Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
Refer back to Famine's post, and then answer again how religious fundamentalism has anything to do with the political left.
What you need to understand is political left is gooing against their own ideals because of couple votes. This is why I'm fed up.

If we want to politically classify Islamic terrorists they are obviously toward an extreme right wing something even worse than Hitler because their animalistic intollerant nature and the total denial of any human rights and freedom of thought. BUT they actually vote left! Because left wing is doing everything to allow mass immigration in western countries with the ONLY purpose to gain more votes, not giving a damn if some of their voters are worse than Hitler. This is the problem.
If we want to politically classify Islamic terrorists they are obviously toward an extreme right wing something even worse than Hitler
Hitler was centre-left. The clue is in the name "Nazi" - or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.

Left/right is fiscal policy only. Fascists can be left wing (Stalin) or right wing (Pinochet).
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Would it be more appropriate to call fascists' economic ideals "corporatism" rather than a subset of socialism?
What you need to understand is political left is gooing against their own ideals because of couple votes. This is why I'm fed up.

If we want to politically classify Islamic terrorists they are obviously toward an extreme right wing something even worse than Hitler because their animalistic intollerant nature and the total denial of any human rights and freedom of thought. BUT they actually vote left! Because left wing is doing everything to allow mass immigration in western countries with the ONLY purpose to gain more votes, not giving a damn if some of their voters are worse than Hitler. This is the problem.

The allowance of mass immigration is a Neo-Lib policy. Virtually all Western governments, whether they are traditionally classed as left or right wing parties, are all Neo-Liberal in their thinking. Neo-Liberal is right-wing libertarian on the political compass.
Would it be more appropriate to call fascists' economic ideals "corporatism" rather than a subset of socialism?
No, because fascists can be left wing or right wing. In fact it's more common that they are left-leaning as left-wing fiscal policy requires a lot of control and legislation, which requires a big state and naturally lends itself to social control as well. Socialism (left wing) in hand with fascism is communism - quite popular in the 1940-1990 period of Eastern Europe. Right wing (conservativism) fascists are less common, but they still happen.
Virtually all Western governments, whether they are traditionally classed as left or right wing parties, are all Neo-Liberal. Neo-Liberal is right-wing libertarian on the political compass.
Very few political parties ever skirt libertarian ideals. Most occupy the somewhat contrary right-authoritarian bracket, so most governments do too - it panders to the majority mindset of desiring freedom while controlling other people who'd only misuse it because they're stupid and thinking that people richer than you should be taxed while people poorer than you shouldn't be getting state handouts.
In other news: Lebanese Porn Actress Provokes Outrage in Home Country After Catapulting to Stardom

Dat Mia Khalifa tho :drool:

She's a nothing that went and got fake boobs in order have some self worth. In other words, there are thousands of girls like that here. But then she went into porn and additionally whored out to the FSU/nationwide frat scene. This is supposed to be an achievement? She's nothing but a sharmuta.


No political party was ever libertarian (unless you count modern Libertarian losers) because all libertarians want is to be left alone. The only people who would go through the trouble of organizing and participating in party politics are those whose ambitions for control extend over the entire population.
@Omnis But still, free country right?

I feel bad that we were having a discussion about islamic terrorism and now we're talking about some whore. This is some kind of Kim Kardashian tactic. Already this whore has attached herself to and profited from the FSU scandal, and now from middle east hatred?

Yes, it's a free country. But we're also free to dismiss disagreeable people or their behaviors. Especially when it's so obvious that they're manufacturing their brand through scandal.
The right-wingers will just throw every Muslim out of Europe regardless of whether or not they are guilty of anything. This will breed more extremism, at which point the right-wingers will do exactly what you have done, and blame the political left for something that the political right did.
It's an older quote @prisonermonkeys, but I was wondering: I consider myself to be a bit to the political right and find your generalization about us a bit offensive. Now that you know that, would you openly repeat the above, or keep your mouth shut? This in relation to your arguments about freedom of speech in relation to the attack in Paris.
The allowance of mass immigration is a Neo-Lib policy. Virtually all Western governments, whether they are traditionally classed as left or right wing parties, are all Neo-Liberal in their thinking. Neo-Liberal is right-wing libertarian on the political compass.
Cameron is left, the actual French president is left, Renzi is left.
It's an older quote @prisonermonkeys, but I was wondering: I consider myself to be a bit to the political right and find your generalization about us a bit offensive. Now that you know that, would you openly repeat the above, or keep your mouth shut?
Yes, I would openly repeat the above - because I know that there are degrees by which people subscribe to the views of the left or the right. You said it yourself: you are "a bit" to the right. Not "a lot" to the right. Once you start moving beyond the people who are "a bit" to the right, you'll find that the views tend to become more emphatic and more intense. Right-wing, conservative voters value tradition, that the old ways are the best ways. Haven't you noticed how the standing majority of people who call for Muslims to be deported are those traditionalists?
Cameron is left, the actual French president is left, Renzi is left.

:lol: Left of Hitler perhaps.

Yes, I would openly repeat the above - because I know that there are degrees by which people subscribe to the views of the left or the right. You said it yourself: you are "a bit" to the right. Not "a lot" to the right. Once you start moving beyond the people who are "a bit" to the right, you'll find that the views tend to become more emphatic and more intense. Right-wing, conservative voters value tradition, that the old ways are the best ways.
Then you should learn to be more specific in your statements. As it stands, I'm still a little offended and that makes you a hypocrite.
Left wing.
David Cameron is a Conservative. That's pretty much right wing by definition - conservatism is right wing.

As said before, left/right is financial policy - socialism on the left, conservatism on the right. You seem to be conflating left/right with liberal/fascist, which is not only actually wrong but misguided too - history shows far more left-wing fascists (or "communists") than right-wing ones.

However, almost all modern political parties are right of centre and authoritarian. Read this and this.
David Cameron is a Conservative. That's pretty much right wing by definition - conservatism is right wing.

As said before, left/right is financial policy - socialism on the left, conservatism on the right. You seem to be conflating left/right with liberal/fascist, which is not only actually wrong but misguided too - history shows far more left-wing fascists (or "communists") than right-wing ones.

However, almost all modern political parties are right of centre and authoritarian. Read this and this.
David Cameron is one that is there with the votes of Pakistani. Nigel Farage represent right-wing in UK.
Left wing. Come on Scaff.
Left of the left wing then.

Nope that still doesn't help or make sense.

The Graphic you posted is a joke.
Then I'm sure you will be able to illustrate your point more clearly to help out

Yes. But also need ideas not only the fiscal name.
Breinging half Pakistan in UK is not exactly n°1 right-wing idea.

No scratch that, its now clear, you're simply making crap up.

Yes because 7% of the UK (a country of 60 million) is half of Pakistan (182.1 million people), of course. :rolleyes:

Actually 1.86% of the UK are of Pakistani origin
Like it or not Marie Le Pen wouldn't allow this crap.


Marie Le Pen also tried to sue the Charlie Hebdo into oblivion. Funny that you should mention her and crap - they go well together, if you know what I'm saying. And yes, our freedoms came at a cost: and that cost was paid by people that were killed for opposing the political ideology the FN champions. True "left wing" (as you'd call them - I prefer the term "libertarian") heroes .

Or, as Stèphane Charbonnier said, "mieux vaut mourir debout que vivre toute une vie à genoux".

In other news: Lebanese Porn Actress Provokes Outrage in Home Country After Catapulting to Stardom

Gee, I wonder how those Islamists found out. Isn't watching porn totally haraam, guys? Somoene should track them down and send them some lube before they get chafing. :lol: