Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
David Cameron is one that is there with the votes of Pakistani.
Pakistani citizens cannot vote in a UK General Election unless they are also UK citizens. Like other nations in the world, they're not exclusively left- (or right-) wing either.
Nigel Farage represent right-wing in UK.
He does indeed, because he's a conservative - he was a member of the Conservative Party for a decade before leaving to be a founder member of UKIP, a party of anti-European disenfranchised Conservatives - and conservatism is right-wingness.

Cameron also represents the right wing - he's a Conservative. Miliband's Labour's financial policies are to the left of the Conservatives but still well right of centre. Clegg's Lib Dems are actually marginally more left than Labour, but still well right of centre. In fact if you want to vote for any mainstream party that isn't right of centre, you need to vote Green - and this is alarmingly standard across the world.

What you're doing is conflating "right wing" with "fascist" and I've told you four times why that's wrong. You'd do yourself a favour to read the posts to which I linked you rather than making knee-jerk reactionary statements.

Marie Le Pen also tried to sue the Charlie Hebdo into oblivion. Funny that you should mention her and crap - they go well together, if you know what I'm saying. And yes, our freedoms came at a cost: and that cost was paid by people that were killed for opposing the political ideology the FN champions. True "left wing" (as you'd call them - I prefer the term "libertarian") heroes .

Or, as Stèphane Charbonnier said, "mieux vaut mourir debout que vivre toute une vie à genoux".

Gee, I wonder how those Islamists found out. Isn't watching porn totally haraam, guys? Somoene should track them down and send them some lube before they get chafing. :lol:
At least she wouldn't murder you for a silly cartoon.
Try to do that with your beloved islamic people and guess how it will end.
At least she wouldn't murder you for a silly cartoon.
Try to do that with your beloved islamic people and guess how it will end.

That's strange.

All my life I have been surrounded by Islamic people, and for some strange reason I could make as many jokes about Islam as any other topic.

And unless I don't know I am dead and posting this from the spirit world, there must be something wrong with your statement.
That's strange.

All my life I have been surrounded by Islamic people, and for some strange reason I could make as many jokes about Islam as any other topic.

And unless I don't know I am dead and posting this from the spirit world, there must be something wrong with your statement.
You are a week late for a comment like this.
Didn't you heard about somthing in Paris these days?
You are a week late for a comment like this.
Didn't you heard about somthing in Paris these days?
So that was all the Muslims in France was it.

Could of sworn a few more lived there, dunno what FN have been moaning about if that's the case.

Here is a word of advise, stop with the overblown nonsense, its not doing your attempt to make a point any favours and simply serves to make you look foolish.
Yeah, 🤬 her for taking the more civilized route than the terrorist bruthas.

No, **** her for being supportive of satire and freedom of speech only when it's the politically convenient thing to do. I'm quite sure the dead of Charlie Hebdo would rather die another thousand times than receive the support of fascist hypocrites.

So that was all the Muslims in France was it.

Heh. Poor @HKS racer seems to think that Muslims all share a hive mind or something. What 3 Muslims do is what some 4 million Muslims do. I wonder how he explains the Muslim policeman who died in the attack... Maybe he diverged from the hive mind at some point? Should we dissect his brain to see what happened?
I think he's making progress. Or not.
Progress? Don't you know that progress is the root of all evil? Just look at six years of "world facts"! I don't know what that means, but there are six years of them. Surely there must be something in there to support my argument.
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So that was all the Muslims in France was it.

Could of sworn a few more lived there, dunno what FN have been moaning about if that's the case.

Here is a word of advise, stop with the overblown nonsense, its not doing your attempt to make a point any favours and simply serves to make you look foolish.
A couple of graphics and links are missing but if you stop your "I know everything I'm a Gtplanet moderator and you are a fool" attitude this can be a good read eventually.

7 Reasons Why Islam Is Dangerous

Author: Jason Sutherland, September 6, 2011.
Although this is happening less often these days, I’m still discovering people who feel that all the criticism Islam cops is some kind of prejudice-driven conspiracy to smear an otherwise honourable religion. This week is the 10th anniversary of the World Trade Centre attacks, for anyone remembering this event to still believe Islam is peaceful displays an embarrassing level ignorance and intellectual laziness. I had hoped by now that most people would have found the time to go down to a book store to buy a copy of the Koran or at least borrowed a few books from the library about Islam and read up on it. Alas, intellectual laziness is forgiven in a society that doesn’t appreciate that a human being who is uninterested in the political/social going ons around them is as annoying as that lazy bum at work who won’t do anything. They hold up the political and social development for everyone, not because they’ve got an issue with progress, they’re just too lazy to contribute to the dialogue of progress.

