Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
On what do you base this assumption that every country on the planet would be better off without foreign aid? You don't think the very existence of Israel would be in jeopardy if America withdrew it's military aid?

Do you realize that foreign aid is really nothing but a form of government-to-government bribe and transfer of wealth?

I'll let some of my favorite libertarians further expand on the absurdity of foreign ad ..

Got it, islamic fundamentalism isn't problem until they start cutting heads off or shooting people, it's also fine when they radicalize young muslims and government should totally not give a damn about it. Counting losses.
So how do you propose we "stop" fundamentalism? Arrest people by their religious beliefs or ethnic backgrounds? That sounds a lot like what Canada and the US did during WWII against Japanese immigrants. Yeah, not a good idea.

How do you think crimes like murder all the way to shoplifting are deterred?
So how do you propose we "stop" fundamentalism?
You stop fundamentalism by declaring its priests and prophets to be heretic, and anathema to King and State. And then putting their heads on spikes if necessary. The crowned royalty of Arabia should divest itself of the Wahhabs.
Got it, islamic fundamentalism isn't problem until they start cutting heads off or shooting people...

What exactly is the problem with fundamentalists who aren't committing crimes?'s also fine when they radicalize young muslims and government should totally not give a damn about it.

Over here, incitement to commit a crime is also a crime. I assume you have something similar.

So far it was mostly action - reaction thing.

How do you know this?

The police already presumably deploy more heavily in known problematic areas. Or maybe not since it's dangerous.

So why do they need to deploy even more heavily to known problematic Muslim areas?

like racist or bigot :lol:

I didn't call you a racist or a bigot. Although the comparison was interesting; persecution because of race or gender is socially unacceptable in modern times, but persecution because of religion or culture is still apparently fine.

And who exactly is doing it, I thought we are talking about radical islam, encouraging fundamentalism is not a way forward. Or is it?

No, you just shifted the goalposts. You were talking about implementing measures that would affect all Muslims, not just radicals or criminals.

No, it's bleeding heart if someone jumps to conclusion immediately as someone mention a minorities.

There was no conclusion to jump to. You were pretty clear that you wish to specifically target Muslims and make it more difficult for them to immigrate.

It's not about them being a minority. I'd jump on anyone who suggested the same treatment for Christian immigrants as well. I'm not arguing against your proposals because they're part of the Muslim minority, I'm arguing against it because they're part of the human majority.

again? ... bleeding heart

(btw. is this really abuse phrase in English language? I feel more abused by his assumptions ...)

Yes, it's using almost exclusively in debate and argument to label someone who is perceived as being overly emotional about political issues.

If English isn't your first language then take a moment and look it up.

I suppose if English isn't your first language you wouldn't have noticed that I phrased my words carefully such that I didn't label you, I made observations about your apparent beliefs. If you want to take offense then so be it, but that's how you appear from what you've said.

If you don't want to appear to be that sort of person, perhaps consider if you might like to re-evaluate your views.

I don't have any moral panic but I'm interested in those numbers, do you have a link?

I don't. You can look them up for yourself, if you're interested.

I just find it interesting that you are comfortable with saying that there's a major problem in Europe that requires urgent attention by the introduction of some fairly major changes to immigration policy. But you don't actually know the scale of the numbers, whether this is a major problem, a minor one, or not a problem at all. You don't know what introducing these major changes would do, if anything. And this despite you having more intelligence than the official government agencies.

Where have you been getting your information from to form these opinions? The news? Are you Edward Snowden?
I had to laught at this, i love the euros but their getting raped and this is how its going to be in every shop around if ya'll dont wake up...:lol: i like the british anglican looking woman with the fair skin hahahah
Remember religion like Islam dont follow race or nationality, so i dont consider myself 'bigoted" or whatever pro islamists would say.

