Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
So... you don't know the extent of the problem, but you know it's big enough to be outlawed?

Frankly, if a fifth of the world is in areas prone to cousin marriage it doesn't matter how "culturally sensitive" a matter it is. If it was a major problem it would be immediately and catastrophically obvious. The reality is that it's not ideal, but on the scale of damaging things that humans do to themselves and their children it barely even registers.
We know it's a problem:

Just like we know Tay-Sachs disease is a problem in certain Jewish communities:

There it is. It's not about cousin marriage or anything related to it. It's about trying to find a sneaky way to define a specific group of people so that you can have an excuse to exert control on their behaviour.
It's about putting in policies to encourage integration.
Yet everyone else are the authoritarian cultists. Huh.
Exhibiting weird, cult-like behaviours.
If you want people to integrate, maybe demonstrate to them that they'll be accepted for who they are instead of coming up with laws to demonise them for things that don't matter. Attempting to strongarm people to marry into another culture to force "integration" is some colonialist cultural erasure bollocks. They're not the problem with integration, you are. And they're right to be scared of you.
Tried that since the 1940s. Hasn't worked.

Only looking at employment statistics you get:



Obviously, you have other markers of integration, and I'd encourage you to read about Bradford's history and current problems.
The irony of using an image of an episode of South Park that was directly critical of certain aspects of Islam appears to be lost on you.
Were they allowed to show Muhammad?
Was the ending speech allowed to be broadcast?
Are those episodes available now?

Like I said, you guys are a bit like the dinosaurs of the internet, which is depressing to see.
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@HenrySwanson - You’ve spent 10,987 words here and have spectacularly failed to clearly articulate your point. As far as I can tell, your talking points are:
  • People should criticize entire religions, not individuals
  • No one ever criticizes Islam as a religion, ever
  • No one should criticize Christianity as a religion, just individuals
  • Or something
You’re like a singer who repeats the chorus of your song a hundred times, but never manages to do it coherently even once.

You need to add in 'you can only judge a religion by its founder, not its history (that this favours Christianity is of course a total coincidence).

Were they allowed to show Muhammad?
Was the ending speech allowed to be broadcast?
Are those episodes available now?
Allowed? Yes.

Did the companies that supply these programmes chose not to show them? Yes, and in the US that's a 1st Amendment right. For someone who wants the UK to adopt it, you sure have a poor understanding of it.

Which is consistent (either by ignorance or design) of your posting on religion. You held up, in an earlier post, Christianity modernisation via the example of gay/lesbian Bishops. What you failed to mention is that one entire branch (and a sizable one at that) denounced this and refuses to do the same (or anything close). Nor did you mention that within the Anglican church, a full half of the church refused to agree with this and to this day refuses to acknowledge it. So at best around 25% of Christianity accepts this. It's a step in the right direction, but a long way from the gotcha you presented it as.
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You need to add in 'you can only judge a religion by its founder, not its history (that this favours Christianity is of course a total coincidence).
Didn't say that.
Allowed? Yes.

Did the companies that supply these programmes chose not to show them? Yes, and in the US that's a 1st Amendment right. For someone who wants the UK to adopt it, you sure have a poor understanding of it.
Matt and Trey were allowed by Comedy Central? News to me.
Didn't say that.
Oh you did, and got into quite the huff about it.
Matt and Trey were allowed by Comedy Central? News to me.
And you have once again failed to understand how the very ammendment you want to make law in England works.

You never specified allowed by who, so I went for the fullest answer, covering both the law and the businesses.
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Hello, First of all, I want to say this. I am 42 years old and I am Muslim. And Islam is not something as everyone knows.

Priority means Islam: humanity and cooperation. It prioritizes the way people get along and live together with other people. If there are 5 families in a neighbourhood, if 4 families have food and 1 family does not have food, all meals are shared equally among 5 families. This is Islam.

When a person or animal falls to the ground, instead of looking at it, picking it up and helping it is Islam.

Respecting every language and religion is Islam. I am Muslim, but I have been to church many times. because they believe in God there. And it doesn't matter, it is Islam to respect people who do not believe in God or religion. Because even if he doesn't know it, it is Allah who created that person.

For example, I am married and I have children, we play games together. I am a healthcare character even in games. When I'm racing GT7, if someone is coming faster than me, I step aside. If that racer is faster than me, he is the one who has the right. Even preventing it is prohibited in Islam.

If you see a rich person and the money he earns is in the right ways, you should say, "May God give him more money, how well he deserves it." But if he is making money through bad ways, it still means may God show him the right way. This is Islam.

What is the place of Islam in the world now? It is a very, very, very misunderstood subject. Islam is not politics. Islam is not violence. Islam is not this visible event. Currently, violence and chaos are being used in the world under the name of Islam. This is so wrong. The whole world sees Islam as violence and conflict.

In Islam, violence only happens in war and only when enemy soldiers fight. Surrendered soldiers are welcomed as guests, not slaves. exists on this date. But that history no longer exists.

In Islam, women are held in high esteem. is not a slave. In Islam, women are shown as slaves who submit to men. But in true Islam, he is the source of joy and the real owner of the house. Women are very valuable in Islam. Animals are very valuable in Islam.

This is the real Islam. Islam is not a state or country. Islam is not a flag. Islam is the way of life. Everything that is said not to do in Islam is either unhealthy or bad. But 90% of the Islamic world does not live this way. It's such a shame and so sad.

**There may be a translation error in my article, I apologize.

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