This article is written as a quick reference to use when dealing with people who say things like, “Islam is a religion of peace,” “Islam is a beautiful religion with a noble message,” and “the terrorists have corrupted Islam”. A lot of people would look at a website and be horrified by the way they’re glorifying mass murder yet still, for fear of being called a racist, not allow them to accept this simple fact of life: Islam is dangerous. For these people, and the poor souls who have put up with these people, I have written this article.

1. Taqiyya Means Never Feeling Guilty for Lying

If you only read one section of this article, make sure it’s this one. In Islam there is a concept called “Taqiyya” where it is permissable to lie about Islam so long as it protects the faith or faithful. It comes directly out of the Koran 3:28:

Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah , except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination.

What this passage means is that Muslims aren’t allowed to be friends with non-Muslims unless they intend to exploit them. To fulfill this charge Muslims are allowed to lie about their religion. Strictly speaking this should only mean denying that they are in fact Muslim and pretending to be non-Muslim, however, in practice it means lying about aspects of Islam that upset non-Muslims like: Mohammed was a blood-thirsty tyrant who raped a 9 year old girl and invented the punishment of cutting off the hands and feet of petty criminals. All things practiced by devout Muslims to this day, but importantly, not by any other major religion no matter how poor and uneducated they may be.

What can we conclude from this? We simply cannot trust anything a Muslim tells us about their own religion because they’re allowed to lie about it. What’s worse, any Muslim who says they’re our friend could very well be purposely manipulating us, I know that sounds paranoid, but read what that passage in the Koran that says and keep in mind that the Koran is meant to be the literal word of Allah and cannot be questioned. We all know Christians who take turn the other cheek seriously, you can bet Muslims exist who take this seriously too.

2. Islam = Submission

For those of you who don’t know this, Islam means submission. It’s supposed to mean submission to Allah but since Allah doesn’t speak directly to anyone, not even Mohammed who had the arch-angel Gabriel act as intermissary, no one can be sure what it is Allah wants you to do. Muslims usually point out that the Koran is the literal word of Allah yet completely discount the possibility that Mohammed was 7th century Charles Manson and as such, his recitations of what the arch-angel told him might have been a load of self-serving sociopathic permissiveness. Like how Allah conveniently told Mohammed could temporarily acknowledge and pay his respects to the gods of Makkah and al-Madinah, yup, got to love a guy like Mohammed without the balls to stand up for his own faith. At least in the Jesus story the point is that it is better to die horribly for what you believe in than to tell a lie to save your own skin.

There is also this idea that submission is somehow virtuous, but it is merely temporarily pragmatic in the case of being threatened with violence and cowardly if you have a free choice. Submission is a violent act against the individual. A person who submits cannot agree or offer their advice, labour or company freely, they are compelled to because they have ceased to be an autonomous person but have become a slave. Submission means slavery, as anyone with a knowledge of BDSM knows, they would also know that it is degrading to be treated as such. Yet Islam is a religion that considers owning and dominating people to be virtuous. This opposes everything our culture’s ideal of equal, universal and inalienable human rights stands for. To endorse Islam is to surrender your human rights and dignity.

Allah tells Muslims to submit to his will or he will torture and torment you in the after life for eternity. Don’t be misled, that’s the same thing as me putting a gun to your head and telling you to give me all your money or I would kill you. Be smart, be brave, be proud and don’t submit.

3. Dhimmitude

You can always judge a religion by how well it treats it’s non-adherents. In Islam they have perfected the art of abolishing the dignity of non-adherents. They have developed this concise set of rules:

A. If they are Jewish or Christian, classify them as ‘dhimmis‘ and make them pay a special ‘tax’ (the jizya) to the Islamic endorsed government in return for not being murdered by Muslims. If they do not pay up then enslave, rob, rape and lynch them as you please.

