And a similar number of American Catholics supported direct action by the IRA, as such I take it you will be treating all Christians (as you are also incapable of looking at sects in Islam) in the same way.
It also still fails to not that verbal support by a minority does not mean that minority would carry out any action or change that the majority are a problem.
Yes the minority of the minority need to be addressed, but targeting the whole to do that is counter productive.
It would be interesting to compare that with the number of Christians who support the targeting of civilians with drones.
The US is roughly 73% Christian, do the math and it would seem that an even greater number of Christian Americans are in favour of killing civilians if they consider them a potential enemy.
What all of them are saying that?
As I've come across plenty that are not, two of whom were are the sites of the French attacks, one of whom lost his life and the other who saved six people while risking his own.
I've also never said that the problem of free speech isn't something that shouldn't be addressed, nor that any group that suppresses it doesn't need to be addressed.
However to claim that ask Muslims are an issue our that no problems of this nature exist with Christianity or Judaism is both massively inaccurate and absurd.
If you wish to target the removal of rights by religions then do do in an unbiased and accurate way, rather that simply focusing on one and assuming the rest are fine.