Isn't it funny how one can be considered an apologist for advocating that all people be treated equally, instead of one rule for Islam and one rule for others.
I had to laught at this, i love the euros but their getting raped and this is how its going to be in every shop around if ya'll dont wake up...:lol: i like the british anglican looking woman with the fair skin hahahah
Remember religion like Islam dont follow race or nationality, so i dont consider myself 'bigoted" or whatever pro islamists would say.

Raped in what way? You seem to suggest that religion is of race or colour when that is quite incorrect.

We are awoken, to the fact that multiculturalism may not work in some regards for the countries that Employ it as a measure for integration.

Are you dealing with Islam first hand are or you spewing random opinions informally based on what CNN is broadcasting?

Do you think that Christianity follows race? Because it doesn't. Living in Thailand I've met a lot of Catholics that are native Thais, so clearly it's not a nationality thing or cultural thing.

Waking up to what, may we ask? Radicalism? Fundamentalism? These ideologies have been around for centuries in one way or another. Are you just waking up to them now that it's become headline news?

Please explain, we are curious.
i dont consider myself 'bigoted"
Most bigots think that they are completely justified in their bigotry, and that as a result they are not bigots at all, so you're in good company there. You're not some blistering social critic who speaks a truth that everyone else is afraid to give voice to, however much you might want to be. No, you're just willing to take a dump on a key element of someone else's identity because it's inconvenient for you.

Also, you apparently find rape funny:
I had to laught at this, i love the euros but their getting raped
Which is probably the single most traumatic experience a person can live through.
Local Dutch Socialist Party leader tweets: "Find the differences"

(the tweet has been removed)

Charisma. It's a dangerous thing.

Wilders doesn't have charisma. Neither does Trump. They have populism, and Trump has more than Wilders.

Pictures like that are posted by people who are suffering from mental issues.

Neither one of the blondies are capable of what Hitler has done.
You guys i didnt say i hate muslims, i said i dont feel comfortable living with millions of them from foreign lands to the point that islamic fashion is a new thing.....:crazy: I support some sort of asylum for war refugees, but not amongst the population. 500 rape and violence incidents in cologne have proven that the extreme tolerance merkel shows is too much there needs to be protections for native born citizens of a country these muslims especially from the north african countries are squatters in my opinion, i have a right to have opinions too, it cant all be pro migrant rhetoric. And anyways, europe is teeny tiny, theres not room to house all of war torn populations imo.
Wilders doesn't have charisma. Neither does Trump. They have populism, and Trump has more than Wilders.

Pictures like that are posted by people who are suffering from mental issues.

Neither one of the blondies are capable of what Hitler has done.
This is how you know the politicos have emptied their tanks, they trot out the Hitler comparisons.
You guys i didnt say i hate muslims, i said i dont feel comfortable living with millions of them from foreign lands to the point that islamic fashion is a new thing.....:crazy: I support some sort of asylum for war refugees, but not amongst the population. 500 rape and violence incidents in cologne have proven that the extreme tolerance merkel shows is too much there needs to be protections for native born citizens of a country these muslims especially from the north african countries are squatters in my opinion, i have a right to have opinions too, it cant all be pro migrant rhetoric. And anyways, europe is teeny tiny, theres not room to house all of war torn populations imo.
No, there is always room to receive and house true refugees. All that is missing, is the willingness to do so.

And for crying out loud, do something about your spelling and punctuation. It hurts the eye to read your posts.
There was no conclusion to jump to. You were pretty clear that you wish to specifically target Muslims and make it more difficult for them to immigrate.

Maybe because we are in islam thread, talking about radical islam and how is possible to stop it ... I think there are roots in (political) islamism/fundamentalism, you don't.

It's not about them being a minority. I'd jump on anyone who suggested the same treatment for Christian immigrants as well. I'm not arguing against your proposals because they're part of the Muslim minority, I'm arguing against it because they're part of the human majority.

What a terrible treatment ... cultural courses, language courses which of course should apply to everybody no matter who they are or where they migrate and should help them with integration.

Yes, burqa ban is too much, I think in France they call it ban on "face covering".

And to be clear, I oppose mass immigration as whole, because it increases (already large) population density in Europe, which is not beneficial.

If you want to take offense then so be it ...

No, I don't take offense ... you are just random person on the internet who doesn't know me.

I don't. You can look them up for yourself, if you're interested.

I can't find any trustworthy source. Can you give me source of your data? Please.
I support some sort of asylum for war refugees, but not amongst the population.

We have that in Australia. It's called detention centres. It amounts to basically imprisoning refugees.

It doesn't work terribly well, if we're honest. It doesn't deter people from coming, and a lot of pretty bad stuff happens to people in detention.

And anyways, europe is teeny tiny, theres not room to house all of war torn populations imo.

Not entirely sure if you missed some sort of emoticon to display your sarcasm, or if you're actually serious.
Another thing I would like add about Islam, truth to be told but I think westernized Muslims(main the ones that see themselves as secular/liberal) are equally responsible for groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. In what way? It seem to seem when it come to criticizing western policy in the Middle East its mainly limited to Palestine as oppose to the broader issue of western intervention in the region which doesn't to me as a surprise given the fact that westernized Muslims tend supportive of western policies in the greater Middle East and the repressive regimes, the end result is that groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS can control the narrative.
Another thing I would like add about Islam, truth to be told but I think westernized Muslims(main the ones that see themselves as secular/liberal)...

That's wrong, I think, it's not only the West where you'll find moderate Muslims.

...It seem to seem when it come to criticizing western policy in the Middle East its mainly limited to Palestine as oppose to the broader issue of western intervention in the region...

Again, I think that's wrong. Why would you think critics of "Western Policy" (Muslim or otherwise) limit themselves to Palestinian issues?

which doesn't to me as a surprise given the fact that westernized Muslims tend supportive of western policies in the greater Middle East and the repressive regimes, the end result is that groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS can control the narrative.

Some of that may be right but you're coming out of a couple of incorrect assumptions and ignoring a great swathe of history doing so.
We have that in Australia. It's called detention centres. It amounts to basically imprisoning refugees.

It doesn't work terribly well, if we're honest. It doesn't deter people from coming, and a lot of pretty bad stuff happens to people in detention.

Not entirely sure if you missed some sort of emoticon to display your sarcasm, or if you're actually serious.
English speaking areas outside UK are more conservative, I dont always agree but on this issue we need to have some sort of detention centers, big ones that can house these families humanely but it makes the liberals in my country look bad to support full on integration, they could loose the election over it, and a h3ck of a lot is at stake here in the usa for 2016....anyhow we have problems here and Ted Cruz or some other bible belt thumper is just waiting in the wings, waitin to take over...

I and very few others am aware that democrats are at risk of being a shell party with nothing left if they were to loose the white house.... and as libertarians have little support were staring down the barell at authoritarian conservative rule! I believe its about time the dems start relaxing their big gov positions and also low security positions like scrapping European missile defense!
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That's wrong, I think, it's not only the West where you'll find moderate Muslims.

Like no duh. The point I making is secularized/western thinking muslims are a big part of the problem and why? Because buy large they tend support repressive regimes, regimes that have been hostile to conservative Islamic groups like the Muslim Brotherhood.

Again, I think that's wrong. Why would you think critics of "Western Policy" (Muslim or otherwise) limit themselves to Palestinian issues?

Ask yourself this question, why don't you see many western Muslims(e.g. those living in the United States or Europe) let alone pundits criticizing the wider foreign policy of the west in the middle east? There is a good reason...criticizing western policies would only brand them as Al Qaeda/ISIS sympathizers so the criticism is limited to Palestine alone. On top of that criticizing western foreign policy would essentially mean turning their backs on the regimes they support.

Some of that may be right but you're coming out of a couple of incorrect assumptions and ignoring a great swathe of history doing so.

I know far, far, far more about the middle east and its politics then you might come to know. Ontop of that people other people have very much alluded to the very same arguments..I suggest you read the books of Michael Schruer, Patrick Cockburn and Eric Margolis.
Like no duh. The point I making is secularized/western thinking muslims are a big part of the problem and why? Because buy large they tend support repressive regimes, regimes that have been hostile to conservative Islamic groups like the Muslim Brotherhood.

They "tend to" is a big statement, and one that you should try to prove is right. I think you can't.

Ask yourself this question, why don't you see many western Muslims(e.g. those living in the United States or Europe) let alone pundits criticizing the wider foreign policy of the west in the middle east?

I do though, many. How many Muslims do you actually know, or is it just ones on the gogglebox?

There is a good reason...criticizing western policies would only brand them as Al Qaeda/ISIS sympathizers so the criticism is limited to Palestine alone. On top of that criticizing western foreign policy would essentially mean turning their backs on the regimes they support.

That comes out of your earlier incorrect assumption, I guess.

I know far, far, far more about the middle east and its politics then you might come to know.

Wow. And how many Muslims, just to be clear? I've known and worked with many over the years, I've never met a single one who wasn't entirely normal* and who didn't share the same hopes, fears or simple common sense about the world as any other normal person. The fire-breathing pro-fundamentalist nut-jobs are few and far between. They just make headlines.

*As normal as humans are, of course
I dont always agree but on this issue we need to have some sort of detention centers, big ones that can house these families humanely
Our government insists that detainees of the detention centres are treated humanely. The UN calls it torture. Everything about our detention centres is swept under the rug of national security. They are kept in offshore facilities, do not have adequate access to medical care or legal representation, and are often at the mercy of the locals. The government actively pursues a policy of trying to persuade them of returning to their homelands, and have consciously tried to make the process of getting into Australia so difficult and dangerous that asylum seekers will prefer to stay in war-torn regions at the mercy of the likes of ISIL than attempt the trip. When a (non-government) senator finally got access to one site, she was spied on and subject to a gross invasion of her privacy. Furthermore, the government criminalised the act of whistle-blowing, so if any worker tries to bring the appalling conditions to the public's attention, they face a fifteen-year prison sentence.
Banning Islamic associations and closing mosques is the latest fashion in Paris. 💡
Paris (AFP) - France has banned three Islamic associations which ran a mosque in a Paris area shut down following November's jihadist attacks, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said Wednesday.

The mosque at Lagny-sur-Marne was closed in early December as part of a huge security crackdown after 130 people were killed in a coordinated series of shootings and suicide bombings in Paris on November 13.
Banning Islamic associations and closing mosques is the latest fashion in Paris. 💡
Paris (AFP) - France has banned three Islamic associations which ran a mosque in a Paris area shut down following November's jihadist attacks, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said Wednesday.

The mosque at Lagny-sur-Marne was closed in early December as part of a huge security crackdown after 130 people were killed in a coordinated series of shootings and suicide bombings in Paris on November 13.
Vague article. Was this a mosque that was found to have a stockpile of weapons? If these groups were really radical and calling for all that entails, I don't think I oppose the decision. Will any good come of it though if they only "shut down" the groups, but left the people? I don't think a "radical" idea goes away just because you don't officially recognize the group. They just take it that further under ground. If they were indeed "radical" that is.
Vague article. Was this a mosque that was found to have a stockpile of weapons? If these groups were really radical and calling for all that entails, I don't think I oppose the decision. Will any good come of it though if they only "shut down" the groups, but left the people? I don't think a "radical" idea goes away just because you don't officially recognize the group. They just take it that further under ground. If they were indeed "radical" that is.

The article was vague and your questions are good. Unfortunately, it seems answers are scarce because France is in an open-ended state of emergency, with Draconian and un-transparent steps being taken in the name of public safety.