B. If they are not Jewish nor Christian, then enslave, rob, rape and lynch them as you please.

C. If they are atheists. Kill them.

D. If they were Muslim and became apostates then kill them. Kill them now, with scalding water.

So the options are submit (slavery), submit (convert to Islam) or submit (be killed).

Charming religion.

4. Women and Law

There is nothing sadder than a woman defending Islam. This is where the horror of Stockholm syndrome shows itself most chillingly. Because the Koran is perfectly clear on these points:

Men are better than women:

“(Women) have rights similar to those (of men) over them in kindness, and men are a degree above them.” Sura 2:228

Men can have many wives:

“Marry of the women, who seem good to you, two or three or four.” Sura 4:3

Women are worth half a man:

“To the male the equivalent of the portion of two females, and if there be women more than two, then theirs is two-thirds of the inheritance, and if there be one (only) then the half.” Sura 4:11

“Unto the male is the equivalent of the share of two females.” Sura 4:176

Women’s sexuality is wrong and needs to be suppressed:

“As for those of your women who are guilty of lewdness, call to witness four of you against them. And if they testify (to the truth of the allegation) then confine them to the houses until death take them.” Sura 4:15

Selling a wife is perfectly ok:

“And if ye wish to exchange one wife for another and ye have given unto one of them a sum of money (however great), take nothing from it.” Sura 40:20

By now in this piece you should be able to get an idea of how the Islamic legal system calculates the value of individual human lives. If we put this on a table it looks like this:

Islam believes that the value of human beings can be measured
What this table means is that if a man rapes a woman then her testimony in court isn’t enough, realistically three Muslim women need to come forward as witnesses to convict one Muslim man of rape. If the women were atheists, they’d need at least 17 atheist women willing to come forward as witnesses to get a rape conviction on a single Muslim man. If you’re a woman and you’re raped by a Muslim in a Muslim country the consequences for failing to prove a charge of rape includebeing stoned to death for adultery so best not to complain if you’re raped.

5. Muslim Prayer Is Sick

In Christianity one prays for other people or if praying for yourself you pray to a saint to speak to god on your behalf. In other words, if you’re selfless or deserving the Christian God theoretically will listen to your prayers. This idea of prayer is actually almost unique to Christianity, yet Christians or atheists from previous/predominantly Christian societies don’t realise that Christian prayer is very different to Islamic prayer.

While Christians are busy thinking about other people or asking themselves if they deserve to be helped Muslims are praying in a completely different manner. Muslims are praying to God telling God how great, powerful, merciful, amazing, super-duper he is. If you ask me the Muslim God has some serious self-esteem issues if he needs constant reassurance of his omnipotence. If I was a religious person I would be embarrassed that my God needs a pep talk about 5 times to day otherwise he’ll torture me in hell. Psychologically this kind of prayer is deeply disturbing, don’t get me wrong, Christian prayer is bad too, but muslim prayer is borderline psychotic.

Also, Muslims aren’t allowed to pray with their arse facing Mecca because it might hurt their God’s feelings: hence they face Mecca to pray. This is fine since the Koran sees the world as flat. However, the Earth is not flat and consequently their arses, thanks to the Earth’s curve are always pointing to Mecca when they pray. If you want to point out that the curve means they can’t point their arses to Mecca, keep in mind that means they aren’t able to face Mecca when living outside Saudi Arabia either. So muslims fail at prayer and their God is apparently an insecure idiot.

6. Statistically Speaking: the most violent Religion

This is not a joke. This is not misinformation. This is not a lie. These are the statistical facts. Thanks to for keeping a record of as many confirmed Islamic terrorist attacks as humanly possible since September 11, 2001. Their data is not exhaustive of course because it doesn’t contain many attacks because they either weren’t reported or they include honour killings and judical killings like stoning or flogging people to death for petty crimes. However, what this data shows is that far from being a religion of peace, no other religion inspires nearly as much violence and bloodshed than Islam.

This graph shows that not a day goes by without an islamic terrorist attack somewhere in the world. Of course occasionally Christians,Hindus and Buddhists carry out a terrorist attack but in every recent case I’ve come across it was in response to Muslim violence against them. Even the Oslo murderer, who called himself a Christian, said his actions were necessary to fight Islam. Think of every Islamic dominated country and can you think of one of them that doesn’t have a bloody history of late? Besides Indonesia, none of them have a stable democracy, and in the case of Indonesia it’s still a young democracy that’s frequently rocked by religious violence.

Here we have the monthly casualties from Islam. Islamic terrorism has killed 150,000+ civilians since the World Trade Centre attack 10 years ago. The combined number of civilian deaths resulting from theAfghan and Iraq wars is approximately 80,000. Not all of these were killed by westerners either. The biggest difference here is that those 80,000 deaths were all unintended deaths whereas those 150,000+ were all planned, premediated and deliberate cold-blooded attacks on civilians. That’s the difference between accidentally dropping a loaded gun and killing someone and pointing the gun at someone and firing at them. Both are crimes, but the latter is far more serious.

Now, I’m personally against both the war in Afghanistan and retrospectively Iraq, because the statistics show that Muslims are far more interested in killing other Muslims than non-Muslims. Approximately 80% of the victims of those 150,000+ murders were Muslims, because they were the wrong Muslims: Shi’ites, Sunnis, Sufis etc…

Islam is so violent, they kill each other more than their supposed godless enemies. That’s not a spiritually enlightened state, that’s a suicidal and delusional state. A lot more non-Muslims would die, of course, if our police and intelligence services weren’t efficient in western countries. In non-western countries, religious violence doesn’t appear to be taken as seriously by police. This violence isn’t taken seriously by anyone who says Islam isn’t violent. Also, I hope people will appreciate the violence is worse now than it used to be.

7. Terrorists Aren’t Heretics, moderate Muslims Are

By this point in time I hope you’re appreciating that the moderate Muslims are just like the the moderate Christians: they don’t go to church/mosque and they don’t read the Bible/Koran. This is important, the terrorists do read the Koran and follow it faithfully, moderate Muslims by being tolerant to non-Muslims and women are clearly being heretics. The website I mentioned earlier ( goes into great detail as to why Muslims who believe in secularism, democracy and women’s rights are disobeying Allah and the teachings of Islam. These people are Islamic scholars, they are an authority on this subject, not the typical tax-paying peaceful middle-class Muslim moderates you work with. To accept testimony from a moderate Muslim is to accept testimony on how to carry out surgery from a person only trained in first aid.

On a more sinister note: how moderate is moderate? Wikileaks exposed a diplomatic cable that revealed a report suppressed by the UK government that indicated that over a third of UK Muslims in university supported Islamic terrorism. In Pakistan democratic and liberal Muslim politicians are being murdered by their own people for not being Muslim enough. Pakistan now hires foreign mercenaries to protect their MPs because they can’t trust their own people not to assassinate them. Even in the UK, a Pakistani Muslim politician (naturalised UK) was threaten by Muslims for not being Muslim enough. Like Benazir Bhutto, Baroness Warsi is a prime candidate of death by irony.

And so I conclude, Islam is dangerous, and anyone who tells you otherwise needs to read the Koran, read these statistics and reconnect with reality. The sooner Islam is abolished the sooner we’ll have world peace and it won’t be abolished if we don’t recognise it as a problem that needs fixing. So pull your head out of your politically correct arse and reconnect with reality: Islam is a disease, it has no place in a civilised society and it isn’t racist to say such things.

I'm not so sure I agree with your conclusions. But it must be conceded there is currently no strategy to deal with radical Islam. Drone warfare isn't doing it. I believe we must confront the heart of darkness, which is our special relationship with the Sauds and their symbiosis with the Wahhabs.
I was actually going to read your post but after seeing this, I figured I'd ignore your drivel.

The sooner Islam is abolished the sooner we’ll have world peace

So pull your head out of your politically correct arse and reconnect with reality: Islam is a disease, it has no place in a civilised society and it isn’t racist to say such things.

Pull your head out first, and read about how people condone it, and note how it's only a small amount of people who carry out the 🤬 acts like Paris this week.
I was actually going to read your post but after seeing this, I figured I'd ignore your drivel.
Since you fussy for a couple of phrases taken outside its proper context and you find an hard time replying his points maybe you want to read here.

Games Muslims Play by

“If Islam were a violent religion, then all Muslims would be violent.”

The Muslim Game:

Most Muslims live peacefully, without harming others, so how can Islam be a violent religion? If Islam were the religion of terrorists, then why aren’t most Muslims terrorists?

