyances that Salafists confront me with and their plans for Sharia-Law to be implemented in German law. Our Grundgesetz clearly states that there has to be a separation of state and religion through its religious freedom clause.

I believe that it is common sense that you try to adapt to and respect the culture of a country you visit or move to. However an increasing number Islamic immigrants try to impose extreme islamistic views onto German society and show resistance to integrate into German culture (such as refusing to learn the language, but applying for social unemployment benefits). Why should German schools be required to teach the Koran and main subjects in Arabic language? Why should foods be sold to conform Sharia-law in all German markets? I don't complains about specialized Islamic shops in Germany or if Mosks are built, just don't force your immigrant culture onto the entire society you try to enter. It is these kind of topics where I shake my head in disbelieve and would join protests.

I don't disrespect Muslims or their religion. The dangers of these protests are that people will generalize all followers of the Koran and discriminate them, which I'm firmly against. There are extremists in all religions and none of the extremist organizations are right. Be it Westborough Baptist Church in the States or Salafists, none of these extremists should get a word in political agenda.
Be it Westborough Baptist Church in the States or Salafists, none of these extremists should get a word in political agenda.
I really wouldn't throw WBC in the same pot with the Salafists, because deep down, they're nothing more than a minor church amongst thousands of others that has, over time, become mere laughing stock. And if anything, WBC has only served to improve gay rights because they've given such an ugly face for the anti-gay crowd.
I really wouldn't throw WBC in the same pot with the Salafists, because deep down, they're nothing more than a minor church amongst thousands of others that has, over time, become mere laughing stock. And if anything, WBC has only served to improve gay rights because they've given such an ugly face for the anti-gay crowd.

Eh. The scale and methods are quite different, but the WBC and the various Salafist "jihadist" groups share many similarities that we shouldn't ignore.

Namely, both are fringe groups that despise anyone who is in any way different from them, that deviates from the standard they believe their god gave them. The main difference stems from the fact that while the former prays that God will kill their perceived enemies, the latter take the matter in their own hands, which makes them infinitely more dangerous.
These anti-Muslim marches are dangerous territory. I can sympathize with many agenda points stated by PEGIDA, however I will not stand for religious discrimination that far right wings preach. I'm extremely annoyed by the public annoyances that Salafists confront me with and their plans for Sharia-Law to be implemented in German law. Our Grundgesetz clearly states that there has to be a separation of state and religion through its religious freedom clause.

I believe that it is common sense that you try to adapt to and respect the culture of a country you visit or move to. However an increasing number Islamic immigrants try to impose extreme islamistic views onto German society and show resistance to integrate into German culture (such as refusing to learn the language, but applying for social unemployment benefits). Why should German schools be required to teach the Koran and main subjects in Arabic language? Why should foods be sold to conform Sharia-law in all German markets? I don't complains about specialized Islamic shops in Germany or if Mosks are built, just don't force your immigrant culture onto the entire society you try to enter. It is these kind of topics where I shake my head in disbelieve and would join protests.

I don't disrespect Muslims or their religion. The dangers of these protests are that people will generalize all followers of the Koran and discriminate them, which I'm firmly against. There are extremists in all religions and none of the extremist organizations are right. Be it Westborough Baptist Church in the States or Salafists, none of these extremists should get a word in political agenda.

Muslim refugees invading Europe is the just and richly deserved punishment you reap by supporting the multiple invasions/interventions of the Middle East, revolutionary "Arab Spring" movements, and the subsequent setting of the entire region on fire.
Muslim refugees invading Europe is the just and richly deserved punishment you reap by supporting the multiple invasions/interventions of the Middle East, revolutionary "Arab Spring" movements, and the subsequent setting of the entire region on fire.
Fortunately for America, there's a great big frickin ocean in between, right? Right?! :P
Fortunately for America, there's a great big frickin ocean in between, right? Right?! :P
It helps. We get to set fires over there, then charge for the fire brigade. LMAO indeed. We get our refugees from Central America.
Muslim refugees invading Europe is the just and richly deserved punishment you reap by supporting the multiple invasions/interventions of the Middle East, revolutionary "Arab Spring" movements, and the subsequent setting of the entire region on fire.
Trolling again, eh, @Dotini?
Muslim refugees invading Europe is the just and richly deserved punishment you reap by supporting the multiple invasions/interventions of the Middle East, revolutionary "Arab Spring" movements, and the subsequent setting of the entire region on fire.

Tell that to the Parisians.

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