The Truth:

The same question can easily be turned around. If Islam is a religion of peace, then why is it the only one that consistently produces religiously-motivated terrorist attacks each and every day of the year? Why are tens of thousands of people willing and able to cut off an innocent person’s head or fly a plane full of passengers into an office building while screaming praises to Allah? Where’s the outrage among other Muslims when this happens… and why do they get more worked up over cartoons and hijabs?

Rather than trying to answer a question with a question, however, let's just say that the reason why most Muslims don't kill is that regardless of what Islam may or may not teach it's wrong to kill over religion. Most people know deep down that if God wanted people killed for not believing in him, then he's capable of doing the job himself.

Consider that many Muslims would not even think of amputating a thief's hand. Does this mean that it is against Islam to do so? Of course not. It is clearly mandated in both the Qur'an (5:38) and the example set by Muhammad according to the Hadith (Bukhari 81:792). As individuals, Muslims make their own choices about which parts of their religion they practice and which they would rather dismiss under the heading of "context".

Although believers may think or say whatever they want to about Islam, it doesn't change what Islam says about itself. As a documented ideology, Islam exists independently of anyone's opinion. As such, it may be studied objectively, apart from how anyone practices or chooses to interpret it.

The Qur'an plainly teaches that it is not only proper to kill in the name of Allah in certain circumstances, but that it is required. Muslims who don't believe in killing over religion may feel that that way out of ignorance or because they are more loyal to the moral law written in their hearts than they are to the details laid out by Muhammad. Those who put Islam first or know Islam best believe otherwise.

In fact, few Muslims have ever read the Qur'an to any extent, much less pursued an honest investigation of the actual words and deeds of Muhammad, which were more in line withhedonism, deception, power and violence than moral restraint. The harsh rules that Muslim countries impose on free speech to protect Islam from critique also prevent it from being fully understood. In the West, many Muslims, devout or otherwise, simply prefer to believe that Islam is aligned with the Judeo-Christian principles of peace and tolerance, even if it means filtering evidence to the contrary.

It is no coincidence, however, that the purists who take Islam too heart are far more likely to become terrorists than humanitarians. Those most prone to abandoning themselves to Muhammad's message without moral preconception are always the more dangerous and supremacist-minded. They may be called ‘extremists’ or ‘fundamentalists,’ but, at the end of the day, they are dedicated to the Qur’an and to following the path of Jihad as mandated by Muhammad.
Change Islam to Christianity or Judaism, swap around a few quotes for those from the relevant texts and you will be able to produce the exact same thing.

Now keep in mind that what you were actually challenged on was a claim that right wing is actually left wing, that the UK has let in half of Pakistan and that all French Muslims are a problem.

So rather than posting noise that is effectively the Christian rights version of the very thing you are moaning about, how about you actually address what you have been challenged on.

Oh and my mod status is not a factor in you making yourself look foolish, that you manage ask by yourself.
No, **** her for being supportive of satire and freedom of speech only when it's the politically convenient thing to do. I'm quite sure the dead of Charlie Hebdo would rather die another thousand times than receive the support of fascist hypocrites.
Funnily enough, some of the staff at Charlie Hebdo provided artwork for an anti-racism campaign.
It's probably true there are so many millions of Muslims in Europe that they support an effectively embedded Salafist network for the support of terrorist cells. Britain's top spy boss has recently warned that more and bigger attacks are coming. It's said one European national trained in Syria is going to challenge 20 police to track him once he returns to Europe. Now that police as well as Jews and political cartoonists are marked for assassination, every policeman in France has been ordered to delete his profile from social media and to keep his weapons close to hand. Be very glad you're not a law enforcement professional. Those in New York City get so little support from their political boss that they turn their back on him in public, and are, in effect, enforcing a work slow-down. Interesting time are ahead in Europe. The jihadis seem to be succeeding in turning public sentiment against radical Islam, if not Islam in general, and as a consequence, expect to see right wing populists rise in polls and gaining control of governments. As an historical rule, public safety generally trumps liberal idealism. Oh, and it's too late for left-wing authoritarians to save you by stamping out free speech, such as the for-profit operation at Charlie Hebdo. But with the right wingers, you'll at least keep free speech a little longer.
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It's probably true there are so many millions of Muslims in Europe that they support an effectively embedded Salafist network for the support of terrorist cells.

Sorry, you just suggested millions support terrorism?